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Posts posted by J*A*C*K*E*L*Z

  1. Eto would not be my first choice but if its him or nobody id give him a 1 year contact as an extra body. Could just swerve henan and use the money to pay his wages for a year.


    Roberto will bring in a striker before the window shuts im sure.


    I can imagine him waiting till the last day now. Our club seems to love abit of deadline fay action. I think thats probly bills theatrical side coming out haha.

  2. Personally i think it shows a lack of respect to everton what gerry said about martinez. (Even if it is meant to be a compliment to roberto)


    And im personally glad we didnt take him back. We need players in out squad who would die for everton. All gerry ever cared about was .... Gerry.


    Maybe He will come down to earth once barcelona chew him up and spit him back out...

  3. I quite randomly use to be into mexican football and followed a team called Atlas. And when i followed them they had 3 really good young talents... Guardado was one of them. Hugo rodallega was another(who martinez signed for wigan) and also ochoa who had a good world cup with mexico. Strange to see them all grown up.


    Would be good to see him come in and compete with peanuts for a place on that left side

  4. My main worry about the large price tag for lukaku is that it carys a huge weight and i feel people will get on his back when he is having a dry spell or a few bad games.


    When he was on loan it didnt bother anyone but knowing we had spent allmost all of our summer budget and a club record fee on him i think people could get a little less patient with him in the tougher times just based on money.


    That being said i still want him but can still see it being a problem if he comes in for some fans.


    He is meant to join up with the chelsea squad tommorow so id expect developments fast now.

  5. A combination of waiting on players to come nack from the world cup and waiting on new signings has de-railed our pre season abit in my opinion.


    Need to pick things up soon as we cant afford another slow start to the season. Them 3 back to back draws to start last season may of coat us dearly at the end of the season. And that was all to do with the felliani baines saga. Hope the same thing doesnt happen due to the lukaku saga....

  6. First posts today in three years and no explanation Jackelz, where've you been :shaking fist:.

    Haha! I know!


    Not really sure why i drifted away but for the past 12 months i have still read the forum as a guest and only today thought ... Should start posting again. (Getting involved with the lukaku saga!)


    another reason why i acctually started up again was partly to do with yourself. I was truely

    Touched by your thread in the off topic doscussion that i found as i was scrolling around last week when the transfere news was quiet.

    I had goosebumps as i read through each post and am very happy that all is well with yourself. I have very fond memeries

    Of this board and lots of the Posters with with yourself being an integral part of that along with mark.. Licker(bill) mac & aaron i know some of these are still around which is great to see.


    Anyways i plan to stick around now! Good to be back! Hopefully rom will be saying the same thing to everton fc tommorow!!

  7. On skybets official verified twitter it says this.....


    BETTING SUSPENDED on Romelu Lukaku's next club after we have seen a flood of money come in for him to join Wolfsburg!



    Im so confused i dont know whay to think!! It feels like that moment in the films at the train station when someone is running with open arms as if they are going to hug you then they run straight past and hug the person behind.... The person behind being wolfberg :(

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