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Saf To Be Punished For Keeping His Mouth Shut?

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i'm not sure what i think about it to be honest because i don't know the full story as to why he doesn't speak to the bbc? if it's a good enough reason then he shouldn't have to speak to them and phelan should be enough anyways but i see the point about them payin for the rights etc

BBC showed a documntary which touched upon the large fee's being paid to his son for scouting and agency work. It was all a bit dodgeym basically Jason Ferguson broke FIFA rules in the signing of one player. SAF didn't like this being exposed and refused to speak to the again.


I'm with Louis on this. He doesn't have the right to pick and choose. If BBC pay huge amounts to cover the football they should have access to the manager of the biggest team in the country.

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BBC showed a documntary which touched upon the large fee's being paid to his son for scouting and agency work. It was all a bit dodgeym basically Jason Ferguson broke FIFA rules in the signing of one player. SAF didn't like this being exposed and refused to speak to the again.

I'm with Louis on this. He doesn't have the right to pick and choose. If BBC pay huge amounts to cover the football they should have access to the manager of the biggest team in the country.


With you both then. :)

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"...this is a breach of Premier League rules and the board will consider the appropriate course of action at their next meeting...."


....why haven't they done it years ago?


It's a playground sulk from Ferguson.....typical of the man.



Because the rule only came into being this season.

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I'm in the unusual position of agreeing with Piers Morgan...


Sir Alex Ferguson's continuing refusal to talk to the BBC, defying new Premier League rules, is as pathetic as it's embarrassing.


How many people remember the Panorama show about his son's business dealings that he took such offence to? And as for his accusation that the BBC were guilty of 'arrogance beyond belief' and have 'an inability to apologise', well you've got to laugh at the irony of that statement, haven't you?


What I hate most about it, though, is the fact the Manchester United boss is getting away with it again. Everyone's just rolling over as they always do with Sir Alex as if he's somehow untouchable. He's not. But like all school bullies, the only language he's going to understand is a pain-inducing one. And as we witnessed during his row with Irish tycoon John Magnier, if you call his bluff and biff him on his bulbous nose, he'll back down.


So forget the derisory £6,000 fines being talked about, he spends that on horse feed every morning. Ferguson should be fined millions, banned from the dugout or told that Manchester United games will no longer be aired on television. Trust me, he'll soon surrender.

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I'm in the unusual position of agreeing with Piers Morgan...


Sir Alex Ferguson's continuing refusal to talk to the BBC, defying new Premier League rules, is as pathetic as it's embarrassing.


How many people remember the Panorama show about his son's business dealings that he took such offence to? And as for his accusation that the BBC were guilty of 'arrogance beyond belief' and have 'an inability to apologise', well you've got to laugh at the irony of that statement, haven't you?


What I hate most about it, though, is the fact the Manchester United boss is getting away with it again. Everyone's just rolling over as they always do with Sir Alex as if he's somehow untouchable. He's not. But like all school bullies, the only language he's going to understand is a pain-inducing one. And as we witnessed during his row with Irish tycoon John Magnier, if you call his bluff and biff him on his bulbous nose, he'll back down.


So forget the derisory £6,000 fines being talked about, he spends that on horse feed every morning. Ferguson should be fined millions, banned from the dugout or told that Manchester United games will no longer be aired on television. Trust me, he'll soon surrender.


beltin..would never happen but its a nice thought! where the fuck has Piers Morgan been hidin his brain? :lol:

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