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Should Spurs Be Worried.

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Just checking Harry Rednaps former clubs.


Bournemouth - In administration

Southampton - in dire need of cash and heading for administration

West Ham - In dire need of cash and in a lot of trouble

Portsmouth - in dire need of cash and selling their best players, also in trouble



Not the best CV is it, i wont be suprised if Tottenham go the same way a few years down the line.

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Just checking Harry Rednaps former clubs.


Bournemouth - In administration

Southampton - in dire need of cash and heading for administration

West Ham - In dire need of cash and in a lot of trouble

Portsmouth - in dire need of cash and selling their best players, also in trouble



Not the best CV is it, i wont be suprised if Tottenham go the same way a few years down the line.



Mis-management by the boards of those clubs can't be pinned on Harry really though.

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Partly Mark but he goes to these clubs and offers high wages to get the players in but consistantly underachieves, then moves on to another club leaving them in the shit. ;)



Do you really think he offered high wages to players at Bournemouth, West Ham and Southampton though? I always got the impression he was a bargain basement manager at those clubs, and at Bournemouth and West Ham he relied on youth mostly. Portsmouth I'll give you though, he signed has-beens and ageing players to high wages there.

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Its intresting to see those stats. But in answer to the original question, yes Spurs should be worries. So should everybody! The next "Leeds" is waiting to happen, despite the economic downturn alot of clubs are still plowing alot of money into the teams in search of the holy grail of Champions League football. Mis-managment of the clubs is leading to managers paying huge prices for crap players then getting the sack. Spurs are prime targets for this. Firstly players like Bent and Pavleychenko have had huge outlays on them and have got minimal returns, when they finally move on they will get very little money back for them in comparison with what they paid, then also they sell Defoe and buy him back for twice the price 1 year later.


Alot of teams could be in trouble, but unless Spurs are careful they could really be in trouble unless they start to curb there spending! I wouldn't blame Harry if they went into a financial crisis, at the end of the day if Harry asks for money for a player and the board don't have it or don't see value in it then they should just say NO, and Harry will have to make do with what they can afford. Moyes has been doing it for years and he seems to be doing ok!

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Dude, he was managing Bournemouth, like, 20 years ago, and Lord only knows how many different owners, chairmen, and managers they've gone through since then. To claim he has anything at all to do with the Cherries' financial problems in the last couple of years would be like blaming Everton's current financial situation on Colin Harvey's managerial stint.

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I think that Spurs should be worried about the background staff more than anything this season. They had a really poor start and could have easily had it worse, being bottom at this time. I ask myself what went so wrong with Juande Ramos. He was highly rated over in Spain (and still is) yet he coulden't do a thing right at Spurs. Something tells me that it wasnt all down to Ramos and that somewhere behind the scenes things were not working out.


Harry has done well at Portsmouth and West Ham, so they have a decent manager who has actually done the buisness in the top league. He won the FA Cup last year, beating Cardiff City in the last round (Kanu Scoring), and he's had some good succes, Southampton would be better off with him and I think Porstmouth would. He's a top manager and I think that Spurs should put as much support into Harry as possible.

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It's not finance related but Redknapp is a prick. He's always talking about other clubs players, declaring interest public etc. It's a form of tapping players up and he gets away with it all the time. Take the Jenas story; it's him that made it public and then announced that he'd tried to get one of our players. I dislike this man so much.

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