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Blue 250

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Everything posted by Blue 250

  1. Hey bluepoet! Your posts have been something of a let down!! With a name like bluePOET.....They should be like this! Example:.....I can't see our new stadium at Kirby. ..................Ever being full except for the Derby! ..................The kids from the city will always be red. ..................They need a dam good clip round the head! .................The rs stadium will be just great. ..................A great place for Everton to take three points mate! Come on bluepoet....were looking for that kinda thing
  2. Yeh!...If he'd scored six goals this season they'd be writing about someone else. Come on he's not a ten year old child....HOMESICK!He's an adult doing a very well paid job in a profession that requires you to move all over the country and Europe if he's lucky! I was homesick once....went to sleep at my mates when I was about 10, couldn't sleep and kept crying.....he only lived at the other end of the village Mind you it was the bakery....and there was a rat in the friggin bedroom
  3. Away from home could be a blessing for a team that could do without the pressure of a home crowd getting at them after 15mins!......We should be too strong, even without Arteta and Gravesen.Moyes has another chance to try things......one things for sure, the first name on the teamsheet will be Andy Johnson!Plus surely another run out for Yakubu to try and work on that partnership. Wedensday will be up for this, a chance for their fans to forget their league position and it wont be easy.They will believe we are there for the taking due to the last couple of results.. ..that will be their downfall!!!!
  4. Is there anything in the rule book says we can't have three goalkeepers in the starting line up! Could just solve our clean sheet problem.
  5. It wouldnt do any good for the team sprit! Would the rest of the team have to know?.....We could just say we've sold him Anyway wouldn't just be bad for team spirit.....if they saw you doing that at least three of his team mates would leave very quickly!...........................Hang on a minute <_< Seriously!......Neville,Hibbert and co, are trying.There doing the best they can, every team has some players who are perhaps not as good as say Arteta and his like! If Moyes picks them the least we can do is support them!Sure the fans can have their say, they pay the wages.....but come saturday the eleven that cross the white line for us at least deserve our support. Wasn't Osman outstanding at Aston Villa a couple of seasons ago when we won 3-1? Has Arteta been outstanding in the last few games before he was injured?
  6. i managed to listen to the first 15mins of the second half and we seemed to batter them,then gabby scored on the break and thats all i managed to listen to! The only report I've seen was a short one on the internet match center......it seemed to indicate that we more than matched Villa, but couldn't/didn't put away our chances! So Villa aren't a bad team....and if we were firing at the moment and had a midfield of any use then we wont be far away from a good team...ie matched(so they say) Man Utd and now Villa.....just can't score!....Arteta, vaughan, Cahill and Gravo to come(one day!) plus AJ will score soon and the YAK....Will one day be fit!!......MAYBE A COUPLE OF GOALS IN THERE SOMEWHERE! The same match centre also gave Jagielka only a five....the lowest Everton player, thats what my earlier post was about.......What's he like?...any good?...I haven't really seen him yet.
  7. I keep hearing on here and other Everton forums that Jagielka is playing well and looks the business......But read in the press and other reports that he's short of the mark, and not really looking prem quality? I know he needs to settle in a new team and he needs a chance....but who's right about his present form...Those with Blue tinted glasses or the "experts" of the press?
  8. That's seven straight wins!......Bloody nice habit!!
  9. Here's a tough one!.....How do you motivate a player like Yakubu? When we signed him he was probably already a millionaire......he could play for his country...if he wanted to! Maybe picked up a signing on fee from us......will get a nice fat pay check every week. That pay check arrives on his door step whether he's playing(or going through the motions) on the bench....or not even in the squad! If things went really tit's up for him....and after a short time it doesn't work out for him here, well then comes another transfer....and signing on fee...and a similar pay check else where. The richer a person becomes, surely the more distractions there are.....I'm sure most would agree! I guess certain players will always give 100% no matter how much money they have, people like Stubbs and David Weir who aren't perhaps the best players in the world but do give when asked 100%. So my point was if a player doesn't really want to get on with "the job"....what can you do? Even the likes of VDM are getting paid big money....and rest assured someone will buy him from us....just in case he can get over his problems! Anichebe is young and hungry with a career ahead of him with things to prove, Yakubu on the other hand is maybe not quite so bothered! Yakubu has the pedigree!.....Anichebe has the potential!......Who do you pick? Yakubu=£11 million.....Anichebe=through the youth teams(I think)..so was Vaughan!
  10. A lot of money! It's a big job!!........Looked a huge job after Thursday! Guess a football managers job is like many other careers.....the longer you do them the better you get.The mistakes he's making now will help him in a year or two.
  11. We did have pride but that was stolen away on Thursday. Its up to the team to restore our pride not us to magically pluck it from thin air Go get some pride back lads......(The lads refers to..."The team")...NOT US!
  12. No easy games....as Thursday proved!Aj to take the penalties......and as no one has scored two past us this season, then I think a couple of Hibbert thunderbolts should make us all happy!.......no one more than Hibbert who will probably be just happy to be in the squad. Don't be surprised to see a totaly different Everton to Thursday! Go get some pride back lads!....1-2 Everton.
  13. Last night put me in the mind of when at the kids football,the parents(fathers) play against the boys.....I'm talking u-9, 10's etc.Point being whilst the kids are pretty good the dads should beat them, and whilst I don't remember the kids ever winning, the games usually went along the lines of dads playing like headless chickens and where as they could have just kept their heads and walked the games, the kids often took advantage of the "better"opposition, and let the dads become their own worst enemies. I know it's a strange way to look at it......but then I'm a bit strange. It's football!.....doesn't matter what level, these things just happen. Moyes will be working very hard(I hope) to stop it happening again.
  14. Anyone think taking a penalty is easy?......I don't, not under pressure anyway. I was a center forward and scored plenty of goals, give me a half chance in open play rather than that bloody penalty spot any time! Last night he scored the first(ok, a bit of a blast down the middle).......fate had him take it again(plenty of time to get nervous and feel the pressure), sadly he missed. To take the third one showed the little blokes got guts......sadly the nerves got to him. Aj will score goals, and stick a DECENT forward next to him and AJ's hard work will mean plenty of goals for him.......(is Yakubu decent?..that's another thread) Hibbert, Neville and Carsley!!!.......I just can't understand what's going on! BUT!......I really don't think it's sex
  15. That degenerate ref. screwed up entire game Well if thst's what you think!......I think the ref was average....your team were average.. Everton were poor... If Moyes leans a few lessons from this game, and has a few players fit for the secong leg we will have a bit too much for you!......But good luck and glad you enjoyed your stay.
  16. Derek do you have eyes, well maybe not. moyes needs to go back to preston..... a bad manager.....FOOL hey derek mountfield was bad player for everton aswel bring back beats but its not just one game isit montfield Mountfield was like like a slim white Lescott!.......Yes I would have liked Beattie instead of Yakubu. We will beat them in the next leg!......just!
  17. moyes needs the sack, bring in that jose m. Yeh right.....now get to bed!School tomorrow.
  18. feel like killing myslef right now but know! DON'T!.....You'll miss the second leg.....and we might draw 2-2 and go through on away goals!
  19. I don't mean to rub it in your face people, you certainly know your players much better than I do and I do not dispute to what you have said, but I think that the reason you could not beat Metallist despite horrendous job by the referee (in my opinion) was because we came to Liverpool with nothing to lose. Nobody outside of Ukraine knows our team and nobody really respects us either (just ask that bum referee- 2 penalties, 2 red cards.....are you freaking kidding me?), but that is nothing new. We are not as good as Everton, but we have a lot of heart and I hope we proved it tonight. I hope that the match in Kharkov will show better football than this. I am not predicting anything; I just want to have a fair chance to play Well if you manage to keep all your players on the pitch, and we bring the same team to the Ukraine.....you will get your chance. Credit to your players!How the hell they managed to play without laughing is beyond me! No complaints from me about the ref.....fucked up with the penalty retake,but otherwise he was ok!
  20. were the worst team ever, andy is crap this season, moyes needs the sack. we were robbed and that ref was shite NO........YES(at the moment)......ERM NO(a kick up the arse maybe).....NO... ....NO....!!
  21. Sorry for swearing this much!.... We fucked up the ticket allocation.....the tactics....the match...our reputation!! I'm a pretty big fan of Moyes......but I'm really looking forward to hearing what he's got to say. He owes every Evertonian,espicially those who actually paid to watch, an apology for THAT game! Have we really played well this season except for the Spurs game?
  22. Well poor old AJ went into the game maybe short on confidence......no maybe about it now! First half how many balls were pumped up front!.....and we can't bloody win them even with the overpriced Yakubu. Happiest people tonight......ASTON VILLA.....bet they can't wait for Sunday!
  23. Brilliant!......Fucking brilliant! Clever bloke Moysie....Let them think were shit.....then hit them in the second leg!!!! Lescott,Baines and Yobo.....well played lads! The rest of you.....take a good look at yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. well 35 mins gone and typically inept performance from Everton, no creativity in midfield, little protection for the defence etc. I was hoping McFadden would be in the 'hole' behind Johnson and Yak, but instead he's shoved out on the right wing and facing his own goal all the time. Everton continuously attack down the right with Hibbo's terrible passing etc. What a difference Gravesen would make against these jokers. Yakubu looks so lazy, diving all over the place every time he gets touched as well. Poor so far, against a totally useless team and we still can't pass and move with any success. SPOT ON!! Yakubu......was how much!......mind you Lescott was how much! Baines,Yobo,Lescott....and the odd touch from Ossie, not much really is it? Four words!...Arteta, Gravesen, Cahill and Vaughan......HURRY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. I used to play for a team that every game we played we gave the opponents one or more goals head start.....not because we were sporting......but because we were crap
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