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Everything posted by Memmaclub

  1. maybe this isn't that new then as I have seen him on kipper to be honest he sounds like a good player but don't they all
  2. http://www.newsnow.co.uk/A/353915860? I can't see the link myself due to work firewall but I would would be grateful if someone could cut and paste detail into this thread Edit:- http://community.footballpools.com/blog/20...ican-sensation/
  3. Just wanted to be sure it was us I am happy we are bidding for the correct sort of players
  4. can someone please confirm it was us that made the bid!!! I would hope if it is us we will go back with a batter offer. I assume our relations with liege will be good after the felli deal went through.
  5. I don't manny fits in our midfield to be honest. you have to fill 3 cm places from arteta cahill neville fellani I think they are all first team
  6. I am not sure gosling has the composre to play the cm role.
  7. he doesn't inspire confidence like rodwell rodwell just looks much more polished
  8. How do we know they definatly made a bid I think 12.5 seems a very healthy offer for them. My only worry is have we set the bench mark by paying 15 mil for felli
  9. Saha must go if this is true how can we justofy having 5 striker for two/one position when it is obvious 2 of them will be injury prone.
  10. it doesn't say it was everton in his quotes does it?
  11. Moyes has found a couple of gems in this way arteta pienar howard yobo nearly Manny. this season I would expect something similar if possible.
  12. I understand people will think none of right backs are top class which I agree but I think if you mkae one star signing it should be someone on the right wing.
  13. eah those were my thoughts I just wasn't sure if moyes was going to develop himlong term I mean he just doesn't seem to have any of the raw skills such as trickery or strength or pace like vic and vaughn and rodwell have.
  14. He got some game time last season along with rodwell and besides the goal against RS I wasn't impressed. Do people think he will go on to become a regular. If you put him as direct competetion for osman I much prefer ossie. Rodwell came out the best in my opinion.
  15. I agree glad he is staying we don't need naughton now atleast not for a few seasons I would hate to see us have 3 right backs and two cover Nev and jags
  16. I think he would get as much playing time as rodwell got this season.
  17. How do they know it's everton that has made a bid. according to the papers we are making bids all over the place.
  18. http://www.fansonline.net/everton/article....rticlecontinues
  19. sounds good on paper it may be a bit of a gamble though
  20. why do people hate yak soo much that they want an injury prone 30 something to be our first choice striker. Do you really think if saha was up to it in the prem Man U would have let him go. Yak is by far the best striker at the club
  21. The formations talked about 4 1 3 1 1 is not how we play. we play eiher 44 1 1 or maybe if you were being detailed 4 2 3 1. 4231 is our best formation as it allows us to utailse our best players in the area we do damage. Hibbo Jags J-Lo Baines Arteta Felli RW Cahill Peanut Yak If we get Mbia surely it means that he will be competition for felli rodwell in the DM role and also allow felli to be competition in the cahill role. Therefore I would say RW is our priority I also think ossie should be considered competition for arteta as I think that is his best role.
  22. I don't really care how much we have but just that we spend what we do have wisely I really think the right wing is important since we moved arteta inside we are stuggling for a first choise in that position osman is not the answer
  23. How can you say yak doesn't score after November in his only fit season with us he scored 21 goals throughout the year so from that statement i have to assume you are stupid. People who say saha is a good option for everton obviously haven't seen him play he is so in and out it is stupid. Out more than In. his form was patchy and in some games he was non exsistent.
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