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Everything posted by Aidan

  1. Allowing United to play here and we will get caught out by it
  2. It's hard to portray over the Internet, isn't it?
  3. Exactly what I thought,I just wanted to make sure that I'm not seeing this in the wrong way.a
  4. It's okay everyone, according to Martinez it's such a huge game on saturday it doesn't need him to motivate the team. Don't worry guys.
  5. Made out as if mori was kissing the badge because he was proud he injured a Liverpool player.
  6. What about carralars comments about mori kissing the badge on ss?
  7. I'm sorry, it's just a very frustrating time being a fan and I suppose it's easy to take frustration out on forums. The fans are the victims of Martinez.
  8. At what point did he say that it's okay to concede two because he made two good saves? The point is he's been forced to make saves because of bad defending, the law of averages says eventually he will concede if we keep allowing shots on target. You called someone stupid and made yourself look it in the same breath.
  9. Unless he decides to take up a very very poor position before the cross comes in you can't expect him to come for it. Look at the depth of the ball and where Robles is stood and honestly tell me you don't think he's diving under that ball if he comes for it.
  10. Oh fuck off, losing my patience with the dillusion of fans as well as the fucking manager. Absolutely fucking mental.
  11. So basically we've started our strongest team, despite having the semi final on Saturday, to give absolutely zero passion, determination, conviction or ability. Wrong again Mr Martinez. Please please please get rid before the semi final so we can go into it with a mindful fresh start and breath of fresh air.
  12. I don't think anyone wants us to lose the semi, I just think people want Martinez out so much they are willing to sacrifice that. In an ideal world we will win the semis and Martinez will get binned after the season is over.
  13. Realistically how long has Martinez got left? It's a shame he's going to be given the privilege of the FA cup semi to be honest. For me, even if we win the FA cup he needs to leave, he's ruining our club single handedly. Should have lost today. Mori for man of the match. Davies looks like a good prospect too.
  14. He scores more than lescott, he scores more than lescott, he's funes mori, he score more than lescott!
  15. Has anyone questioned why were starting kone over our 13.5 million pound striker yet? I can't be arsed reading the whole thread.
  16. How does a team that has 4 solid international defenders and plays two defensive midfielders in front of them conceded every single game?
  17. I'm hoping Martinez gets the sack after the FA cup, regardless of what the result is. Let big Dunc see the rest of the season out now, instead of this clown.
  18. He shouldn't have votes,agreed, but to imply he has a bad game would be unfair. He literally had zero service today.
  19. In the first half the only player that was looking forward were Besic. I'd have to go for him. Arsenal are always that club that aren't small enough for us to easily beat, but aren't big enough for us to try hard and go in with that underdog hunger.
  20. Upsetting, Martinez was adamant that he could more or less go into first team football.
  21. Agree with most of these here apart from three. The first being Howard, and this one is easily debatable. We need a new keeper, I'm not disputing that one bit. I'd like to see Howard stay as a back up keeper, however unlikely that is! Oviedo, despite injury issues, is a good back up player and I think it would be foolish to try to replace him. He has really good spells and if he could get himself fit consistently then he could be a great rotation player for us. Finally, Baines. Leighton is still one of the best left backs in the league, he has been injured for a fraction of a season. Lets not get over our heads and say we could possibly sell him because of a dip in form due to injury. The creativity and leadership and he has to offer is massive for Everton. I remember earlier on in the season when he came back from injury and he played his socks off and showed us exactly what he's about. I'd hate to see him go. As for Garbutt, he looks to me as if he could possibly end up in a central role in that defence position. Looks very very promising though.
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