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Everything posted by thebluenose

  1. i know why did he book arteta for taking a free kick early. dont most people just talk to the player and then ask them to take it again. the way the ref was shouting at arteta as well was a bit out of order as well.
  2. steak and kidney from the black lion in ellesmere. the thing is the size of a brick and it isnt any of that sayers flaky pastry shite proper pastry.
  3. dont believe it i wont believe it until BK says otherwise
  4. James Hetfield (no need to explain) dimebag darrell (hes a great guitarist who is sadly no longer with us would have liked to talk to him even for 5 mins) freddie mercury (same reason) Cliff burton (same) Brian May ( if seen him play live and i desperatly want to meet him. hes the reason why i play guitar)
  5. im with moyes here. dont make any changes now. wait until the end of the season then he will have the time to bring in the right man. besides, if it aint broke dont fix it
  6. well here are mine: pass driving test get into a uni become a better, faster and more creative guitarist become a better singer
  7. exactly whats a club ban all about. we dont have anything to do with south africa.
  8. id be happy with a 0-0 draw or better. but tbh i cant see us winnin on thier patch if we are to win itl be at our home
  9. turner or ruddy. lucas boyle viddarsson maybe da silva. mainly our youngsters
  10. james vaughn did it against brum. must be an inside thing in the finch farm camp
  11. correct me if im wrong but i think that is cahills 30th goal in a blue shirt and i think it was his 99th so thats pretty much 1 goal in three games fucking legend
  12. machine head- the blackening (whole album as im seein them in 11 days woo!!)
  13. right you think thats bad. i work in chester cathedral and we order our xmas stuff in january, it arrives in august and we put it out mid-september. and the church complains that xmas is commercial.
  14. thebluenose


    isnt that only for violent conduct the 3 games straight red.
  15. watched the miami dolphins v NYG game last night friend of mine dvd'd it for me and i thought might watch this so called 'historic game of the century' as the yanks have so bluntly put it. seriously it is so boring all it is is throw catch tackle and repeat for seemed like 3 days. seriously what do people see in this game
  16. anyway on the subject of the video. All im gonna say is OH DEAR!!!!!!
  17. Bill you lucky barsteward. would you care to elaborate on how that came about
  18. thebluenose


    i thought we playe some good football at times. whenever we played it all on the floor we did well. whenever we hoofed it nothing happened. so what have we learned. we play really well whenever we dont hoof it. hopefully moyes will learn from it
  19. the one thing i hate about the FA. when a ref has had a shocker of a game (which happens) the FA support them when a ref has a shocker of a game to the point where its bias towards one team (usually one of the big 4) they still support them whenever a manager says i think the ref got all the major decisions wrong (unless its one of the big 4) the FA throw the book at them the FA will react instantaneously whenever a manager says the ref was wrong however they will defend thier refs until dawn over things like this.
  20. if the shite go out that will be great. however knowing them they will prob complain to UEFA that the refs dint help them out so they will be let through on default. imagine the scenes on merseyside if they go out and were still in it. has that ever happened
  21. bollox wrong thread. i was a bit drunk last night so just ignore that
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