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Everything posted by Hoof_It_Nev

  1. So it's either Pienaar or Naismith on the wing, hopefully Pienaar with Naismith behind Lukaku. I imagine we'll see Atsu on for McGeady at some point, looking forward to this!
  2. Didn't we go through a patch where we didn't lose when he was on the pitch? Something like 12 games unbeaten then he got injured and we lost a match... might be imagining that? Either way I always rated him. Always put in solid performances and did a similar job to Barry in a way that he protected the defense really well.
  3. Yeah I don't really understand the "I go the game" thing either tbh. I'm from Oxford, is this a Northern thing?
  4. It seems to me that people are underestimating the other teams in the Europa. Of course it would be amazing to win the Europa, but we can't even win the FA Cup when we try - the class of teams in Europa is pretty high after the first rounds. Benfica, Juventus, Napoli, Ajax, PSV, Valencia etc. It would be a lot harder than most people think. I would hate for us to put all our eggs all in one basket and end up with nothing.
  5. We've smashed it with this year's kits. I was sceptical when be got the Umbro deal as I think their stuff usually looks a bit outdated. But these are really really nice!
  6. Wow, impressive! More of a drawing than a painting though
  7. Nope. Waited long enough, giving up now. If it starts in the next 2 min, you're welcome everyone!
  8. Never getting that fiver back we paid for Coleman
  9. I'd take 50m for any of our players tbh. Silly money that can be reinvested in the whole squad. If other clubs want to be frivolous with their money let them!
  10. It basically gets cheaper the further away from London you are...
  11. Yep, move on. I want someone who wants to play for Everton, rather than waiting for something better to come along.
  12. Pencilled in for a return in September http://www.evertonfc.com/news/archive/2014/07/11/september-return-for-oviedo
  13. Some very winnable games in the closing stages of the season
  14. £40m is just what Southampton would have to get to part with him though - he's not for sale so the high price tag will reflect that.
  15. What a team though, jeez... 13 Bossut 02 Alderweireld (Vanden Borre - 45' ) 05 Vertonghen (Lombaerts - 77' ) 08 Fellaini 04 Kompany (van Buyten - 45' ) 03 Vermaelen 11 Mirallas (Januzaj - 45' ) 06 Witsel (Defour - 45' ) 09 Lukaku (Origi - 61' ) 07 De Bruyne 10 Hazard (Chadli - 45' ) Gotta be worth a cheeky punt at the World Cup!
  16. On paper England have a really exciting team, think we'll see a few more goals than we normally do
  17. We're also assuming that the B teams will shoot to the top of League 1 - I don't think it would be as easy as most people are assuming.
  18. Something that I can't find the answer to - regarding the B teams won't be able to get promoted to the Championship. Surely this doesn't mean no-one gets promoted? Doesn't it mean 3rd and 4th would get promoted? If not, I agree then it's a bit silly.
  19. Obviously some teams have suffered as a result of the extra games. We shouldn't be avoiding Europa because of this - we should be learning from their mistakes and make sure we're fully prepared for the extra strain. Roberto definitely has his head screwed on, he's been saying a large squad is key to success since he's joined.
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