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Nick Griffin On Newsnight


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Did anyone else see this complete idiot on Newsnight? I just can not believe that this man can get anyone to take him seriously!


On a strange sidenote but in the same area. On my facebook hompage where you see everyone's status', well this is the first time that every single one is about a political issue! Normally it's people just talking about bloody X Factor! At least people seem to be a little bit interested in politics, even if it is just because of this bloody idiot.

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Question Time Jamie :) .


Yeah I watched it. The man's a laughable buffoon who's only the party leader because he's the only member with a double figure IQ.

Slightly disappointed that they spent most of the programme talking about the BNP when they could have dismissed them in the first five minutes and then covered important stuff, but it was the right thing for the BBC to do to have him on.


No-one with half a brain can have watched it and come to any conclusion other than that he's a deluded half-wit. Hopefully those misguided enough to have voted for him in the past won't do it again having seen the true slimy obnoxious small minded nature of the man :) .

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Did anyone else see this complete idiot on Newsnight? I just can not believe that this man can get anyone to take him seriously!


On a strange sidenote but in the same area. On my facebook hompage where you see everyone's status', well this is the first time that every single one is about a political issue! Normally it's people just talking about bloody X Factor! At least people seem to be a little bit interested in politics, even if it is just because of this bloody idiot.


Let's be honest, Nick Griffin is an extremist and some areas of his politics aren't worth air time ie Holocaust denial.

But he WAS given air time last night due to the FACT (according to the BBC) that he is gaining support.Many people are fed up with being the laughing stock of Europe, with every down and out wanting to come to England for what they can get, they treck across Europe heading for the promised land.....I'm not clued up on his Winston Churchill link, but I'm pretty sure old Winston would have had his head in his hands at that thought.

Griffin amongest other things is saying, let people in if they are usefull to THIS country.....he's also saying that perhaps Millitant Muslim extremists are walking in as they please, why wouldn't they?

If I wanted to live in another country, but hadn't got a usefull skill or profession or huge amounts of cash that would be used in that country.......I wouldn't be surprised if I wasn't allowed in.....Australia springs to mind, come if you can be of some use to us I guess is their moto!

Nick Griffin doesn't speak for me.....the same as Enoch Powell didn't speak for my father!.....But!

Politicians on the whole aren't affected by immigration, the schools affected aren't attended by their children, they probably have private health care, the jobs their children will go for probably wont be affected, they don't live in areas where immigration is a problem.....they might have to widen the moat....but then we will pay for that!

Does Griffin care about this country ?.....He certainly takes risks, surely wont be too long before someone has a pot shot at him.


Are the English people too scared to say what they really think.......should they....is it too late!

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Define English people?


Griffin is the scum of the earth. And always will be. Does western europe have an immigration problem? Yes we do. But facism is not the answer. The reason people are allowed travel across Europe to come to the richer nations is because we have a common labour market. It's the thing that's made us the richest, most stable and most liberal nations in the world. Have a problem with how Britain is treating you, you can move anywhere else, it's your right, the same way it's their right to go to a country with a reasonably stable government and economy and try and improve their life. Last night on QT an asian women who works with new immigrants gave the anecdote of a trained medical doctor from Bangladesh who is happily working in Britain as a cleaner because it gives her children a chance.


Want to see the real Nick Griffin?


In 2000, Nick Griffin travelled to the US to address an organisation called the American Friends of the BNP. Members of the group included David Duke, at the time leader of the Ku Klux Klan, and James W Von Brunn, a white supremacist who killed a security man in an attack on Washington's holocaust museum earlier this year. During Griffin's visit, he outlined his blueprint for making his party electable by dropping its lexicon of "racial purity" and Jewish conspiracies: "The BNP isn't about selling out its ideas, but we are determined to sell them. Basically, that means to use saleable words such as freedom, identity, security, democracy."


Griffin continued: "Once we're in a position where we control the British broadcasting media, then perhaps one day the British people might change their mind and say, 'yes, every last one must go'. But if you hold that out as your sole aim to start with, you're not going to get anywhere. So, instead of talking about racial purity, we talk about identity."




The British National Party stands for the preservation of the national and ethnic character of the British people and is wholly opposed to any form of racial integration between British and non-European peoples. It is therefore committed to stemming and reversing the tide of non-white immigration and to restoring, by legal changes, negotiation and consent, the overwhelmingly white make-up of the British population that existed in Britain prior to 1948.





Last night he labelled homosexuality "disgusting", said that David Duke's Ku Klux Klan was "non-violent" and that he "recently" change his mind about his Holocaust Denial because of "new figures".



Fair play to the Lib Dem for really going at Griffin on his horrendous beliefs and to Bonnie Greer for showing him how utterly scientifically false all his claims about British/English people and culture are.

Edited by Grarghsies
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While I despise the man and sure as hell dont agree with his views, he has in a way been useful as he has made the major political parties think seriously about immigration. For too many years the current Labour govt have been sweeping it under the carpet, giving us crap about figures and the measures that they are supposedly have taken. I imagine that right now it is one of the major concerns for the majority of the British public and it somehow needs to be reigned in. The recent statistics have shown the huge and very rapid increase in the population of which the public sector have been completely unable to cope with. As far as I see it you either dramatically improve the NHS, housing, policing, infrastructure etc which costs billions and billions or you cut the amount of people entering the country, even if it is for a certain period of time until we can properly cope.


On a sidenote, of the 3 major parties consistently represented on Question Time the Lib Dems are always the ones that seem to have the better policies, ideas and less bull... Its a shame that they wont get into power!

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Did anyone else see this complete idiot on Newsnight? I just can not believe that this man can get anyone to take him seriously!


On a strange sidenote but in the same area. On my facebook hompage where you see everyone's status', well this is the first time that every single one is about a political issue! Normally it's people just talking about bloody X Factor! At least people seem to be a little bit interested in politics, even if it is just because of this bloody idiot.


do we have the same friends?? :lol:


didn't see it myself but one of my mates said that the only winner was youtube apparently..

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