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Everything posted by Hafnia

  1. I just reviewed the match comments for Palace and Southampton - 2 key games. The comments regarding Lukaku were pretty much summarising that he hadn't controlled a single pass, that he was a waste of space etc etc. I don't fall for this goals per games ratio nonsense - its what you do in the games and the ones where you don't score. Its all very well doing it in fits and starts and getting 2 goals here and there - what do they do when the team really is needing them and we need the ball to stick up front. I observed him closely in a good few games last year and basically whilst he can impress with his dynamic nature "running on the ball" and getting the odd goal, he just really is lacking in areas which forum comments picked up in the above mentioned games.
  2. I'm simply going to draw a line under this one as being - for what he is going to cost he isn't going to offer us what we need. Yes goals he will score, and some will be happy with 15 goals a season, for me that simply isn't enough - cast your minds back to the games where he wasn't scoring - he offers very little else IMO and some comments regarding him justify this. A poor touch and poor ability to find a team mate. If we had the luxury of money then I would get him as a player for the last 20 minutes - where his energy can be concentrated and his size can unsettle defenders.
  3. Because they are the single focal point. Strikers are a different breed, they don't like passing when they can shoot and end up sharing the spoils - if there is only one then it takes away that issue. This season I seen Suarez and Sturridge score very well but in all honesty it wasnt without its problems, the madness is they could have scored more. Biggest example is Rooney, as the single point of focus striker he scored more goals than any other season. Even with Berbatov, Berbatov dropped into a number 10 role.
  4. Lets properly throw our hat in the ring, starting bid £17m to let the player know we mean business and then take it from there. He enjoyed Europe last season and i'm sure he would like to meet up with Kone. I don't like our players getting unsettled, but thats the way other clubs go about it. Monk will look at that money as a means of strengthening their team - £20m will be the magic number I think. Get it done Bobby.
  5. As a lone striker you expect more goals for a team that finishes in the top 6 IMO, last season Berbatov, Lambert, Michu, Benteke scored 15+ playing as lone striker. Fellaini scored 11 goals from attacking mid last year. All I am saying is that 15 goals isn't a massive landmark for a striker especially when the team scored their highest premier league points total. He did well - don't think i'm slating him but he is being vastly over rated and people are using age and 15 goals as some sort of justification. We are talking about Everton spending £20m on a player who has a fair few flaws here.
  6. For me he is the one who I would spend the £££ on, he is the finished article - reminds me of Alan Shearer. Holds up the ball very well, probably the strongest player in the league - look at this link (brilliant) http://talkingbaws.com/2014/02/09/5-examples-of-why-swanseas-wilfried-bony-is-the-strongest-striker-in-the-world/ He has more of leaders mentality - bosses defenders, has pace, can pass well, good touch. For me £20m gets a player who does what it says on the tin - build up play, lone striker, determined, hard working, good in the air, scores goals. With Lukaku if you could gurantee me that he will develop the footballing attributes I would gladly spend £20m but I think the player you see now is 95% of the player he will be at best. For me Bony is the real deal and in a team that generates more chances you are looking at a £40m striker.
  7. I would have loved to have seen the 2009-2011 Louis Saha play in this Martinez set up. If we did it would put Lukaku into a real perspective. I would have backed that version of Louis Saha to net 20 goals+ and get a fair few assists... if we had seen that, then some fans would be far less desperate to get Lukaku. That's the problem, Everton fans have become brain washed into thinking 15 goals is a miracle for a striker to score. Jay Rodriguez scored that for Southampton this season.
  8. The reality is that spurs can't keep a £15m asset on the bench and dictate who he will go to if Dembele wants to play in europe etc.
  9. lets be honest Spurs have a ridiculous amount of options in midfield, they can't keep them all happy.
  10. It invariably means that you end up seeing Paul Inces fat face on Sky every time we play, where he will be using every opportunity to plug his son. Tom Ince comes with the ego associated with top prem players and he is in reality a lower level prem player - for me he is the wrong type of signing. The club has a good crop of young lads coming through who have worked their socks off to get where they are and I don't want this lad giving it the BIG I AM after getting a privledged start because of who he is. In reality he has does nothing.
  11. People going mad for those goals by 21st birthday. He was playing for anderlecht first team at 16 years old and had done 33 goals in 70 odd games whilst still 17... The lad was probably growing pubes whilst his class mates were getting rid of their baby teeth.
  12. Apparently Jags was like a mentor to Stones on the games he was covering Jags injury - he would go into changing rooms at half time to talk him through how he was doing to give advice etc.
  13. This is happening... he was spotted walking into Tantastic sunbed shop to meet Elstone along with Moutinho, Riquleme, Alan Smith and Mikel Forsell
  14. be an awesome partner for McCarthy, with Barkley in front of them would be ace.
  15. I can't see a hat trick against one of the weakest sides in europe boosting his value too much. It indicates that he will be the first choice striker though.
  16. I just wish lukaku was 24,.then we could put all this bollocks about how good he is going to be to bed.
  17. Mirallas, no offence but your opinions related to anything Belgian just takes the piss. Laughable really. Your credibility was teetering low, it's gone rock bottom in your last few posts.
  18. He sacrificed money to make the move happen too... Tit. Sooner or later players will realise that life does not get better after Everton, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Rooney tells Barkley to stay put.
  19. Seriously David Luiz, he's like the player who legs it up the pitch abandoning all duties on fifa when you press that button. Would be good in a 3 man defence or as a DM, never worth that money. Clearly he is though, makes you wonder how much a matured John Stones will be.
  20. I understand what Martinez did at the start of the season, and fully endorse it. He took over a squad of players who never had a recognized striker, as jelavic was litterally suffering the yips after being turned into a zombie by moyes. Alacaraz:- Martinez knew how good he was as a defender and he is a very good defender. Stats prove how effective he was and yes his injuries allowed us to deduce that Wigan struggled when he wasn't fit. Reality is he is a low cost coverage. Robles:- at one stage it was a close call between him and De gea at his parent club. He won an fa cup winners medal, kept al habsi out of goal and cost £600k... Plenty of potential. Kone:- for me I wasn't excited about the signing, yeah he wasn't the free kick taking striker who does over head kicks and all 15 year old kids have pictures on their walls. But in all honesty for what money we had, what we needed he fitted the bill and still will. Good pace, skillful, strong right foot, holds the ball up. He's like the player we all wanted Anichebe to be but moan about because he cost the same as what we sold the other for but he can't be sold for a profit..... Toure:- Errr hasn't cost anything bar wages, let's see after he's had more than 70 minutes. I could mention McCarthy, lukaku, deulofeu, Barry but considering I'm having to argue the toss as to why lukaku isn't worth £20m I think it's safe to say a 3m loan deal was ok business.
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