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Everything posted by duncanmckenzieismagic

  1. The anti Moyse brigade are going to have a field day after that dismal performance, but I have no idea what they think he could have done differently Apart fron starting Mirallas, who did fuck all when he came on anyway, ahead of Naismith that is exactly the XI I would have picked. The side just look totally jaded , with no energy or drive.
  2. Decent enough starting XI and its good to see Coleman back, however with the exception of Mirallas there is nothing on the bench if we are chasing the game
  3. http://www.bluekipper.com/news/misc__news/5995--.html
  4. http://www.evertonfc.com/news/archive/2013/02/22/boss-backs-lundstram-loan
  5. http://theworldgame.sbs.com.au/news/1141652/Perth-nabs-young-gun
  6. You agree with his comments about Mirallas, yet your outraged by the comments concerning Jelavic???? Personally I dont see the problem with expecting your multi million pound forward to score goals, he is an experienced international not some fragile 18 year old just breaking thriough so he should be able to take it
  7. http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/everton-fc/everton-fc-news/2008/07/05/sir-paul-mccartney-s-everton-secret-was-no-surprise-100252-21264855/ No he is a blue
  8. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2283156/Wigan-return-Aiden-McGeady.html
  9. That is not the managers decision, its down to the medical staff and the player himself to say if he is fit enough to be playing
  10. Lol I can remember Moyes getting absolutely slated for playing Rooney in midfield, then 2 years later Sir Alex does exactly the same thing and is declaired a tactical genius
  11. Now, now Bill dont be letting facts get in the way of a good moan! All these fans with the I want , I want, I want attitude who refuse to settle for mediocrity , thats fantastic. Now if you could just magic up this multi billionaire new owner I would be ever so grateful
  12. There seems to be a view by some that players should be in the starting XI just because they are under the age of 21 irrespective of how good they are People shouting for Stones when they have never even seen him play and probably hadnt even heard of him a few weeks ago is a prime example Moyes has given plenty of youngsters a chance and the simple fact is that if they are good enough they stay in if they arent they dont
  13. http://www.soccernews.com/everton-line-up-swoop-for-mcgeady/114182/
  14. This Its the biggest load of bollocks ever to say that Everton have hardly progressed in 8/9 years. Some of our fans are so fickle it is unbeleivable In the time Moyes has been at Everton look at the money clubs like Spurs, Newcastle, Villa, Sunderland, etc have thrown around and look what they have won
  15. Dont you mean 500k extra for a cash strapped club and its also great for Oldham ?
  16. Lol It didnt take long for people to start moaning that Stones isnt in the side Personally I have never seen him play so I wouldnt be able to comment on whether or not he should be in the side but its farcical to say he will never get a look in
  17. That would be an absolute disaster if he was appointed absolutely awful manager and didnt Oniel walk out on Villa because they wouldnt continue backing him with silly money?
  18. "I'll give as much as I can, but I've said - and I've spoken with the chairman - that I want to see how the team does." Sounds from that as though he has already indicated to BK what his intentions are and it doesnt sound good. If he goes then good luck to him he deserves a shot at a big club, he has given 11 good years to the club under very trying circumstances. Ok he is well paid for the job he does but he has had plenty of chances to jump ship and go to a club that can give him money to spend and really see what he cna achieve, and I doubt very much that they would have asked him to take a drop in wages
  19. Everton boss David Moyes says he's now unlikely to make decision on whether to sign a new contract at the club until the end of the season. @philmcnulty Tough one for Moyes as unlikely to ever get massive transfer budget at Everton - but where will he find club that gives him such control? @philmcnulty Everton - however - may feel they are within their rights to at least ask for a private declaration of some intent before then. #bbcfootball @philmcnulty
  20. http://www.thesun.ie/irishsol/homepage/sport/irishfootball/4791304/Shane-finds-Moyes-a-Duff-nut-to-crack.html#ixzz2Ki1cOuoy
  21. I think " the freindly derby " is very much a thing of the past. I follow Everton home and away and I would say the only game of the season that pretty much gurantees trouble now is the derby. Granted your never going to get mass brawls between the two sets of supporters but there are more and more nasty incidents creeping into the game now , and if you go into town after a derby and say the wrong thing at the wrong time things will quickly turn ugly
  22. http://www.liverpooldailypost.co.uk/sport/everton-fc/everton-fc-news/2013/02/11/99623-32784485/ Fairly honest and accurate I feel
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