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Everything posted by FanchesterCity

  1. Yep keep the colours down (although it's less of an issue nowadays than it used to pay, you used to have to pay more for more colours, and depends on what technique is being used for the shirts). Front and back usually costs more, and individual prints cost more too. Personally, I'd say it's not worth it unless there's at least 20 of you buying them. Otherwise, it's just for novelty value really. I like the idea of t-shirts personally, but not as a money making exercise. It's usually a pain in the arse for whoever is getting them printed and sent out etc, for the sake of a few quid each t-shirt! (usually waste more in petrol money!)
  2. The prob with t-shirt is the sizes and having to manage preorders etc - lots of folks say they want a t-shirt, you get them printed, then they go into hiding leaving you with lots of t-shirts! I'm sure some of you know t-shirt printers, but if not, I can put you in touch with one directly (then there's no crap about some City fan ripping you off etc etc). Polo shirts can be nice too - quite tidy, but better suited to small logos on the breast. If you actually want to ADVER|TISE the forum, tshirts and big clear text are the way to go. You'd be surprised how many folks have a nosey at a forum cos they've seen a few folks wearing t-shirts - esp if you're in a group in a pub etc before / after the game.
  3. Before anybody starts - it does NOT say 'crap forum' (it says 'no crap') but I didn't spend long aligning words - it was just a design idea - words can change etc etc
  4. the old style font at the top was one of Everton's historical fonts.
  5. I give up lads. When you start with 'retarded' comments and the like it just looks poor form. Football's about opinions, opposition, rivalry, banter. When it's getting paranoid and resorting to insults it's just silly. Best of luck for the season though, it's all to play for yet!
  6. Some of you have VERY short memories. My club have been a laughing stock many many times over. We've been up and down like a yo-yo etc etc. So if you want to throw ammunition at calamity clubs, I'm not going to win am I? So why on earth then, would anybody assume talking about prioritising the league over a cup is patronising? It's precisely the same issue for clubs at the top of the league and at the bottom, but then a squad is thin it's just more relevant than ever. So tell me, what's patronising about it? I think it's over sensitivity on your part.
  7. Never liked David Pleat - nicely spoken and gentle etc but just seems biased like Alan bloody Green As for Neville... clearly I'm a City fan but I have to say, I have to praise him. He's been as 'fair' as he can be on matches he's been a pundit on. Much better than I'd ever have expected. Yes it could not have been easy for him yesterday, but he DID joke about in saying 'can't we just move on to Chelsea v QPR?' Redknapp seemed VERY happy - not sure why - I must be missing some allegiance there (his Liverpool allegiance perhaps?). I don't mind Redknapp as a rule. Seems ok in general.
  8. Shame. I take a metal flask into City with me. I'm not sure we're supposed to have them, but loads do. I'd far rather they said "throw something and get caught and you don't come back". Imposing all these rules on 99% of innocent fans seems the wrong way to go, even though I do appreciate it's for safety - but it's not going to stop coin throwing is it? It seems to me like more pandering / knee jerk reaction to the idiots and more imposition on genuine fans.
  9. I'm a musician too, and some of the folks on xfactor CAN sing... they really can, but the tragedy is it's purely for singers, and it's style over substance time and time again. As 'entertainment' goes - the X-Factor is a cracker. It's not really my cup of tea, but the facts are the facts - people watch it, people vote on it and advertisers pay a fortune to be aired during. It does what it does VERY well. I just don't like what it does.
  10. Missing: 70,000 Man United fans, last seen at half time during the Manchester derby If you DO see one of the missing, please call the hotline 0161 616161
  11. It's hard to be sure what he said without a proper lip reader. I agree that's it's a bit mad when half your team mates are black - but people DO say stuff like 'you fat git' or 'Bald b'stard' when when your mates are bald and fat! I know it would never cross my mind to say something like that. I'd happily lose my rag and say "f**K off you daft c**t" but it wouldn't cross my mind to mention colour, so it's hard for me to imagine someone else doing t (but I'm sure many do). I'm no fan of Terry, but YouTube clips can't be the way to try him!
  12. Well I suppose that's the other side of the coin - with a cup you can go all out to actually win something I suppose. But it's the risk of injury / extra games all taking a toll on the squad and it affecting league performances - look what happened to Birmingham. That would be my worry with Everton - IF you got too involved in cups, you could end up in that group of 8 or so teams hovering over the relegation zone. Not saying you'd go down, but every year there's always a couple of decent teams who find themselves somehow embroiled in that mess, and suddenly 3 points between them and the relegation zone looks too close for comfort. I'd say keeping Everton in the prem HAS to be number on priority, no matter how unlikely relegation might seem. It would be a disaster for you (I think). Oh I don't know !!! I can see the appeal of a cup win - it did wonders for us! hmmm I'll have to think a bit more about this!
  13. Our scoreline was flattering, but that said, they caved in at the end. They'll be back - they're too decent a team to take that lying down. Probably go on an unbeaten run, and we'll lose against Wolves next! It's Sods Law. Still can't really believe it to be honest. I still think we flatter to deceive. My heart says "we're not actually that good" but my head says "you can't put 6 past United at Old Trafford and not be good" Still, we'll enjoy it whilst we can. Quite enjoyed the QPR game too!... not 'cos it was good for us, but it's nice to see the underdog win! Really looking forward to seeing you play Man U. I've got a sneaky feeling (contrary to what I just said) that they might be 'unsettled' by today's result and might be there for the taking! Then again - you might get a backlash. I'm no hater of United - They're a cracking team, but I'll be cheering on Everton!
  14. I agree it's not a well known rule!... since 99% of the time, we don't see such things happen. Almost all offsides are a ball played forwards, and 'cut backs' from the byline usually end up behind a defender. My son had to tell ME that playing it backwards meant it was ok... He must know this from his bloody XBox or something, cos I didn't know it in 35 years of watching football!
  15. From Wiki: The thinking behind placing a player beside a goalpost is that it means more of the goal area is protected and there is no loss in the ability to play an offside trap because offside does not apply for the first touch from a corner.
  16. I would guess yes, again by the rules, it would seem you can't be offside from a corner as long as you're in front of the goalie.
  17. The offside rule states: A player is in an offside position if: he is nearer to his opponents' goal line than both the ball and the second last opponent Ergo, if he's behind the ball, he cannot be offside :-)
  18. Me and my son both thought it was offside originally but with the wonders of Sky+ it was fine. The trick was passing the ball backwards. When the original through ball was played, both players were onside (replays show this), when Lescott passed, he passed backwards - which is onside.
  19. You have to take the luck - other teams do! And there is some truth in the statement 'you make your own luck' - you still have to be IN positions to take advantage of luck. Bit of a shame about who you have next, it would have been good for Everton to get a little run going - but that's not to say you can't sneak something next week. Win your games in hand (easier said than done, I know) and you'll be right back in contention with the chasing pack for 5/6/7th place. If I'm honest, it's hard to see you doing too well this season, but I've been wrong many many times!. If you can grab a draw against Man U, your confidence will be right back on track :-) Now, this might sound a bit iffy, but I'd be inclinded to give up on the cups (although many fans might argue they are good thing to aim for when you're unlucky to win much else). I think avoiding extra matches, potential injuries and tiredness for Everton (at the moment) would be a good thing, and allow you to focus on winning more games in the Prem. What do you reckon?
  20. What a day! Got to love this sport - there's always lucky wins, freak results, funny moments... It's turning out to be a proper Sunday Special!
  21. Cheers! over the blue moon!... but back to Everton - it's the luck of the draw sometimes - you play great and lose, or get harsh decisions, then don't play well and win. Sods law! But 3 points is 3 poins. Fulham's not an easy game away. Good luck against the Reds! you usually give them a game, but the backlash might be a problem for you (then again, it might work in your favour!) Nice to see you win though. Onwards and upwards eh? !!!
  22. Well done chaps! Wouldn't fancy United after today's game! But three points is just what you needed. You can breathe a little more easily now!
  23. Best of luck at Craven Cottage chaps! I'm going into hiding for the weekend - I know what's comin'! Balotelli to be red carded in the 12 minute for removing Sir Alex's dentures after being irritated by his gum chewing. Rooney to score a hat trick having discovered a pair of dentures on the pitch and looking forward to his next BJ from a woman wearing them - since his last older woman didn't bother. Fulham 1 : 2 Everton United 3 : 1 City after 102 minutes
  24. Most sensible footballs fans KNOW it's not ALL Everton fans / Man U / City whatever... it's a minority of them. I can see the view that 'it's not me doing it, it's other mindless individual' - and that is true - BUT their actions have an impact on the club: - Financial penalties for racist chanting - Possible points deductions - Bad press does nothing to encourage investment into the club - The reputation of fans 'as a group' is damaged - They are chanting in earshot of us all So, whilst I have sympathy for the 'nothing to do with me' view - I think it's right that the club, and the decent fans make a stand against it. If you don't, then it will carry on, and THAT makes you party to it by not condemning it. There's some serious wit on the terraces sometimes and we need to be mindful of not losing that wit. Sometimes, it's much harder to draw a line between acceptable and unacceptable. Hillsborough, Munich, Racism, The Wenger Thing - all and the hard core NOT acceptable list. 'You fat b*****d', wife comments etc etc - some can be witty, are they acceptable? ever? 'We forgot that you were here', "Sit down shut up" - funny and totally acceptable. It's that middle ground stuff where most will not be sure about what's ok and what isn't. But I think when the majority of fans deplore something, it's probably common decency for the rest to avoid chanting it. Every club's got this issue - no matter what they claim. It's not just Everton. City fans were throwing stuff the other night (paper balls made from the paper they gave fans to hold up at the start of the match) - but still, they had to be told TWICE on the PA to stop throwing stuff. I caught my own son calling United fans 'Munichs' - he won't be doing that again, I hope. Half the people singing this stuff don't THINK, it's not that they are setting out to really be nasty (although some are), many simply sing it and never pause for a moment to understand. Manure (Man U) seems ok to me Munich is relating to people dying - it's not funny.
  25. Put me down for an XXL !! ;-)
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