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Everything posted by Bailey

  1. He was brilliant today, such a shame he was taken off. With him, Schneiderlin and Gana you have everything you want from a midfield 3
  2. I thought he played well today without showing that final bit of quality (that we bought him for). I thought he made some good runs, he was getting into the box and he could have scored. Give him half a dozen more games and we will see a lot more from him. Later in the game he dropped deeper but he isn't a CM.
  3. We need to see some consistency. I saw enough today to show that 5 can work, it's all about higher pressure and being the dominant team instead of sitting back. Pickford. Kenny Holgate Keane Jags Baines Besic Davies Gana Vlasic DCL Bench Stek / Martina / Williams / Klaasen / Lookman / Mirallas + another CM. Give Schneiderlin, Rooney and Siggy a complete rest.
  4. I don't know what to make of that performance. We started horrifically, the team shape was terrible, we were way too deep with no pressure on the ball and it was a complete disgrace. Yes they scored a good goal but they could have scored 3 in that first 30 mins, especially if Lukaku was on form. From there we grew into the game, Davies did a great job of dragging us up the pitch, closing people down and making things happen. Easily Motm. We could have got ourselves back into things but at the same time they also had a couple more big chances and hit the post. We were on top and just needed to stick at it. Why on earth that fuck wit in the dugout then decided to replace our best player and then move probably our 2nd best player (Rooney) out of a role he was having success in I do not know. Rooney went deeper, his game then dropped off a cliff and then taking Gana off as well compounded it all. It's like some young lad playing fifa, not a man that gets paid 6 mil a year. We certainly showed more than I expected, especially in the second half, but to change something that was working well is just stupI'd. On the whole I thought Schneiderlin, Rooney, Siggy also played well. Cuco had his moments and Gana, Baines and Jags were solid. Williams was getting absolutely roasted first half and fucked up big time and Pickford made a couple of rookie mistakes. The subs weren't a factor.
  5. I think Williams has been a liability and that Rooney has done really well! Strange
  6. Only poor performance so far is Williams. Probably the worst start I have seen us make for a long time but we have got back into. Need to stay on the front foot and take a chance of getting exposed for pace at the back.
  7. There lies the problem with Martina. Abolsutely no pressure or tackle on Young and he gets a free cross into the box.
  8. Save by Pickford/Jags. Williams is getting roasted. I'm glad to see us getting on the front foot but it will leave those old bodies exposed at the back.
  9. Cuco is looking good because he doesn't really have anyone to mark (as they are narrow) and it means he can play like a right winger.
  10. Great decision by Pickford. Compare that to Stek last season!
  11. Much better pressure. This is easily our best midfield 3. I think they are all playing well, albeit Gana is the one struggling the most.
  12. So fucking lucky... terrible pass from Keane but terrible attempt to tackle by Willaims too...
  13. Our best move, Martina where he should have been earlier. Good cut back too.
  14. Davies waiting for Martina to make a run when he should already be 20 yards further up the pitch.
  15. There are holes in the UTD defence if we can get on the front foot and engage them higher up the pitch.
  16. Neville on comms has more respect for our club than our manager does.
  17. Let's hope the players can dig their manager out of a hole! COYB!
  18. Koeman completely negative in his pre match assessment.
  19. It looks like a park the bus job. We will be relying on the pace and energy of Gana and Davies to get us up the pitch but if they get pinned back it will be long balls up to Rooney and Siggy which will end up coming straight back to us.
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