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Jimmy The Blue.


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For all those who enquired about Jimmy the blue, i emailed him and have had this reply.



Hi Bill


Season's greetings to one and all.

I have been some what out of the game for the last few months due to

illness and other matters, fortunately things are slightly better now than

they have been but normality seems to be a far way off. The last time I

visited the site Mike was busy closing threads I had started, this was

shortly before my illness took hold, TBH I just have not had the

inclination to come back although circumstances also meant that I could

not have come back if I had wanted to.

At present my time isn't my own, weekly visits to hospital for me and my

dog, she has been struck down with cancer and is receiving chemo. My

health leaves me feeling weak so I'm sleeping a lot more than is healthy,

no matter its best just to plough on.



Despite our so called recovery I'm still not over enamoured with the

blues, that home record is deplorable and laughs in the face of reason

when you see the results we've grounded out away from home. I don't fancy

our chances against the reds one bit. One positive point is the Yak's

injury has forced us to play more football rather then giving him hoofed

balls to chase all the time. Is it just a coincidence that we have

improved dramatically without route one.


Give my regards to one and all and hopefully I'll return when I get a

chance to do so



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Wasnt with us for a long time, but the time he spent here was always lively, and he posted more often than anybody else.

Unfortunately he's getting on in years (a bit like myself) and his health has not been good.

Has obviously been going through a bad patch which i hope wont last for too long.

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Glad he's OK. Don't recall closing any of his threads though, in fact I never close, merge or delete is my motto :lol: !


Come back soon Jimmy....feel the love!


Edit...just checked back...I did close one, "What's your favourite pizza topping?"


Sorry Jim :( . Pizza Express American Hot (pepperoni & chilli) if it's any consolation :lol: .

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Nice to see he's OK. When I first joined he was a regular and he was always making good posts to help the forum. I was like Jamie when he vanished completely without warning. I think he mentioned something about ill health making it all the more worse when he just completely stopped posting. I was with Mark on fearing the worst :(:unsure:


Glad to see he is OK and I hope he comes back onto the forum soon, he was a pretty cool member. And his 'What Are You Having For Tea?' thread needs to be revived in his honour. ;)

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