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Everything posted by Memmaclub

  1. Ok fair point no one is in form but I have 3 points to consider on that basis: 1) why keep picking the same team for half a season. With very little change based on shit form. Atleast try what is on the bench from the start. How come Saha gets 18 games without scoring and Valois gets 1 start and is dropped. 2) if a whole team is off form and turning in bad perfomances every game. (Name one good performance this season) Then that is fully the managers fault for lack of motivation. 3) the lack of money should not mean we play shit every week. If Paul lambert or Brendan Rodgers can get a team Playing with little resources and a worst starting point than Everton then imagine what they could do with our players. Moyes is taking us down and I am actually ignoring the money issue now because moyes can't pick a team or tactics to beat Bolton.
  2. The whole scenario at Everton the lack of money the inept manager playing out of form players only ends one way. Relegation. We need to build the team around Barkley felli and rodwell and baines. Even jinny H Howard and Royston. I think let moyes go and get a hungry young manager in.
  3. Agree completely. I love timmy but he has to be seen as a squad player. But I reckon it's time to go t mls etc.
  4. I have said since we signed Saha useless fuckin cunt. Injury prone and arrogant and lazy. Persisting with him has been moyes downfall and I hope it gets him sacked. Saha has not performed enough to warrant his place in any part of his Everton career. Yak had a great first season. Got injured then dud something to piss moyes off because he never got a chance after that. Certainly not the kind of loyalty and chances that were handed out to Saha. Moyes is really paying the price for his loyalty to certain players regardless of form and after tonight and seeing his post match interview saying we were shit and Bolton deserved it proves even more he has lost the plot and passion. I honestly hope he gets sacked because he will take us down with his inept tactics and inability to pick in form players.
  5. I hope we go down and rebuild and get rid of moyes. I would rather watch us compete in the chapionship than the fycking dross moyes and his bag of ahite players are turning out
  6. Can someone please explain when a striker who's job it is to score goals and isn't gets dropped. We have 4 strikers at the club yet we only play one. I am disgusted with David moyes for continuing to pick him. He holds grudges against players and sells them cheap yak Bily etc I have had enough I want him out and take Saha with him. He had taken the club as far as he can and his boring persistence with his shit 30 something's is slowly straggling us. He has a decent youth spine to build the team around but continues with off form players . Forgetting the money issue I honestly think moyes has run out of ideas and he is luckily getting results to keep us mid-table. As he said wins paper over the cracks I agree and the best thing for us is a new start we have played rubbish all season.
  7. Waaaaaaaaaannnnnkkkkkkk!!!!! This our season we haven't played well once this season.
  8. Ok so as someone said Yak is not one of our players and we have Saha. But boys this is the fucking point we had a decent prem striker who motes fell out with who is scoring goals for fun at the bottom of the table club. Moyes never gave him a chance after the injury. And then Moyes has the gaul to say to Saha play for your contract. Saha plays like a bag of dry cum all season and never gets dropped what kind of message does that send to the rest of the squad. If Saha gets a new contract you can forget all the bollox about no money Moyes is to blame for picking that fucking twat Saha.
  9. I have to say looking back at the qpr footage I am amazed me isn't in every week. We need someone like him either behind the striker or on the wing. he starts the first game and then gets nowhere near the team after that what kind of message does that send
  10. Since the day we sifned him he has been a waste of space for me. Injury prone past it and lazy and he has been like that sinmce day one.There was one spell about 2/3 years back when he got a decent run on him and scored 10-15 but other than that he has done nothing. The Yak has gone so I won't go on about the comparison. If you just takw this season in isolation he has been nothing short of shit. He hasn't scored he hasn't created he looks lazy he moans when he gets dropped. How any sort of contract can be on the table is a joke. I would rather go into the season with what we have now minus saha han with him.
  11. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2011/dec/25/david-moyes-louis-saha-everton?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+theguardian%2Ffootball%2Frss+%28Football%29 This guy being at Everton has been the lowest incident in my years supporting everton
  12. Who scored those 941 for Everton. I can't think who would be our top scorer
  13. get rid of saha he does nothing for this club
  14. agree cant believe its not 10 men although we are shit. we are going down and i think it would help clear the shit out this club
  16. Moyes has to be thinking we are down. his blind sticking with cahill and saha is fucking stupid would velious and barkley be given the same chances ifnthey performed so badley.
  17. He is just at vitesse for 4 mil why would they sell for 5
  18. I am an arm chair fan and thereforewhat I say next can be shit on by loads of season ticket holders and ppl that actually play the money to go. But I am getting older now and having kids and that place in my heart I had for everton is dwindling because of the utter despair around the club. Given we may make a midtable finish with some nice results but we also could just as easily be relegated. The board maybe be business lead minds but if you look at everton how you look at the economy at present. We are selling everything that is not nailed down and trying to reduce debt. When arguably if we invested in the squad we could push ourselves forward and earn our way out of debt.
  19. Agree it's Yak's fault if he plays shit but I am not blaming moyes for that I am blaming him for selling him whithout giving him a proper chance after his injury. Moyes developed a grudge for yak for whatever reason and that is why he was sold nothing to do with his injury. Moyes should be better and work out how to get the best out of yak Keen and Blackburn has worked it out. Where as we stick with an injury prone jouneymen who drops deep to get the ball when he is the only one up front. I am sorry but no matter what the back up at the club now saha has to be dropped. He is a striker and he doesn't score and every time I see him in a blue shirt I lose a little bit more respect for moyes. Last season pushed me away from moyes and what is currently everton this year I am more further away because I can see the club begining to rot from the inside. I was so pleased by the purple patch when we were getting into Europe but I think we are doing a leeds or pompety in slow motion. It seems moyes and the players have lost the passion and the drive to want to do better and have accepted they are going backwards and feel it is good enough after bad perfomances to blame the finances. I used to see us as the best of the rest outside the top four I now see us as a team going backwards quickly and I fully expect us to go down.
  20. Memmaclub


    I know we have very little in terms of back up for front positions and I know we sol yak and becks for the money and to save on wages. But I don't see why we persist with saha and cahill. Put velios and barkley there and if it takes us down or keeps us up atleast it something which takes us forward. Cahill and saha cannot take us forward and there complete shit is now holding us back. I am sorry but saha scoring record for us since his contract is disgusting and this point in the everton story since moyes took over is the most despairing because we have nothing. I have said this before but in a way I would rather we were relegated and our club got a new hunger and got rid of the players that are past it and for the wages. Felli has not been the player I have seen and past 4-5 players we need to start again.
  21. All compelling arguments against yak but everyone has blinkered views and doesnt see how lazy and injury prone saha is. please tell me when he had a good game for everton the bloke is stealing money from this club because he does nothing and hasn't done for years. One purple patch in the middle of a season doe not make a good player. He is utter spunk and he proves it every time he plays
  22. The decision to let him go was a joke. Saha is waste of space I for me personally the most hated player to have pulled on the blueshitrt
  23. I love cahill for his spirit and what he has done for everton in the past but he isn't firing at the moment and needs to be used as an impact sub. Saha as I have always said is a joke and should not be anywhere near the club too injury prone doesn't fit our game and cannot play up front alone. His first touch lets him down so often. When we signed Saha I hated the idea but we had other strikers. But to strip it down to have him as the main striker is moyes worst ever mistake. I honesty wish saha would just go. Velios is proof that a decent striker can score goals for everton but saha can't so lets get rid. The partenship is not working either
  24. Guys is this live footy online always showing everton
  25. We need to play to our strengths which should be hard work defend well. Play to the wing backs. Play our 3 good CBs. Baines on left Coleman on right. The extra CB can cover the full back going forward. Play felli rodders osman in the middle give ossie a free role then. Play two upfront then if we have to play Saha him dropping deep will leave atleast one upfront velios. Velios has to stat the next game.
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