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Everything posted by Sibdane

  1. I just can't get over how much I like the new kit. I was so skeptical with it being Umbro; now I'm in love.
  2. Zidane. In fact, the first the letters of my last name are "Sib" and my nickname used to be punned as Sibedine Sibdane.
  3. Is football becoming an elitist sport? Some of the players today would make you think so.
  4. FIFA really needs to step up over the Suarez incident unless they want their corruption image to garner more attention.
  5. https://vine.co/v/MtJJOHnnBJ9 Suarez bite?
  6. A friend just text me and said the same. I guess a leopard never changes his spots.
  7. Surely you're joking? I'm watching the England game instead.
  8. If that does happen, I might as well be consistent and put that thread on ignore.
  9. Can't disagree with you there. That's exactly my point when I said I said he hadn't proven himself. A season with a fully fit Lukaku will get us 20 goals I think.
  10. I'll say in advance that I would probably take all of these strikers, but I don't see how you can downgrade Lukaku when these three in bold have yet to prove what Lukaku already has in the PL, that he is a goal scorer, especially Origi. The jury is still out on Bony, in my opinion, but I doubt don't that he'll be decent enough. I'd still rather have Lukaku because of his age and the fact that he won't be at ACON. Remy is the only one in that list of options that I could see replicating his form over the last two seasons, but even then, I think I'd want Lukaku just because of his sell-on value if it doesn't work. I also think Remy is a bit of a mercenary and his reputation isn't the greatest for what we usually expect at Everton.
  11. This pissed me off to another level. I'll always think of that when I hear Campbell's name mentioned.
  12. Does that mean that one of their current CBs is out the door? Probably not but just speculating.
  13. Despite our differences I never wanted him to leave the forum. Same with Avinalaff. I didn't always appreciate the way he handled arguments, but we all argue differently.
  14. ...A little bit of that, but I mainly think it's the general American mentality towards sports; we are taught to be tough and that playing through pain is part of the game. I played quarterback for my football team in junior high and was always taking hits after making a pass or handoff. If you got hit and laid on the ground for too long, you got taken out of the game and someone else took your place. That simple.
  15. I'm assuming that most of us are white males on here. We've had it so good in regards to the oppression of other races and the other sex.
  16. I would agree with you except I believe that making people afraid of the word is the worst route to take. It should just be accepted that it is used. If we try to make it a dirty word then it will continue to be used by dirty people to insult others. Prime example is Alves eating the banana. Obviously, that was in reference to being called a monkey, but the principle is the same. He made light of the situation and that fan looked like a fool. Then a mini movement started where more footballers came out with pictures with bananas (sounds ludicrous when said aloud), shaming that individual more. We need more instances like that. When folks let slurs get the best of them then the racist is winning. However, I'm not sure what the banana equivalent to "nigger" is; it's a trickier word.
  17. Honestly, the Barkley photo looks photoshopped... but I'm already liking it more than last year's kit based on the twitter sample alone.
  18. This is very, very common. The word really has less to do with race now and more so with ignorance. A girl I used to date(ashamed) used to call everyone a "nigger" while she was driving on the road, mainly if they were driving erratically. I remember talking to one of my black friends(don't worry, I was in the inner circle), and we were talking about calling whites "crackers," "honkies," et al, and I remember him saying the worst thing you can actually call a white person is a "racist." That always gave me a good laugh.
  19. Bet he was disappointed.
  20. If I mention Landon Donovan enough I have a feeling I'll get the "cunt" treatment from Marco. Fingers crossed.
  21. That's very interesting. The school I attended was roughly 85% black, and I heard it spoken between them often. I still hear it in the grocery stores or other public places. It used to freak me out, but now I'm not so worried about. If you get to know someone in the black "community" then it's not unlikely to hear a white person call a black person "my nigga," and vice versa, as a term of endearment. I've never really felt comfortable saying it myself, but it's almost an honor to be in the "inner circle." That said, most whites who use it are using it as a racial slur and racism is very much alive where I'm located.
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