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Everything posted by Zed

  1. I think yours is "Mary had a little lamb" by Thomas Edisson Sorry mate
  2. Find out with this nice little link click here Mine was some fecking marching band that I had never heard of "Amazing Grace- The Pipes & Drums & Military Band of The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards" in the UK "The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face" - Roberta Flack in the USA, that pretty good
  3. Defo thought that was our best performance of the season, arteta was excellent (again), but Beattie and mcfadden did well together, mcfaddens tricks came off, davis and cahill were busy in midfield and left and right back solid again, we wernt holding on at the end we were pushing for a second and I dont think skunks had a decent shot on target in the second half. Very lucky with then pen, although I though Nigel martin had it covered Did you notice how many of their players were wearing gloves, none of our were, buch of pussies, wasnt even that cold, one scruffy skunk fan couldn't even afford a top. Bit disappionted with their fans, all they were trying to do was sing songs to get us going and wind us up, In your liverpoo slums, YNWA , you stole my stereo, (dont they realise everyone has MP3's now). Dont they have any of their own songs Arse bandits Anyway lets kick some blackburn arse next week
  4. Dont be trying the old popcorn trick, it never works
  5. Sounds like a good weekend that Im watching Kerang at the mo, getting pissed Off out for a nice meal with with my beautiful wife an child tomorrow, where I will probably drink too much saki (thats a clue to what restaurant im going to) Sunday. watch the blue get 3 point and march up the table, and probably get slightly pissed Monday. Ive got a day off Lifes a beach
  6. We heard you the first time Anyway, thats a bit of an exacting figure Think well be after one or two strikers Let hope so
  7. Is ferrari available???????????
  8. Zed


    HI, welcome aboard the TT forum
  9. I'll think youll find hes a bit more old skool Ian, I like his aggression Got all his vids and been to see him live at the hammersmith, which was a memorable weekend, although I dont remember much Always makes me PMSL Eh fox, what is the name of that American comedian you posted a link to a few moths ago, he was funny as well late edit fox IS ALSO KNOWN AS FOZZIE But I like to call him fox
  10. Exactly, should have kept it to yourself £100 quid a day, you must be gutted sorry
  11. Hmmm, last Mays glory basking in the sunny heights of fourth seem such a long way off dont they Who was the manager then? He must have been just kiddin us then I dont think davey will be thowing in the towel in just yet, the same way I wont be thowing it in on him. "The basics of football are quite simple: put the fucking ball in the other side's net. If you can't, you're fucked. " Genius, if it was only that simple
  12. It will be interesting to find out what happens tonight Im sure there will be a few rows considering the current form, but there may be a few answers to questions that people have been asking Isn't rowlo going? Sure he will fill us in tomorrow
  13. Nice one rowlo, glad it all worked out well and you followed my suggestion Only kiddin, well done that man, and so say all of us
  14. YES, fooking BIG TIME. Love my saturday 3pm kickoff and that one of the reasons a lot of people cant be arsed anymore.
  15. I hope fergie is back to be able to start alongside Beattie Think it might be too soon for Valente I wonder if we could go to a 3-5-2 formation HIBBERT - YOBO - KOLDRUP ARTETA - DAVIS - NEV - CAHIL - VAN THE MAN FERG - BEATTIE I would like to see that given a go
  16. After reading you initial post again I realise you where refering to the ~EFC season review, must get my eyes tested. I though you were watching the RS season review
  17. Also, Father Christmas could put in a good word as his best mate is RUDOLPHINHO
  18. Is mr "owenstopbananas" a RED?????? Trying to draw out some abousives blues Anyway I thought this was a thread about a letter to Peter Crouchinho
  19. Hang on a sec there PAT You say "After another viewing recently" You're not a closet "bastard sons of Everton" supporter are you
  20. Sod that, I want someone who is exciting. My choice is RONALDINHO Truly amazing talent
  21. Yes, but shes a bit on the muscley side Cant get the song out of my mind though
  22. Save your swearing for our team, bunch of tossers that they are Ohhh im realy looking forward to newcastle next week, live on the telly again, aaaaaaaaaarrrghh, NOT BTW, I think KATO was XAvier ZERO TOLERANCE NEEDED AT THE MO, LET KEEP IT BLUE
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