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Everything posted by Matt

  1. not sure how but this is now being discussed in the Portsmouth in Administration thread!!! http://www.toffeetalk.com/index.php?showtopic=19809&pid=202158&st=0entry202158
  2. Why should they fine him? Exactly because of the role-model thing. If he goes unpunished by the club and just the authorities it sends a bad message. If anything, the club should be more harsh. Like a kid at school, if you screwed up and were punished by the teacher did that really bother you? Or was it the parents finding out and adding another punishment on top that was more worrying? I know which one it was for me. On top of that, it reflects badly on the club and the club has to make it clear that its not acceptable. It lets other players know that it will not be tolerated. Basic rules of discipline. Saying all that, what happened to Baxter? My point about him leaving is taken after reading that Ashely Cole is apparently pissed with Chelski with how they reacted his private life problems. The big difference is though that Cole is a bigheaded, overrated, overpaid prick who only thinks of himself. Pienaar i would like to believe is a decent human being.
  3. prefer the sounds of their hearts breaking with frustration and despair to be honest, that damage lasts so much longer and so much more painful than the physical reaction....
  4. looking at that Mike looks like Guildford FC have been born again!
  5. sorry to hear that mate. heres hoping the new club can achieve as much as CCFC did and that this bad memory can be covered by future sucess. All the best guys!
  6. Citeh paid that much for him purely because the manager was a long time admirer, they had the cash and Hughes said if he was in the team it would help compete for the title. BK, DM and the board pushed the limits of the fee considering the length of time on his contract and the fact that Jlo was and still is twice the player Glen Johnson is. Was he worth 24 million to anyone else? Not a chance but last years transfer market was stupid, everything was blown way out of proportion with Real and Citeh's money being thrown around. That all explains his ridiculous transfer fee. Yes he is versitile and generally a good player, but 24million worth? The fact that noone else was bidding for him AT ALL should answer the question... As for the England call up, he was playing well and he is versitile; good back up for CB and LB. His form was great. Capello was experimenting and he made a good impression. He will probably get another one for the world cup despite his poor form purely because Capello has sod all else to choose from. As for comparing Jags to that cheatin bastard in red i should give you a rollockin! But i see where youre coming from. Surely theres a better person to compare him to than that... (Oh, and fair play to Memma, good topic for discussion! much better than the previous 2, keep it up lad!)
  7. nah, most of them arent malicious with it, theyre just deluded and desperate. got a few of them for friends and family who are actually quite reasonable (as far as reasonable goes in Kopite terms) which is why you must have the ability to hold back! Plus, the non-malicious ones are always good for a laugh! Last season was the best "were going to win the league!" all year long and then for them to come so close! that was bliss....
  8. take it all back! he was crap and glad we got rid of him!
  9. Matt

    Sporting Lisbon

    I agree with giving Saha a rest but would still have him play for at least 45 mins before bringing the yak on. we need at least 1 away goal and until we have that, i know who i would rather have up front.... Midfield made me smile though!
  10. will be interesting to see if the Galaxy manager will put the US world cup chances before his team, not sure that would happen in the UK! So if this strike does happen, starting 26th Feb (if the deadline is the 25th) how long would it go on for?! If we already have LD signed until mid March that would mean a strike of several weeks, if i understand it right. nice website too, like the links to BarelySports, very interesting articles there, especially the "what gymnasts can do with their bodies" and "Beach Volleyball Definitely Has The Sexiest Uniform In Sports"...
  11. very true, but that little bugger couldve terrorized us as he has so many other teams. lost to them in the cup with a depleted, exhausted squad and drew with them on the start of our run. Im just getting pissed with the media writing us off at every opportunity, we have a team that can win most of the games we have left and other teams are starting to stutter....
  12. Johnny boy, but i was always a fan of him, even at Ajax when i lived in Amsterdam. He is a better defender, no doubt but Lescott gave us more going forward, 14 goals in 3 years for a defender is fantastic! If Johnny starts scoring like that then its clearly a no brainer, but lets give him 3 years like Bill said before we judge. Also have nothing against him. He wasnt an Evertonian who left for more money and sucess, he was a player who wanted more money and sucess. This would be like me leaving for the companies competition because they offer more chance of acheivement and a bigger wage package. I know i would be tested. It hurt so much because he was a very good player, made excellent with his partnership with Jags and crucial to our recent sucess. He is still a good player but he hasnt found that same partnership at City. We havnt seen how Jags will play without Lescott either! Maybe they carried each other (though im not sure i believe that, just trying to give a balanced arguement)... Jags and Johnny could be the best CB pairing in the league next season but lets see how Jags gets back into the flow of things. Distin on recent form has done a decent job, but he is not a replacement, he is a temporary plug without which we would leak goals. 5.5m is a lot of money for a plug but we needed it...
  13. indeed congrats, though the comment that Rodwell should go to the world cup (not by Pearce i will point out) is a little crazy. Best of luck to them both!
  14. idiot... this could determine if he goes or stays. If we punish him, as we should, then in the summer he could go to another club after feeling hard done to. Hopefully he will stand up and take responsibility for his actions, hold his hands up and say sorry, i screwed up and sign a new 5 year contract as a sign of intent to make it up to us....
  15. Lennon out for a while now too! Spurs main wing threat... anyone else going to start believing now?
  16. so business as usual for them but gives others the chance to play CL! Just one small issue i have with the CL, surely only the champions, by which i mean the people who are the best in that season, should play in the champions league. At a stretch top 3 (gold silver and bronze). 4th is nonsense. I like the idea of giving it to a playoff of the 2 finalists of the cups, champions of that competition. either that or change the title to "the champions-and-next-3-teams-who-werent-good-enough-to-come-1st-but-we-want-to-make-more-money-out-of-the-competition-so-we-look-at-which-leagues-are-the-most-marketable-and-include-some-of-those-runnerup-teams-who-most-tourists-and-foreigners-recognize-to-make-up-the-numbers League" Catchy dont ya think?
  17. Matt

    Sporting Lisbon

    Distin is suspended so i think theyre talking about who should partner Yobo. Might be wrong though....
  18. agreed. i personally dont want to see him playin a full game in the league this season. Give him a full preseason to get going and have a world class defence fit for the start of next season!
  19. same link as above. Where is this rumour of 7mill? I would be very happy with that!
  20. Matt

    Sporting Lisbon

    I have ESPN and ESPN-Brazil so i think the 1st one is international. It had the shite on last week but wanted to make sure we were being broadcasted. thanks for the warning though...
  21. tis an exciting prospect. Want Coleman next season to get more of a chance and think we need some competition for Baines. fantastic back four in prospect...
  22. spare finger nails. pacemaker and/or high up on the list for transplant. patience of a saint. forgiveness of a saint. tolerance of a saint. an ability to live without breathing for long periods of time. resistance to smug kopites taking the piss and windin you up all the time or ability to hold back from killing smug kopites who take the piss and wind you up all the time blue tinted glasses... think thats about all i can think of for now! Welcome to.... well Hell is a little strong but you get the drift!
  23. Matt

    Sporting Lisbon

    does anyone know if its on ESPN on thursday? Ive got that one in the hotel and dont want to be fighting with internet streams...
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