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Is It Right To Boo Your Own Players?

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This topic has been rumbling along on Sky all week.............it follows the events at Villa when gabby darling was booed by some home supporters.


I have booed many refs and visiting players with gusto over the years but not once have I booed a blue. That said it has happened many times over the years, Varadi got booed on more than one occasion simply because the lad was crap. Killer got booed when he was at Sunderland, he might not have been the best player in the world but Kilbane always tried his best. The only time I could imagine booing a blue would be some glaring unjust incident between two blues on the park. hopefully that will never happen.


Managers are a different entity, even Moyes has been roundly booed at GP, but again I have always refused to join in as such action is certain to effect the players on the pitch, a boo a the final whistle, may be, but never during the game.


Have you ever booed any one at GP or what do you think of booing your own players

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I've never booed and can't see a situation where I would...I've been severely depressed and angered by many performances over the years and I've screamed and shouted and sulked....but never booed :) .


And as for abusing young players who've made a good contribution as a teenager, like Agbonlahor, I'd certainly never say boo to the Goose :P .


I'll get my coat :| .

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Never booed my own players, not sure I would but you never know. The reaction of a section of the Villa fans to Agbonlahor was ridiculous, the same can be said of Arsenal's fans to Eboue. I think booing someone for what they have done of the park or opposition players is more understandable, but simply for a below par performance is plain stupidity. The fact of the matter is that the people who are booing could never do what the players can do so should just shut the fuck up and act with a little maturity. Its only a game. Some people need a little persepective, unfortunatly fans of clubs like Villa and Arsenal think they deserve more than they are getting when in fact they should be greatful that they are doing well in the first place.

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To an extent it is wrong to boo individuals, but it can also become a kick up the arse that player needs. Look at liverpool fans with lucas, he was booed off when sent off against us, due to being unbelievably below par in previous games then that. If one of our players was shite for X amount of games would you not want to let him know what you think?

To that player being booed that could be the thing that turns their form around.

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never boo an individual, an booing gabby was terrible as hes only a kid, and hes been very good for them this season.


i see no problem in booing at the final whistle, if the team doesnt even seem to be putting the effort in they deserve it. but if they give 100% as we expect then there shouldnt be a problem. (hibbo is a great example, not the best player, but always gives his best, should never be boo'd)

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Have never booed and never will... I think a quick exit in silence has the same effect anyway.



-Well then, try loosing 5-0 at home and 7-1 away with all of Europe watching;

-Try having 3 (going on 4) years of the same boring football, with practically no results and no end in sight;

-Try having Primma Donnas in your squad that get all cry-baby when the manager makes them play in a different, position, or they're not allowed to leave for a team fighting not to get RELEGATED;

-Try having 12 years of the same kind of honorless leadership, disrespecting the fans and members of the club, and quite possibly destroying one of the clubs with the most history in the country and Europe, across dozens of sports;

-Try having the police deny you your freedom of speech and right to protest because the jackasses that run your club are afraid of bad publicity.


Now imagine all that, and think again if you would or wouldn't demonstrate your anger and dissaproval...

Edited by Sporting4ever
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-Well then, try loosing 5-0 at home and 7-1 away with all of Europe watching;

-Try having 3 (going on 4) years of the same boring football, with practically no results and no end in sight;

-Try having Primma Donnas in your squad that get all cry-baby when the manager makes them play in a different, position, or they're not allowed to leave for a team fighting not to get RELEGATED;

-Try having 12 years of the same kind of honorless leadership, disrespecting the fans and members of the club, and quite possibly destroying one of the clubs with the most history in the country and Europe, across dozens of sports;

-Try having the police deny you your freedom of speech and right to protest because the jackasses that run your club are afraid of bad publicity.


Now imagine all that, and think again if you would or wouldn't demonstrate your anger and dissaproval...



So with all that booing at your place do you think Mountino is on his way over to the mighty Blues :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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So with all that booing at your place do you think Mountino is on his way over to the mighty Blues :lol::lol::lol::lol:


I have no idea who'll stay and who'll go, and to where. I just want the club back on the hands of it's associates. Us. We've always been a multi-sports club, ranging from football to snooker, rugby to ciclism, gymnastics to track and field, handball to rink hockey, and much, much more.. Sure, our European glory in Football was a Single Cup Winners Cup, but there's only one club in the world with more national and european titles in all the sports it has had since it's creation, and that's FC Barcelona. But we've been reduced to mere shadow of what we once were, because of poor management and lack of dedication and love for our club.


So I don't know what's gonna happen, I do hope for change. As for players, that's the least of my concerns.. We've made it quite clear that we've got a pretty good talent scouting team and an amazing proving ground for young players to unlock their potential. Unfortunately, it seems we also lack in terms of making them adults. So mostly they're boys with with the hope of beeing the next Ronaldo, or the next Quaresma, or maybe they're just blinded by own much more money they'd make in clubs like Bolton... :blink:

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Never booed my own players, not sure I would but you never know. The reaction of a section of the Villa fans to Agbonlahor was ridiculous, the same can be said of Arsenal's fans to Eboue. I think booing someone for what they have done of the park or opposition players is more understandable, but simply for a below par performance is plain stupidity. The fact of the matter is that the people who are booing could never do what the players can do so should just shut the fuck up and act with a little maturity. Its only a game. Some people need a little persepective, unfortunatly fans of clubs like Villa and Arsenal think they deserve more than they are getting when in fact they should be greatful that they are doing well in the first place.


You made some good points there Jamie. The fact is like you said, the fans can't do what the players and need to realise that everyone makes mistakes. Agbonlahor is a young, talented lad that probably had an off day (didn't see the game) and should not be booed for his actions. I'd be surprised if that had any positive effect on him at all. It's probably going to make him hate the club if he carries on, Villa have had a good season this time round and that could be down the luck or just the fact that they have played well, the fact is that the bubble has burst and their on a sky-dive. Villa fans are now up in arms and looking for someone to point the finger at, it seems that Agbonlahor got the blame this time round.


Arsenal too. Booing Eboue was just stupid. If your going to boo, boo the team after a bad performance but not just one guy. Booing one guy dosen't help him at all.


Like StevO said , keep the booing , if that's what you must do , for the whole team , and not 1 guy .

Villa fans need to get real.

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Excerpt from "The Fifth Official"'s column this week, which pretty much sums up my thoughts on the issue as well:


After letting Arsenal's fans have it for booing their side during a 17-match unbeaten run it would be remiss of me not to deliver a similar, sizzling sermon to the fans of both Aston Villa and Middlesbrough who gatecrashed the booing party with spectacular results at the weekend.


Gabriel Agbonlahor was the villain of the piece at Villa Park as Martin O'Neill's side suffered another disappointing home result, this time at the hands of a resurgent Spurs. Gabby got it in the neck for having the temerity to score only one goal in his last 14 games. What a cretin. Forget the fact that he scored nine in 14 games prior to that, has been rewarded for his excellent early season form with international recognition, or that he's only 22. He got both barrels from the 12th man in the Holt End after being subbed ten minutes from the end after a hardworking but ultimately goalless shift.


Villa fans - if you give your leading goalscorer grief for a barren run what the hell are you going to do to Emile Heskey? Crikey, he'll be run out of town before April's out.


Having lauded Villa for their football this season, and for turning Arsenal into paranoid, quivering wrecks as their fourth 'forgone conclusion' spot appeared to be under threat, I have to say their behaviour was pathetic. It'd serve them right if their actions stripped Agbonlahor of what little confidence he has left and he fails to find the net again all season. Then perhaps they'll finish eighth; that would be something to boo about.


The second and most impressive installment of our booing double came at the Riverside as Middlesbrough snatched a late draw against Portsmouth. It was one for the booing connoisseurs as Boro's fans treated their players to a true smorgasbord of abuse.


I wish I could say no-one escaped as eff upon eff cascaded down from the half-empty stands but one solitary figure somehow did - Tuncay, the man who has a staggering five goals in 24 games this season. Perhaps it's because his 70's style perm thrashes about wildly in the wind even when he's standing still that Boro fans labour under the misapprehension that he's forever putting himself about. That's the only explanation I can think of upon hearing the Boro fans chant ''We've only got one player,'' in reference to the Turk.


I mean, that is just staggering in its stupidity. Exempting one player while castigating the rest is some feat. The bitterness and jealousy Boro's players now must feel towards Tuncay probably means he'll won't receive another pass as long as he's there, which is probably until May when he exercises his relegation release clause.


Boro fans were recently outraged when they were instructed to keep the noise down by the club's own officials. Perhaps they should have listened.

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