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Banter On Bluemoon Forum

Guest efctaxi

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Guest efctaxi
Cant read that topic and dont wanna register there lol. What was going on there :)


Basically , a guy posted that 2 lads had stolen Wembley tickets , and a big anti Scouser thread erupted . I reminded them not to tar everyone with the same brush , and it kicked on from there .

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Lets be honest we wouldnt and dont like other supporters from other clubs coming on here and acting a prick by causing arguements, so I have no idea why anyone finds this sort of thing funny, very childish if you ask me and ive only just got past childhood!

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Lets be honest we wouldnt and dont like other supporters from other clubs coming on here and acting a prick by causing arguements, so I have no idea why anyone finds this sort of thing funny, very childish if you ask me and ive only just got past childhood!


We have no problems in here with other teams supporters who behaves, i think. At least habent seen anything of that here. And if you can see from some post earlier, ppl in bluemoon seem to think that some Evertonians(taxi?+some1else) are writing their forum much better stuff that stuipidiest cityfans...

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Guest efctaxi
Lets be honest we wouldnt and dont like other supporters from other clubs coming on here and acting a prick by causing arguements, so I have no idea why anyone finds this sort of thing funny, very childish if you ask me and ive only just got past childhood!


Aaron mate , I think once again you have gotten the wrong end of the stick and failed to read the thread properly .


Nobody goes there looking for trouble .

Some of us are members there who have a bit of banter coming our way occasionally . Throughout , I don't know any of our lads who aren't mature and polite in response to some of the venom that can get spat on us there by the less sociable members , but having said that , there are also a lot of good folk on there .


I'll thank you to postpone your opinions in future untill you have enough information to form them .


Furthermore , I won't try and explain the nature of the aforementioned Bluemoon thread to you as the words I would have to write would simply exhaust themselves whilst knocking on the door of a rather closed and undeserving mind . :)


As for being childish , I'm not the one who has ' let's get fucking wasted , let's get fucking wasted , na na na na , na na na na ' in my personal profile . ;)

Edited by efctaxi
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Guest efctaxi
City fans actually annoy me nearly as much as Manchester United fans.


I'm glad you stood up to them haha!


Trying to do it politely is often the hardest task . :lol:


For every 10 posts you write on there , at least 5 replies will be from kids hurling insults and obscenities .

Not once have I noticed an admin or moderator on there quoting any rules , so I guess it's just a free for all sometimes .


Some of them are ok though as previously stated .

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