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Everything posted by Sibdane

  1. Cameron is better than Brooks, no doubt, but Brooks is way further along in his career at this point. Cameron was still playing college ball and wasn't a professional until about age 23, like most US players. I think our lack of a youth setup is what makes lag behind the world a little bit; that, and a general lack of interest by the population. That said, US soccer(sorry, football) has grown exponentially since the last couple of world cups.
  2. It's definitely a good thing for us to be linked with Barca. I'm sure our Spanish contingent will grow some just by the association with their "B" players. I can also see the influence it could have on non-Barca players. I'm really excited about the future under Martinez. NSNO Sin Miedo!
  3. Not now, but no one is saying that either. He's still young(just turned 21 before WC), and can be considered a replacement for Distin, because he's a left-footed CB with pace and power on a 6'4" frame. He already starts for Hertha Berlin in the Bundesliga, who aren't too shabby.
  4. I'd give him another chance. I think he just can't find playing time at City. We could use him for Europe/cup matches.
  5. Look up Periphery's self - titled. They have an instrumental version (can't stand the singer). It has less synth.
  6. This has been my thinking since right before he left for Spurs. We don't rely so heavily on his link up with Baines anymore. I think now is the time.
  7. I actually quite like this -- this is the style of drums I play along with jazz. Fan of instrumental prog metal? check out Animals as Leaders' "the Joy of Motion." Let me know what you think. I also like Rooftops' "Forest of Polarity," though it's not metal.
  8. Haha, I did mean big, but I wouldn't want him in wages at all!
  9. Think both are kind of terrible, but not everyone will be happy I guess.
  10. I feel the same. Muscle memory is indeed involved. The moat technical drummers don't peak at 16/17/18, whatever.
  11. Haha. well I never made a case for Belgium or against Spain, and vice versa, but either way it's just a bit of banter. I will agree that Torres getting on the field is shocker.
  12. Time to start a "Why are Spain so ridiculously overrated?" Thread.
  13. Wow. Spain is looking like the worst team at this tournament.
  14. :yellow CARD: Would've given you a red, but I like that nickname.
  15. I'm glad he's going to West Brom and not coming here. He's on the wrong side of thirty, and we could find someone better for what he'd want in wages.
  16. ...At a Dollar General, of course.
  17. Agreed. If they somehow failed to make it out of the group state all hell would break loose. ... And then if Argentina went on to win it? I would not want to be in Brazil.
  18. Ochoa was on a different level tonight. Brazil aren't looking like world champions right now.
  19. Better you than me, Steve. I'm sitting pretty as eleventh runner-up (hold all applause).
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