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what has happened


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i was watching sky sports "premiership years" this morning, duncan sticks in a goal to beat man united and pretty much give us 4th spot in the league. Next season we draw villareal in a champions league qualifier, get beat over 2 legs and can feel more than a little unlucky. Not just in the two legs but also because we are about the only english team so far to draw a decent team in that round.Massive competition, lots of shit teams, we get them, etc etc etc. it got me thinking.

when i started looking at football at about the age of five or six it was only everton i looked at. i should have mentioned im irish, very few others were like minded, usual shit, all my friends were red, be it liverpool or m u, apart from about 3 or 4 blues. no chelsea no city, no spurs etc except very rearly. anyway in those days we didnt give a fuck who we played because we always expected to win. today we played man u, and they had last week been beaten 6-1 by city at home, a wounded dog, put them down. however pre kick off m u players are saying how they cant wait to get back playing and how goodison is a great place to start. goodison was a fortress, now its a hard place to come to, much like stoke. STOKE!!!! what has happened, we may not have been seriously feared as top four contenders in a few years but since when has playing everton been perfect, in any situation. sick of this bullshit, no repect for a great club. but then again why respect us, they won.

sorry about this its just a bitch and whine, i suppose what im trying to get at is in the last few years we seem to have bought into the idea that we cant compete because we have no money. but we didnt have money when big dunc scored that goal. we finished forth because we had a team fill of passion and pride, we have a really good team at the moment, one of the best managers in the business, lets bring a little respect back home. coyb

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The thing is back then there were not as many teams that had great amounts of money.

Still I think if this squad is consistent we might be able to challenge for Europe again. However, Champions league looks a little out of reach with the amount of depth and quality 4 or 5 teams in this league have gotten throught spending.

Hopefully our day will come soon :)

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In truth we need to realise that we're just another team playing football. We're not special, nor do we have any divine right to be respected, or feared.


Fans talk too much, and try to make out that we are this incredible force in football, but we're a million miles from ever being one of the top clubs, and anything we achieve along the way should be treated as a bit of a bonus.


The quicker we all come to terms with this, the quicker the pain goes away.

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Unfortunately it's all about the money these days, I wish there was a cap on wages, spending etc, would love to see a more even playing field across the board. As much as we get some great players in the prem, it's always the same story, until another club gets a multi billionaire owner and just buys at no thought to how it's ruining our game.

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We've had our days as the 'Rich kids on the block' too Mogsy. It's before the time of younger fans, but it's true none the less, so we can't really point the finger at clubs who are getting the big spending owners present day.


I hate the money taking over the game, but there are more clubs with less than us than there are with more.

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Money is a huge factor but another thing ruining the game is rules/refs - gone are the days where we can turn a match into a battle as 2 tackles and you're off. Rodwell made 1 slightly late tackle yesterday (from my memory) and got booked - he's affraid to tackle for the rest of the match. Our success in recent years has been built on 'battling' performances and solid foundations. It's hard to do that when honest players can't do that due to these ££££££££ flair players conning refs whenever another player comes within 5 yards. I believe this is a huge reason defenses are so poor this season.

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We've had our days as the 'Rich kids on the block' too Mogsy. It's before the time of younger fans, but it's true none the less, so we can't really point the finger at clubs who are getting the big spending owners present day.


I hate the money taking over the game, but there are more clubs with less than us than there are with more.


Yeah but back when we had money was there such a huge divide between the rich, medium, and poor?

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I too can remember the days when we were "The Merseyside Millionaires" when John Moores was backing the club. But never at any time was the disparity between the top and bottom clubs so big as it is at present.


However, it is the undercurrent of despair running through the club in recent times that is so obvious. It's getting that way that I can hardly bear to open up the laptop on Sunday a.m. here to see how many we lost by.

We have in many people's opinion a side good enough to compete at near the top of the table. But here we are, 10 games into the season and yet again languishing in the bottom five FFS! (OK we have a game in hand - away at Spurs! Gotta be worth 3 points - don't make me laugh!)

Please don't give me the 'we always start badly' crap. If we always start badly, why hasn't Moyes done something about it? This has been going on for years and no change in sight. It is the height of folly to keep doing the same things over and over and then expect to get a different result.

Then there is the 'we don't have the money' side of the saga. We do have a good side in many people's opinion. Well, do we need a better side, or is the one we have good enough? Can't have it both ways!


Team selection and subs seems to be a major hurdle we have to overcome. Moyes fails badly in this department in many folks' opinion and it's hard to deny the reality. I hate to say this but I mentioned on here a couple of years ago that if Moyes didn't go then (as was the rumour) we'd still be having this discussion every season - as has proved to be the case.


Jesus H. I love this club and have been a supporter for 60 years, but never have I been so dissillusioned and downhearted about it's management and future. The team lacks confidence, the manager lacks flair and originality and the management......'nuff said!


FFS! Somebody please do something!

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I too can remember the days when we were "The Merseyside Millionaires" when John Moores was backing the club. But never at any time was the disparity between the top and bottom clubs so big as it is at present.


However, it is the undercurrent of despair running through the club in recent times that is so obvious. It's getting that way that I can hardly bear to open up the laptop on Sunday a.m. here to see how many we lost by.

We have in many people's opinion a side good enough to compete at near the top of the table. But here we are, 10 games into the season and yet again languishing in the bottom five FFS! (OK we have a game in hand - away at Spurs! Gotta be worth 3 points - don't make me laugh!)

Please don't give me the 'we always start badly' crap. If we always start badly, why hasn't Moyes done something about it? This has been going on for years and no change in sight. It is the height of folly to keep doing the same things over and over and then expect to get a different result.

Then there is the 'we don't have the money' side of the saga. We do have a good side in many people's opinion. Well, do we need a better side, or is the one we have good enough? Can't have it both ways!


Team selection and subs seems to be a major hurdle we have to overcome. Moyes fails badly in this department in many folks' opinion and it's hard to deny the reality. I hate to say this but I mentioned on here a couple of years ago that if Moyes didn't go then (as was the rumour) we'd still be having this discussion every season - as has proved to be the case.


Jesus H. I love this club and have been a supporter for 60 years, but never have I been so dissillusioned and downhearted about it's management and future. The team lacks confidence, the manager lacks flair and originality and the management......'nuff said!


FFS! Somebody please do something!


We could sell Cahill for a few quid. laugh.png


Why wait for the score though mate? Are you aware that you can watch near enough every match we play from your pc?







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We could sell Cahill for a few quid. laugh.png


Why wait for the score though mate? Are you aware that you can watch near enough every match we play from your pc?







Thanks for that info on links. Don't know how successful it'd be.......many on here complain about links all the time, but I'll certainly have a go!


Thanks again!

Edited by Oztoffee
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Thanks for that info on links. Don't know how successful it'd be.......many on here complain about links all the time, but I'll certainly have a go!


Thanks again!


Be sure to install one or two programmes which you'll find essential, such as Sopcast.




If you struggle, just ask me and I'll gladly get you fixed up with all you need.

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