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I wasn't aware Bluekipper had gone offline. It surely sounds like a similar scenario with the official site that closed down (Blueroom) in 2009 for months on end, because of some goddamn Idiots spoiling it for everyone else, even if only a handful, but in the end,. they were forced to make an interim closure, for some significant time, and I never went back after that.


Bluekipper has a propensity for trouble in that it's open season for horseplay from previous experiences so if a closure occured with regards to behavior issues, then no great surprise.


If merely a technical issue or doing some refurbishments etc, then fair enough.

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It surely sounds like a similar scenario with the official site that closed down (Blueroom) in 2009 for months on end, because of some goddamn Idiots spoiling it for everyone else, even if only a handful, but in the end,. they were forced to make an interim closure, for some significant time, and I never went back after that.


It's very good now DK....you should try itwink.png .

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guess I can spare a few minutes


Yes I know it's an improvement on 2009, but the layout is chalk and cheese from what I remember it. They asked me before during the closure if I wanted to be an Administrator on the new version, and while quite an honor for the official site, simply turned it down as I had lost interest by that time and there was no notice of it being re-opened again. For anyone who participated before the shutdown in September 09 it was actually a fun place to go, but once again, some brain dead consummate fucking Idiots constantly made a mess, and in the end they really had no alternative, but they did try to keep it going for some time, but in the end, enough was enough.


I've seen the new layout and I don't like it one bit, it's simply too dull now, layout completely re-designed, and most of the people before, had not returned, and it simply wasn't active as before. Yes they may have taken out some of the garbage but the fact remains it's nothing like I remember it and the change while necessary, wasn't always for the better, and I still have no intention of going back. Grand Old Team was different, as while no issues with members, Mr Kidd brought in a new design or site structure at a point in time that I didn't agree with, and over time, it now resembles an overgrown and neglected garden. If they tidied up a bit, I would have gone back maybe.


This Australian who is relevant to this thread must be feeling neglected, so back to him on this, but just some minor issues with rival sites there.

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