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Blue 250

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Everything posted by Blue 250

  1. Im not 100% sure after a 1 year lay off for something i havent done but in saying that I am back! Hello mate!.....What didn't you do?
  2. OK I've been doing some homework on the Russian language and have been able to translate a couple of things,that make pleasent and encouraging reading. For example,the name Leagues leading goalscorer ......... Oleksandr Hladky (Kharkiv 13 goals). Roughly translates to...leading goalscorer...Oleksandr Hladky( Oliver Hardy) His striking partner is one...Stainslav Laurialz(Stan Laurel) Now I don't know about you boys...but with the lads Laurel and Hardy up front! Can't see Lescott and Yobo having a sleeples night before the game.
  3. AJ will score goals!......When he isn't scoring he's creating or making room for others. Most forwards are confidence players,he was bought to score goals he will be dissapointed he hasn't got any yet this season.....but he hasen't played badly,were third and he's just got called for England,so things aren't too bad. Sure he needs a goal,he'll probably pop up with the winner against Man Utd. Gravo's the type of player who will thread the ball through to him also Pienaar,both of those have only just come into the team.......no more wasted high balls at AJ!! At last he may get some decent through balls.....then the goals will come.
  4. I rekon 4-0, I really think are team will hammer them, Donesk or Kiev would have been a totally differant tie in Russia. Dont think these have got much tbh OK!....If this was the case,does anyone think that we should rest a couple of players... ...with extra games and still not a huge squad.For example have the likes of Arteta on the bench just in case we need him,or Yakubu and play Anichebe,with the Yak ready if need be.Would be good for Anichebe and maybe one or two other fringe players. OR perhaps play our strongest team,and if injured or jaded for the weekend match tough!....Shouldn't they be able to play extra games? If the first leg goes really well,can Moyes resist giving McFadden,VDM and Hibbert etc, a good runout! surely using the entire squad this season is a must,like the game away at Sheff Weds?
  5. Today(Tues 4th Sep),sadly see's the passing of a truely great lady! Jane Tomlinson....I'm sure most of you will have heard of her.Forty five year old Jane was diagnosed with terminal breast cancer seven years ago.Guess she decided to just go for it and do what she could with the time she had left....what she did was run marathons and did triathlons,raising millions for cancer charities. There must have been bad times,but she sure as hell put a brave face on it! A few months back,I was asked to do a charity swim for cancer research with three other lads 5.25miles each,about 3 hours in the pool!Training went pretty well untill 4 weeks before the event I cracked two ribs!.....Couldn't really swim for a couple of weeks,and even after that was quite painfull.So I thought no chance!! Then I thought about Jane Tomlinson,and what she went/was going through,and how she would have coped.........So I munched a few more pain killers than I think is sencible,and over the last 50 or so lenghts,thought about THAT lady....and finished the swim. So thanks for that Jane Tomlinson!! There are murderes,drug dealers and eveil people walking this earth today....and that lady sadly isn't...........Where the hell is justice?
  6. I seriously believe that if Lescott can keep injury at bay and keep developing at the present rate, then come his next contract talks with Everton, we better be ready with some serious money!....Because there will be many people ready to try and take him. Still fairly new to the prem,watching him play you'd think he'd been at that level for years.Can see opposition playing wingers just to try and get around him and yobo. Playing for England will only make more people aware of his talent,which is a shame for us at Everton,but it could help him get even better,and if we can hang on to him then without doubt he will be an Everton captain within a couple of years. Have you noticed how good he is with the ball at his feet,for such a big man!The goals he's getting make him the complete player/defender. The first name on future Everton team sheets!.....What more can you say!
  7. Wouldn't it just be quicker to just write a letter? Metallist Kharkov....How many members does the forum have? Is there more than one forum for your fans?
  8. been a bit dead on here since the window closed, with who we have at the moment what would are best 11 be including injured players. Opinions? --------------------Howard---------------------- Jagielka------Yobo--------Lescott------Baines Arteta-----Graveson------Cahill--------Pienaar ---------------A.J------------Yakubu------------ Little bit unsure about Pienaar.....And a fuuy fit Vaughan could push either of the forwards. BUT....Still a very good team....if their up for it, ie Yakubu still not settled in yet.
  9. Guess everyones front two will be AJ and Yakubu!........Lets hope Yakubu gets to work on that fitness this week,and doesn't expect AJ to run non stop and put goals on a plate for him. Let's hope there's more to our new big man than that! Roll on Vaughan getting back to full fitness,and putting pressure on both Yakubu and AJ,I think it will be a good thing. Can Moyes start Gravo next week against Man utd?I recon the polished heads of Gravo,AJ and Carsley,should be enough to dazzle the Man Utd goalkeeper(weather permiting)...... Shows were in the right direction!.....Because most would consider a draw lost points.
  10. Do you mean that some people there get everything serious? Man, that's too bad. Life is too short not to fool around once in a while. Nah!...Tried serious once!.......Didn't like it. Kings Lynn Norfolk? I thought I knew geography.... So do you speak russian? (Ты говориш по русски?) Norfolk!.....Half way up the East side of England,big bit sticks out!That's Norfolk. No I don't actually speak Russian myself,leave that to the hundreds of migrant Eastern European workers in the area. Say hello to people of Kings Lynn Norfolk, I'm afraid most of them are drunk by now!....But I will pass on your Welcome Tomorrow. DO'SVIDANIJA.
  11. Sorry for being a miserable b***ard but can't seem to find many positives at the minute. No problems mate!.....it's not exactly laugh a minute on here if we lose Sheff Weds will be ok this year!! I predict a mid table finish,a pretty good FA cup run......Shame about that heavy,early exit from the Carling Cup
  12. Everton let him leave to follow his dream,when they could have held on to him! He always got on well with Moyes and the fans.......maybe he has a conscience! Could drive him on a bit for us more than say Celtic! He'll be plaing aswell for a contract at the end of his loan spell(I think).....That should put an extra spark in his play. Maybe an inspired piece of business by Moyes?
  13. just dont go there no more Can I have the odd peek now and again?
  14. Nice one dude! That smells like you asking of me to give you few clues to our weakness. Hey, I am not a rat, you know....(just kidding) There's no kidding some people!! I'm not from Liverpool myself!....and where I come from Russian is our second language,well that and Polish....Well at least it has been for about the last 5 years!! Kings Lynn Norfolk is the said town!....The Beatles didn't come visit!.....Can't blame them really! I like Liverpool as a city,Beatles and all that.Also famous for having two great football teams Everton and Everton reserves.....Everton Ladies aren't bad either. let's hope for a couple of really good matches. DO'SVIDANIJA
  15. Blue 250


    Still bedding in Baines,Yakubu,s first game.....Jagielka's still finding his feet in his new team! OH and plus Gravo's new to the team and probably not fit! So all in all, bloody good win........Get that lot fit and used to working together,and it should be pretty good!
  16. Sheffield Wed's are by no means a small club!......And we've lost to those before. If they want it bad enough and we don't perform,then they can beat us! I can see Moyes maybe trying a couple of new players/tactics for the game,perhaps blood a youngster.
  17. Brian!....No bigger tit than the previous winners,and probably no bigger tit than the future ones! He was at least funny.....and didn't take himself too seriously. Good luck to him!He's going to have a lot of mates for a few weeks....till the money runs out.
  18. Back in the 80's I'm sure many fans were unhappy with the purchase of Peter Reid. Not exactly young and with a horrible injury history....surely just a squad player! Sometimes it's worth a risk with a player. I would think Graverson was just such a player.
  19. Our problem is unbelievable lock of luck, we have allowed opposition to score goals on the last minute of the game twice in last two games that cost us 4 points. HEY!.......Mr Moyes!Are you reading this? Concentration in the last few minutes is suspect! OK!.........Mrtallist Kharkov......What other problems do you have at the moment? Which players don't like it physical? Is your goalkeeper capable under pressure? Anyone got an injury that needs attention from Gravo Thanks and good luck my friend!
  20. Couple things about Arteta!.........After the first two games this season the rs forums were full of "Arteta would walk into our first team".........next thing you know some rs are banding about various forums that Arteta is unhappy!! Thoes same forums were saying Lescott and in some cases Yobo would also walk into their team!......how long before were told they too are unhappy at Everton? Probably just some people not happy Everton have some class players. BUT!.....If Arteta was unhappy now....surely he wasn't too happy a few months back! When he signed up for another 5 years of this misery!!!!! Arteta is excellent and still young......therefore worth LOTS of money....say £15million at least.That's a couple of decent players.And remember two good players are worth ten unhappy superstars. Arteta's not daft enough to think that just to move would mean he's in the Spanish team next week........anyway there are plenty of international players at Everton! Mr Arteta!Do it week in week out....help us win things,and your Spanish dream WILL come true. Untill then get your head down and show the Everton fans who pay your wages how good you are. Good luck at Bolton......couple of goals or an assist or two would be nice!
  21. Without Fernandes the season wont be too bad! ...................................................Howard. .......Hibbert(his season will improve)...............................Baines(great buy) .................................Yobo..............................Lescott. .....................................Jagielka............Gravo. ..............................Arteta..................................Cahill. ...........................................Yakubu.........AJ. subs Vaughan. Neville Stubbs Piennar Osman McFadden That squad should give most teams a lot of problems. Arteta,Cahill and Gravo can create.........the odd long ball wont now perhaps be wasted, and some great subs to bring on!
  22. Hi Owen!......Nice to see you on here. Hope you have seen that this and other Everton forums are still thinking of Rhys. You and your family are doing him proud.......keep it up mate!
  23. Blue 250

    New Bike!

    An eight year old boy asked his stressed out dad if he could have a new bike! As it wasn't his birthday or was it christmas his dad thought this cheeky request should be met with a few home truths! "I've got an £74,000 mortgage,the car's broken and there's a hole in the roof" followed by a stern"so no you can't have a new bike" The lad seemed to accept the harsh facts from his dad,and made for bed! The next morning his dad heard a noise from the front door,when he got to the door he found his son, with case about to leave!........."What are you doing son" he asked! Well last night when I went to the toilet,I heard you and mum talking in the bedroom! I heard you say"you were pulling out" and mum said "I'm coming too"...... His dad said what are you doing? and the boy said "well there's a £74,000 mortgage,the cars broken and there's a hole in the roof.......I'm not staying here on my own"!
  24. I'd like us to donate a cup/trophy for Liverpool County FA called the Rhys Jones Memorial Cup and invite u11s squads to compete for it. Nice idea!.........Will keep Rhys's name alive.In years to come the future u-11's will want to know about the boy the trophy is named after.
  25. I'm happy Gravo's back......he knows what Everton expect of him.Moyes let him leave a couple of years back,and I can see Gravo putting in a good shift for him now! His experence in europe wont be a bad thing either. WELCOME BACK!
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