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Posts posted by Shukes

  1. I'm really just not up for this game. It will be a case of watching with hands covering my face. I just feel that the arsenal game was a complete "wheels have come off and dressing room is gone"


    In general I just have a lot of nervousness around the club. The players will be unsure of what is on the horizon - rom is talking about moving, unsure of the managers standing and what other clubs will do in the close season - exiting times in one way but we are not stable at all at this moment.

    Same here. I just can't see how he can pick them up after the last shambles.

    If he could he would have done it countless times this season.


    I just want to see us fight until the end of the season, but I just can't see any heart.

  2. You guys must be the last two people on Earth that still believe in that clown - I do commend you for that at least. Do you not see the correlation of Wigan when RM was in charge? We are a carbon copy.....Leaky defence there, leaky defence here. Three England internationals on the pitch the other night and we sit 12th. And Lukaku scores as well for Belgium. I'll believe the players should share half the blame when we have a new manager and we still sit 12th with the current squad. Glad to eat crow on that.

    Didn't say I believe in him.

    Just that I don't give the players a free ticket like most the rest if our fans.


    Having played the game for 25+ years I understand that I manager can only be part of what happens on the pitch. I found that I myself had a massive influence on how we played and the results that we got. So did the rest of my team.


    We had superstars, but they would be on the bench if they thought they were too good for us. Our team was a team from day one, if you weren't prepared to be part of that team then you knew where the door was.


    We won,lost and fought together as a team.

  3. All about context. You did actually say he was better than us. But I see now you meant better than our position, which is fine.

    I just want him to realise he is a massive part of a team sitting in the bottom half of the table. He is around about 9% of the reason for that for me. Same as all other players.


    The manager has a big part to play for me to. But not enough to excuse the team.


    He wants to play the game....then play it. Talk like your a Cl player

    ...then you need to play like it to.

    It's not like he has dragged us up the table is it...were twenty haha.


    Our whole team should put up and shut up. Start earning your wage.


    Oh and stay for another Season Rom.

  4. Let's blame Rom for everything, as it's a team game and apparently noone can standout and win a match. Stones misses the ball at the back post and the ball goes through Howard's legs..FFS where was Rom?

    No one's blaming him for it all...were just not giving him a free ticket because he's too good for us either.


    I want him to stay. But Ffs a little respect never hurt anyone.

    Remember when we beat Man U, Aresnal and Barca for his signature... Ye me neither.

    Yet we owe him so much for choosing us over West Brom.


    Use us as a stepping stone by all means, but show some humility while your here.

  5. That's what I mean. He can be so good (he's anything but over rated), but then in the next breath you want to cover your eyes because of him.


    The biggest mistake he could make is leaving us this summer IMO. As much criticism as he's taken for his mistakes with us this season he'll get absolutely mauled at another club. It won't do him any good whatsoever. He can grow with us.

    Agree, he will be a big talent.

    Couple of moments tonight but overall he has looked very good.


    3 Everton players on the pitch for England now.

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