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Everything posted by Memmaclub

  1. How can you say yak doesn't score after November in his only fit season with us he scored 21 goals throughout the year so from that statement i have to assume you are stupid. People who say saha is a good option for everton obviously haven't seen him play he is so in and out it is stupid. Out more than In. his form was patchy and in some games he was non exsistent.
  2. I like the above analogy I would hope we are as attractive as villareal.
  3. I think he would prefer to go for moutinho
  4. do you hink he will ge more playing time this season
  5. It seems some people agree with me. I think moyes did exactly the right thing to deal with our stiker injury problem by getting Jo in on loan I think if you play 1 up front what we have currently (4 players Including saha) is more than enough to cover 1 position. I also think you it would be silly to count saha in that 4 as he is so unrliable. Let me explain why I dislike him being here so much. With everyone fit he is not going to be our first choice striker and to be competition he needs to be a decent back up. But if he is sporadically fit then we can't rely on him to be available when Yak is injured/suspended. the other problem is I do not beleive he would handle a run of more than 5 games due to fitness issues and therefore you can plan ahead based on him being available. Add to that when he did play his form was very in and out and therefore does he even warrant a place in the squad when we can get 2 mil for him. Oh and he must be nearly 31 now aswell. As much as Vic/Vaughs havn't performed consistently atleast give them the games rather than waste them on a has been.
  6. I was thinking whilst looking through the threads hwo attrative are we compared to our rivals. Top 4 not included are we the most attractive club. My personal opinion is after the top 4 Man City with the money would be more attractive but then after them surely we are first. I also think you need to be a certain sort of player for moyes to be interested. thyat type being hardworking and a team mentality that is why I reckon we may not have gone for bentley. Although mbia;s attitude slightly worries me.
  7. Moyes most know something as he seems like a perfect signing for us and we are not in for him
  8. I don't understand how people rate saha his contribution was limited to say the least what proves it to me is that for what ever reason I am gesussing fitness to start many games I would prefer to invest the playing time in vaughn or even vic. We have to accept that we are a 451 club with our current squad and therefore yak and two others are all we need. don't forget saha didn't get in against Jo (a loanee) or cahill a midfielder.
  9. Although I think we are over subscribed in the cm area if we accept felli isn't the answer in dm and that phill needs replacing i would be very happy with this signing
  10. The report actually states we would make 2 mil on the deal that is a no brainer for me.
  11. I don't really want either but I would take owen over saha anyday of the week.
  12. http://www.skysports.com/football/transfer...0,14896,00.html I would love it if this happened even on a free I think he has been a waste of a squad place. We should have brought in someone young and hungry. http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,12876_5383330,00.html
  13. Nope I would never forgive and cannot see a situation in which he would ever leave man u
  14. I would take your point if last season hadn't have happened. Forget the value of the money involved moyes should ooze confidence to the supporters by saying " we know our budget and we have targets that we think we can get that will improve the team" Not make them look like a mickey mouse outfit by saying we don't know what money is available the day before the transfer window. Last season I would have been alot more confident if he came out and said we know money is tight but we are going to try and compete where possible.
  15. The likes of Birmingham are starting to make important moves in the transfer market and no doubt similar sizedclubs will begin to do the same. I have an awful feeling we will end up waiting for the next few weeks for nothing to happen. is anyone else fearful it will go the same. I am also worried that moyes came out in the press and stated he didn't know how much funding would be made available. Think of a scenario say 3 months ago moyes knows we will be coming to the end of the season and he has a good idea on what areas will need strengthening he has been at the club for a number of years and therefore must have a good feel for the company finances. therefore surely he would be talking on & off wil BK to have a pretty strong idea of what money will be available. That in mind you then think that moyes has watched players over time to know what sort of people he wants and therefore must know their rough transfer value (Like he said about watching felli for years). If this is all true (if it's not then the clubs running is a shambles) then surely our transfer policy is a well planned long thought about process. If not we are just clutching at straws as to who comes available. So In this subject I see moyes contradicting himself on one hand he says he watches players for a long time and on the other hand he doesn't know the week before the transfer window is open what his budget is and if so how can he plan targets. Whats the point in scouting a player for years if when you come to buy him you offer well under his value.
  16. Will moyes get all his spending done early or will we be glued to skysports news on deadline day
  17. All the call for new stikers and with felli cahill yak and vaughn unless we are planning on playing 442 lets get risd of saha and Vic
  18. The reason I mentioned Vaughn is even when he is fit moyes doesn't seem to fancy him and played cahill in front of him. Therefore why not sell him off and get someone in he does like. He obviously dose like rodwell and gosling.
  19. This is suicide f we do not get rid of saha. We should not be paying big wages to two 30 something injury prone players. I would actually like owen here as I think when he is fit he will score goals but we have to ship out saha who is nothing short of rubbish.
  20. I think moyes's view that osman can play right wing is what makes him look like a poor player. I can't rember if it was this season or last season but ossie had a run of games playing CM in a position not disimlar to arteta. picking the ball up fron defence running within it and playing simple passes he is also very good at keeping the ball and getting his head up. Also at getting forward and scoring goals (How many has he got this season) I think it was when he was playing that position that moyes was touting him for england and praising him for beefing up his upper body to give him more strength. I personally think Ossie is would be good cover/competition for arteta if he was played in that position. This bring me on to another point I understand each player should have a second position which they can COVER lescott left back jags right back cahill stiker etc etc but they should only be used there when the first and second choice player is out. I don't understand why players are forced out of position when we have cover on the bench for example vaughn/vic not being used when cahill was used as a striker. And if moyes feels he needs to play players out of position when true cover is available I would argue those cover players are not good enough and should be shipped out. There are several players which should be judged like this castillo, vaughn, anichebe, saha, valente and they should be moved on.
  21. Felli according to this link once rejected Man U. http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11667_2492890,00.html
  22. I have to say gerrard and lampard are good shouts I don't agree with drogba but then I have never particulalry seen it with drogba
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