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Everything posted by Quinn31

  1. You'll have to be patient with us mate. Most of us are Englishmen and some of us are even fat, stupid Americans (keeping with this board's new favorite theme), and it will take time for us to learn to spell Vadis' full name.
  2. Oviedo looks to be a good little player though. Definitely has potential to grow into a greater role here, welcome to the board! *Another side note* Stop and write this date down, because I never thought any of us would be complaining if Vic got dropped from the starting XI.... Haha, maybe he'll come off the bench and score a winner.
  3. Agreed with this. We need Ofoe in addition to Hitzlsperger. Hitz has done his job and provides depth. I mean we all knew Hitz wasn't going to be a superstar for us, but provide depth and experience as a veteran squad player. I'd really like to keep Hitz. How can we afford Ofoe on a permanent? Wasn't the deal back in August supposed to be loan with a view to a 6m pound permanent deal?
  4. Not sure who I'd have in a direct comparison between Oviedo and Naismith, both have quality. But, the Pienaar-Baines partnership on the left is huge for us, and provides a great attacking threat, so keeping Pienaar on the left is key for us. *edit* Also, I wish we would go 4-4-2 with Vic and have Fellaini play in a holding midfield role rather than attacking mid in a 4-4-1-1. Very harsh to drop Vic, as he's looked great lately.
  5. They are usually accurate, however I believe they indicated that we would be bringing in Rodallega over the summer... SO while reliable, not 100%.
  6. All of Twitter saying he's going to China apparently. I know it would be exciting to go to a new place to play football like China (Somewhere different & exciting) for awhile, and it seems some Chinese clubs offer big money. But haven't almost all players who've played in a major European league and gone to China hated it? Anelka, Drogba, England legend Marlon Harewood? Anybody know how Yakubu's doing?
  7. Some reports on Twitter saying he's close to a move to Man U. It's got to be bullshit right? I mean both Moyes & Fellaini have said he's staying put this January. Only possible way I see him moving on this January is if someone came in with a huge, over-market value offer for him.
  8. Good for him. I hope one or a few of our youngsters can actually make it with us, at least as squad players.
  9. I doubt we'll get him this transfer window, but since his contract runs out in the Summer of 2014, maybe we should look at him next January window and try to get him on the cheap? Or maybe even on a Bosman in the SUmmer of 2014.
  10. I honestly hope he ends up here. Looks like a big, tall, strong lad who can get on the end of balls in the box. 28 years old, so little sell-on value, however I don't we will be spending much on him to begin with (2-3m max?). However, something tells me he won't end up here even though this type of signing fits us. *edit* 6 months left on contract, so maybe we could get him for the price that we got Gibson? 500k-1m. I'd definitely take him on that, assuming his wage demands are reasonable.
  11. It's essential that we sign Hitzlsperger to a longer contract this window. He isn't going to be a superstar for us, but he's been solid when he's played. He is a solid midfielder who also has quite the shot on him, and if we lose him, we will be left embarrassingly and dangerously thin in midfield, especially considering Gibson's injury woes, Barkley's inexperience and need for more loan time, and Mirallas health (Chance that we'll need to play Ossie on the wing unfortunately).
  12. I think the conclusion is that we should've at least drawn yesterday, probably won. Could you imagine a late Anichebe winner? That would've been epic. But unfortunately football can be unfair, brilliant performance by the boys, that's all I can ask for.
  13. Newcastle 2 Everton 3 With Demba Ba. 1-3 without him.
  14. Newcastle could lose Ba to Chelsea before Wednesday. That'd leave them short of a lot of attacking options. Maybe we can get 3 at St. James' Park?
  15. You say that like they have fans. Chelsea have more fans here in America than they actually do in England... They are a one-rich man club who will sink down the table starting the day Abramovich's money dries up.
  16. Let's remember the absolutely brilliant prematch prediction Mirallas made. 4-0 to Chelsea... It was 2-1 and we outplayed them. Nowhere close to a 4-0 battering.
  17. Who gives two fucks what the media says? The media lies and gives off a delusion that Chelsea is a big club.
  18. Kenwright had someone next to him, but it looked like a friend and not a potential buyer.
  19. Thoroughly PISSED OFF. We outplayed those overpaid and overrated tools, and we still lose 2-1. We deserved AT LEAST a draw, and probably should've won. We would've won had we finished a chance or two. Unbelievable. I'm furious.
  20. Mirallas isn't telling us, but he's actually Roman Abramovich.
  21. It should be 2-1 or 3-1 half. Disappointing, while they probably deserved a goal, we've deserved at least two or three. Were gonna half to outplay them significantly in this next half to earn 3 points. Watch though, Benitez probably has brilliant second half tactics coming (well, anything can beat their first half tactics).
  22. Unless he really really wants to live in London or is getting offered a mega-paycheck, why would he leave?
  23. I thought the Jain Group already bought us last year and is in the process of building an invisible, secret football quarter/park somewhere in Liverpool.... I'm not even going to get my hopes up anymore. Wait, maybe Ken Bates is buying us, it'd be just our luck.
  24. No chance in hell. We could never afford his wages.
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