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Blue 250

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Everything posted by Blue 250

  1. I'm happy Gravo's back......he knows what Everton expect of him.Moyes let him leave a couple of years back,and I can see Gravo putting in a good shift for him now! His experence in europe wont be a bad thing either. WELCOME BACK!
  2. Any seen the pics from his unveilling? Fuckinghell the ball didnt half look tiny in his hand in one pic Apparently a very old trick!......Your new center forward........and a size 3 football!! Result Boltons central defenders,both ask Sammy lee if they cam mark Andrew Johnson on Saturday!
  3. lol 2 problems with the picture of Yak and Moyes... 1. Yakubu looks like he could hurt you just by looking at you. 2. The lighting looks all wrong as if Everton have super imposed the image....or is it just my dodgy eyesight? At the christmas party this year owing to the trouble caused last year by gatecrashes... ......Yakubu and Lescott will be meeting guests at the door.......don't even walk past that door if you haven't got a ticket! Also did you notice on the pictuer of Moyes and Yakubu.....Yakubu's right hand is behind the Everton shirt with Moyes'e testicles in them......confirming he WILL be playing at Bolton. Just check Moyes's face.
  4. LOL true but like hes meant to be a good player and just because he hasnt started a game yet we criticise Look at Lescott he was left out for a bit then look at him now! Yep Sorry Heather.....just a little joke I have no problem with the guy.....he needs a chance!Wouldn't it be great if he came good and Fernandes flopped!......or am I asking too much now?
  5. We haven't given him a proper chance yet how can we criticise him! Why!Because we do everyone else......Why should he be different
  6. If we are to progress in Europe, we need to dismantle continental defenses with clinical passing and movement. The up and under is a sign of desparacy and a lack of imagination. I don't think we will see a repeat of the Unsy lob and hope, as it does not become our current team. Don't forget Milan did an excellent job in talking Liverpool out of playing Crouch in the Champons league final........They didn't want Crouch to play,so they took the piss out of Liverpools long ball game......Rafa left him on the bench,and even against a poor Milan side they didn't look threatening untill Crouch came on! The long ball against some of these european teams will work.....trying to pick through their better midfield wont always work!It's an option!......don't be frightend to use it. Liverpool the other night threw plenty Up towards Crouch.....and it works. Yakubu!.......likes to play for teams in Europe!!......WELL,Score loads of goals,as that seems to be the reason for buying you........Then we will keep finishing top 6.......... ...It what's called a win win situation.....IT'S UP TO YOU . Trying to picture an Arteta corner.....Yakubu,Cahill,Lescott and Yobo,surely a good route for a goal or ten!
  7. Just a thought!.....Wont Everton be doing quite a bit behind the scenes to perhaps help the family?And surely all the shirts and boots etc left by the players will be passed on to Rhys's family.Obviously an Everton link to anything that will be arranged through Toffee Talk would be nice.....but perhaps their house will be full to overflowing with Everton items! Ok some have had some nice thoughts on here....and What else could you possibly get?I can't think of anything. I did wonder if we could contact Rhys's brother Owen....on here as he is a member, just to see if he could perhaps come up with something unique about Rhys that you could then use to help select an appropriate item. Happy to donate,please keep us informed.
  8. If Yakubu comes,that in its self will help Arteta! At the moment teams cope withour aimless long balls to AJ or to the(need more experience)Anichebe.Enabling them to watch the Arteta route,as they did at Reading. IF Yakubu does what people expect of him....his power and strength coupled with AJ's speed will cause much more of a problem,thus with a bit of luck Arteta may get that bit more space he needs. Cahill back in the team will also help Arteta......he was most teams enemy number one a while back. Artetas problem just lately is that he is our only major threat....although,Carsley and Neville will battle,opponents don't mind giving them a couple of extra yards whilst keeping tabs with the real creator Arteta. A team with a second forward either Vaughan or Yakubu and Cahill,will see us creating more chances.At the same time Baines and Jagielka settle in to the team.......I think making us a very hard team to beat.
  9. Blue 250


    Aj's chased everything so far this season,was unlucky at Spurs not to get a couple. Goals will come,what he needs is some pressure taking off,a bit better service and a bit of luck. Don't think Bolton will be quite as physical as Blackburn,which will help Osman get into the game more. Usual tight defence,no Goodison pressure and either a new Yakubu or a rested Anichebe,might see us get a narrow win.
  10. hey pompey fan here hope im ok to post here!!! yak is indeed a very lazy player and when he wants to move club he does stop trying and becomes a bit of a burden on the team however when hes switched on he is a quality striker and penaltys well he never misses he will be a great signing for you and will at the very least get 12 premiership goals for you but expect more. Well when the YAK gets here.....lets hope he doesn't pick up the vibes from half of the fans!The pessimism around this place at the moment...and the poor sod will wonder why he ever came to us! Maybe the idea of pulling on the famous Everton number 9 shirt,a fresh start and 35,000 shouting his name could really switch him on!But to be honest he's coming at a bad time.. .....Yakubu I wish you luck!
  11. Nice one dixie_efc.....At last someone who's not going to throw themselves in the Mersey over Fernandes.Good player, but he's gone.As you say it his choice, can't have really wanted Everton.Jagielka does,and Cahill fancies another 5 years of us. Lets see what they can do for us. Cahill AT HIS BEST is more of a threat than Fernandes was,and Jagielka will need a couple of games to settle. Check some posts from way back!....some were calling Fernandes lazy?
  12. Makes where we play and who plays for us a bit meaningless for the moment imo. Nice touch from Rooney. Can't get the link! Did Wayne Rooney do something then?.......Eleven year old Everton fanatic shot walking home from footy practice...in his Everton kit! Few years ago that could have been Wayne Rooney!.....Could have been any Child. Remember watching a film years ago!It was a western with James Stewart.Someone shot and killed one of his sons!......At which point Stewarts character, grabbed the killer by the throat and was about to administer swift justice.......but he stopped short,released his grip and sobbed...."I want you to live!....I want you to live,to be an old man!.....I want you to have a son....like mine......and I want someone to take him from you....like you have mine.....I want you to feel real pain" Does that little killer no the pain he's caused!!Whatever they do to him....it will never be real justice. Hard boys with guns!!Tough boys!.......Brave Boys!! Want to know what real brave people look like .......Take a look at Rhys's family!!
  13. Move on lads!........We've lost players before,we will lose them again. Fernandes maybe didn't want us bad enough....Cahill and Jagielka do want to play for us. Neville and Carsley are far from crap,just neither had a good game against Blackburn(as did a few others). Moyes and Kenwright will be just as sick as us.
  14. If he's gone,he's gone.Nothing you can do about it! Scored one goal for us and at times looked lazy!.......Sure he's a good player,so is Cahill and so will Jagielka be when he settles in.They will help give Arteta the room he needs. We probably need Yakubu more than we need Fernandes!......Both would have been good. BUT "if he's gone he's gone"........If it's red tape you can't blame the Club!
  15. wise up, for us beattie was shite. and had bigger tits than my missus. the important question now is; gorgeous, will you prove this point? PLEASE! WELL!....Not not wanting to cause trouble!But I can infact back up what big gorgeous is saying Though lets be reasonable.....there's no way I have ever actually felt Beatties!
  16. If their(the people who have made the decision)minds are made up,to the extent where a protest wont change anything....what goods a protest,except to cause unrest! Apparently we are the first club to ever ask their fans if they would agree a move to a certain area......Fortunately or unfortunatly depending on which camp your in,the decision has been made! Aren't there still things that could cause the Kirby plan to fall through? I never had a vote....if I had,I like Goodison....even though people keep saying it's falling down!!(I think that's bullshit)....So I may have voted no. I'd rather be top 6 at Goodison than mid-table in Kirby. Were being told that to push for regular top 6/4 we need to move? Thing is protest don't usually solve anything.....unless everyone does it,and the vote proved a lot want to go for the move.
  17. If the Yakubu deal falls through or takes for ages to complete,how will we cope?? Well.....If Fernandes is on board,then he and Arteta will have to supply AJ,McFadden and Anichebe with quality passing.Fernandes can and will shoot from distance and so for that matter should Arteta. AJ wii score with better service and McFaddens goal yesterday was class. Vaughan and Cahill will be back in a month or so. Goals will come,perhaps not loads......but 1-0= 3 points.
  18. Lescott was only on the bench to cover for Baines and Stubbs.Baines has just got over a hamstring,so Moyes wasn't sure he'd make the whole game. It was a risk,that neally backfired. Draw was about right.Blackburn didn't threaten in the second half,and we were on top untill they scored. Maybe with Lescott on from the start,and if we had scored first it would have been a different story. When Fernandes gets here....we must play it through him and Arteta,if that route is blocked then look for Yakubu!
  19. Bill Shankley at times talked a load of shit!But when he said a good big un's better than a small good un's.....he was right!! Blackburn were full of decent/good big un's,who out fought us to be fair. Yobo was good thank God or we would have lost,Lescott when he came on was good, and Baines had a good first game.Osman amd Carsley were out fought. Johnson needs help,and we need Fernandes....who will help Arteta who when he had the ball was again our best player(except for Yobo) Hibbert will I'm afraid need replacing soon if we are to move on(and I'm a big fan of his). Mcfadden did look quite good today,but his service wasn't good. Blackburn.....hard to beat,will be top 7 no problem. With Baines,Fernandes,Yakubu,Vaughan and Cahill so will we!
  20. I think we desperately need a win today or we will have all the doom and gloom merchants chirping off and what has been a relatively good start to the season could soon turn in to a bit of a mini crisis A good win might just get everybody back behind the team and stop all the bickering. Well for a few hours or so at least If we lose today there will be a reason for it!Short on attacking options maybe or whatever! Win,lose or draw remember our best team or squad will probably include,Fernandes, Cahill,Yakubu,Vaughan and a fully fit Baines. Not excuses,but facts. Blackburn are a good test for us....but then so I thought were Spurs. If they want inspiration,check out the family enclosure.there's an empty seat there today.......110%today!! Everton to win a very tight game.
  21. Great OJ......Would just like to say that your family has shown great dignity and strength,during what must be a terrible time. Hope it helps to know people across this country are thinking of you....and your little brother.
  22. your saying Yak is fat?..........NO the man is built like a boxer........I know And if by any chance MR Yakubu,your checking out a few forums from your new club,and reading this thread.........I think you carry that little bit of extra weight.....perfectly!!
  23. I thought one of the main proud boast's from you local Blues is the fact that there are more Blues on Mersyside than rs....or in Liverpool! So that must mean that rs fans that attend home games have to travel! They travel because they come to see the"mighty" "we've won everything" Gerrard inspired luckypool! MY POINT!....IS.What if in the next couple of years under rafa the luck runs out,Spanish imports flop,Gerrard and Carrigher slow down........will they fill a 65,000 seat stadium? After all there aren't many local fans to help them through the hard times. SO,perhaps with Everton's massive local support,who will only have to make the effort of an extra few miles to bulk out the stadium.......What if Everton continue on their current trend of slow improvement,ie league position,quality of squad,good management (Moyes can only get better)......surely Everton could become a team more people are willing to travel long distances to watch.There are plenty of Irish Blues who come over know and again,Blues from the south and(the wilds of North Norfolk....me)other places, who if we improve will make the effort more often.I've got a mate who's seen Everton away a few times over the years.....he's coming to Goodison with me soon for his first home match...because he likes what he see's at the moment,ie a better looking Everton. Success on the pitch will bring the long distance fan in more often....I think!So perhaps will a better stadium.New people will come and perhaps get the Everton"vibe". What we(Everton) don't need are small groups of people staying away to make a point. It will take a few years to move any way! Talk up bad times and problems.....and they might just happen! Talk up good times....get behind Everton......and they might just happen. At least we will have tried to make it work,and that's all anyone can do! PS Still love Goodison!!
  24. Yakubu has a look of someone older than 24!Certainly the waist line looks more like something you'd find on an older man! He makes Beattie look like slimmer of the year!....A lot of fans(myself not included) accused Beattie of being overweight and such......What kind of stick will Yakubu get if he gets off to a bad start? Hopefully the fact that AJ and perhaps in a few months Vaughan can do the majority of the running and work for him,that could leave him with"that"simple task of getting the ball in the net!!.....Guess there wont be too many complaints from the weight watches union! Guess if we ever have to play him as a single front man,those speedy little men Cahill and Osman breaking from a four man midfield might work,leaving Atreta and Fernandes to pull the creative strings. AND on the original subject of his age!....If he is older than 24,and he scores goals so what!
  25. big dunc, hes a true evertonian, love him or hate him..youve got to love his passion for everton MMmm,can remember Big Dunc scoring for Newcastle!.......did he ever kiss the badge? Rooney's much younger,and for that reason alone more likely to act on impulse. He was a young,hot headed scally,with an agent whispering in one ear,well meaning friends in the other......he knew the club he loved was broke,and would never really showcase his talents.The rest is history.
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