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Everything posted by Memmaclub

  1. why do we put our fans through this why does eveything take so long surely we know what we were paying him last season and surely we know by now whether we want to keep him or not so it's a simple descision offer him the same terms over 1/2 years and job done no rb required.
  2. Please god I would much rather have him thn mbia
  3. I did wonder how al this activity as going on with moyes on holiday I mean he surely would not go away and say I'll have one of huddlestone mbia bradley or defour. surely our transfer policy is slightly more well planned than that
  4. I am not dissapoitned we are not in for him he would be nice but we have more pressing areas that need players
  5. He tried to get obina on loan who is a quick wide player so he does do wide players
  6. This guy is a winger who scores a decent amount of goals he is 25 and has been a spanish international. for 4 mil I am not sure what the problem is.
  7. Completely agree. The reason I compared him to rodwell is that rodwell looks like a prem player now. gosling looks out of his depth he it's skillfull or fast so what does he give our team that osman can't
  8. I would be glad to have him at everton but it does seem alot to spend on a player where we have ample cover for the CM. We seemed to be linked to alot of CM when it seems obvious it is outwide that we rquire players
  9. seems alot of money to me I assume this meand mbia won't be coming.
  10. My only worry with ruchards is his attitude. Would he see us as a good enough club (Obviously we are) but he maybe arrogant
  11. Tribalfootball/Sun saying we want Micah Richards as part of the deal. I think if we got 15 mil + richards we would then be able to go out and buy a decent midfilder either defour or mouttino and also aim at getting a right winger wth the normal transfer kitty
  12. Big mistake to lose him as you say impossible to replace for the money
  13. I thnk we are moving forward and some of the players you cannot say were a complete failure for example AJ was good for a season and a half and we made 2 mil profit. Beattie was good for a season and a half and we made a 2 mil loss. Castillo did a job Valente did a job. Davies VDM I agree with.
  14. I think we will sign someone out of the blue like felli a big name for big figure
  15. Another thought if we let lescott go we will either need to get a like for like so a CB who can cover LB or a CB and a LB for cover.
  16. Kipper are linking us with him again this morning. Sounds a better option that Naughton but again do we need a new right back if Jacobsen signs.
  17. I have never been overly keen as I remember something simlar last year when he was linked to us and then linked to arsenal. I would prefer someone who is less interested in money.
  18. Bare with me: 1. Moyes seems to be building a young squad. 2. He is bringing in obscure players from abroad on the QT 3. He is brining throw a number of academy players to the first team 4. He works on a tight budget 5. He has gradually built up a quality squad and is now consistently knowcing on the door. He isn't trying to turn the club round in one season and he has made massive strides in a few years on a limited budget I honestly believe if we keep hold of moyes and keep the current transfer/academy policy we could crack the top 4 even the top 2. And not selling first team or even important squad players is core to this working.
  19. Didn't lescott already make such a statememtn saying he doesn't want to leave as everton are going places. Why can't we be like arsenal and only sell players who are on the downwood slope of there career.
  20. I think it would be a massive mistake to seel a first team player to a main rival. 1. It gives out the wrong message to the rest of the squad 2. 20 mil in would require atleast 10 mil replacement 3. If a replacement is bought we would actually only make 10 mil to spend on squad 4. Any replacement would need time to settle 5. Replacement would have to be first choice as Jags is out until Nov 6. We would have ended the season with two england CB considered one of the top pairings in the prem and we would start it without either available. Unless lescott pushes for a move I don't want him to go I would actually put his value somewhere nearer 30 mil baring in mind I see him as younger quicker and potentially better than either rio or terry.
  21. Not keen!! http://www.shieldsgazette.com/sport/Sunder...-Ham.5392100.jp
  22. Not having seen moutino play but having seen defour I would be quite happy to take defour.
  23. The press are linking us with him for 4 mil along with several other prem clubs would you want him for that money. Isn't he a bit similar to Yak and slightly old
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