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Wigan FA cup

Finn balor

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The fact your life is 'fulfilled' knowing that Everton have less trophies than Liverpool is quite sad in itself.


What you've said about Fellaini is a load of bollocks too because I'm sure Gerrard, Carragher and all the other Kopites that you 'idolise' have been booed off when they've had a shit game so it's not as if we are 'terrible' fans. We have better fans that you because we're not fucking plastic and 50% of us don't come from Norway.


Oh, and you may be more successful but we aren't proud of being racist.

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Hahahahahahaha my life is fulfilled knowing that no matter how shit we are we are always more successfull than your little club! I mean booing off screech! Been your best player all season and you turn on him for a bad game! Terrible terrible fans. People's club my arse

The same fans that clapped off Wigan?

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The fact your life is 'fulfilled' knowing that Everton have less trophies than Liverpool is quite sad in itself.


What you've said about Fellaini is a load of bollocks too because I'm sure Gerrard, Carragher and all the other Kopites that you 'idolise' have been booed off when they've had a shit game so it's not as if we are 'terrible' fans. We have better fans that you because we're not fucking plastic and 50% of us don't come from Norway.


Oh, and you may be more successful but we aren't proud of being racist.


Hahaha coming from the mist racist club in the Prem who sung Everton us white for years! And don't say you didn't coz I've been there when your lot have!


I can safely say Stevie or Carra have never been booed off and while obviously some reds have booed the team before I hand in heart never have coz I don't believe in booing the club you love! Your fans were embarrassing today and if your honest you will admit that!

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Yes, the ones that bothered staying after half time and booed your best player!


Embarrassment lad and if your honestly sayin your proud of your fans reaction today then your deluded!

(My deluded what?)

Most fans stayed, they went for an early pint. It wasn't until the 2nd half they left and with good reason -> Moyes being a hapless idiot and the players passing to the wrong team.

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We were shit, Wigan deserved it.


Oh my God there's a red shite on the site!........his mega million pound team must have turned a corner or he wouldn't be on here.


Good season for liverpool is to finish above Everton, even if it costs about £10million a pointrofl.gif

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Hahaha coming from the mist racist club in the Prem who sung Everton us white for years! And don't say you didn't coz I've been there when your lot have!


I can safely say Stevie or Carra have never been booed off and while obviously some reds have booed the team before I hand in heart never have coz I don't believe in booing the club you love! Your fans were embarrassing today and if your honest you will admit that!

Haha pot kettle afro2.gif

Just sent him death threats... how come Liverpool fans are always thick-tums of goldfish memory?

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Still not answered if you were truly proud of your fans today! Keep avoiding it lad it don't change the fact that your fans let your club down today on national TV!


The way you speak shows how much of a fucking moron you are - 'lad'.


And yes, I am proud of my fans, I'm proud of my club too. It's just a shame that you only are when you're winning.

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Hahaha don't give a shit about finishing above you. That's your cup final and season goal la!


Our season has been an epic failure but at least I can call it how it is and il still be there tomorrow cheerin on my team win lose or draw and not pouncing in their backs the min the put in a poor performance!


Look if your proud of your fans today then fair enough but your expectations for your small to medium sized club are well over the top!

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The way you speak shows how much of a fucking moron you are - 'lad'.


And yes, I am proud of my fans, I'm proud of my club too. It's just a shame that you only are when you're winning.


Hahaha as I've said I cheer my club win lose or draw lad! It's a bit rich an evertonian claimed us reds only cheer when we are winning after 30,000 odd if ya showed that you boo when your losing in front if a TV audience if millions! Yeah your right you cheer your club even in defeat, must have been some other booing I heard!

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I don't really care what you say because as I said earlier from the way you speak its clear to see that you're a bit simple in the head so I don't really feel the need to keep arguing with someone who has the IQ of a tangerine.


I always get behind my team so this 'booing' argument doesn't really work with me.

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I don't really care what you say because as I said earlier from the way you speak its clear to see that you're a bit simple in the head so I don't really feel the need to keep arguing with someone who has the IQ of a tangerine.


I always get behind my team so this 'booing' argument doesn't really work with me.


Maybe you do but you can't deny the overwhelming majority boo as was witnessed today!


You don't want to argue because you know your wrong and if you are a fan who always gets behind the team then surely those boos must have embarrassed you today?

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Hahaha as I've said I cheer my club win lose or draw lad! It's a bit rich an evertonian claimed us reds only cheer when we are winning after 30,000 odd if ya showed that you boo when your losing in front if a TV audience if millions! Yeah your right you cheer your club even in defeat, must have been some other booing I heard!


Christ the kopites don't half churn out some belters. Yeah all I could hear when Villa tonked you 3-1 at home was the deafening noise of YNWA :lol: (sarcasm btw) we were shit today and we let them know, just like any other team in the country would. This is why Liverpool are the most hated team in the land, hypocrites of the highest order and they chat utter Bolox. How's that top 2 finish Brenda was after a couple of weeks a go coming along? Christ...


Love how you were made up you's won the league cup last year as well :lol: ey good side that Cardiff, took you to pens didn't they?

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You don't want to argue because you know your wrong and if you are a fan who always gets behind the team then surely those boos must have embarrassed you today?


I don't want to argue because I know your a complete and utter moron. I, unlike you have better things to do with my time.

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Christ the kopites don't half churn out some belters. Yeah all I could hear when Villa tonked you 3-1 at home was the deafening noise of YNWA :lol: (sarcasm btw) we were shit today and we let them know, just like any other team in the country would. This is why Liverpool are the most hated team in the land, hypocrites of the highest order and they chat utter Bolox. How's that top 2 finish Brenda was after a couple of weeks a go coming along? Christ...


Love how you were made up you's won the league cup last year as well :lol: ey good side that Cardiff, took you to pens didn't they?


Haha you laugh at us celebrating a trophy that your lot would cream their pants if they had a sniff of it!


No, maybe I'm wrong, you would turn down a league cup win wouldn't ya! I mean you can still dine out on your last trophy 18 years ago eh! Tool!

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Haha you laugh at us celebrating a trophy that your lot would cream their pants if they had a sniff of it!


It's a well known fact that only Chelsea & Liverpool take the League cup seriously. It's good that you win it every now and then - gives you something to cling onto in your hope that you're still a 'top team'.


Like others have said you're a typical Kopite. Hypocritical and fucking deluded - will next year be 'your year?'


Edit: I reply because I know you're the type of person who if they don't get replied to would think they are right. Plus with each post you find something new to talk shit about so it's kinda' funny to reply and put you back in your place.

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Haha you laugh at us celebrating a trophy that your lot would cream their pants if they had a sniff of it!


No, maybe I'm wrong, you would turn down a league cup win wouldn't ya! I mean you can still dine out on your last trophy 18 years ago eh! Tool!


Yeah just ignore how I completely owned you over the hypocrisy of your fans.


Yeah would love To win the league cup us, it's what we set out for every year, you can clearly see that by how far we've got in it every year not like we prioritise the f.a cup or anything.


Don't know why I'm bothering, arguing with a kopite is like trying to teach a potato the pythagerus therum.

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It's a well known fact that only Chelsea & Liverpool take the League cup seriously. It's good that you win it every now and then - gives you something to cling onto in your hope that you're still a 'top team'.


Like others have said you're a typical Kopite. Hypocritical and fucking deluded - will next year be 'your year?'


Still not arguing eh I see!


You call me the moron yet you claim that you wouldn't want to win the League Cup??


You utter dick!


You play for two trophies every year and yet as a fan of a side who has won fuck all in the best part of 20 years you seriously claim you wouldn't be interested in winning it!


You compete in two competitions you have any chance if winning and you think you can afford to write one iff as no good enough!


That's why your a small club. Small club mentality

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Still not arguing eh I see!


You call me the moron yet you claim that you wouldn't want to win the League Cup??


You utter dick!


You play for two trophies every year and yet as a fan of a side who has won fuck all in the best part of 20 years you seriously claim you wouldn't be interested in winning it!


You compete in two competitions you have any chance if winning and you think you can afford to write one iff as no good enough!


That's why your a small club. Small club mentality


:lol: yeah Liverpool with that massive club mentality... Going for the league cup! Sorry mate, forgot you had to beat the worlds elite in that comp.

when has anyone taken the league cup seriously? The only reason your bragging about it, is because you think it gives you some high ground over us, when really nobody could give two tenths of a fuck.

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It's a well known fact that only Chelsea & Liverpool take the League cup seriously. It's good that you win it every now and then - gives you something to cling onto in your hope that you're still a 'top team'.


Like others have said you're a typical Kopite. Hypocritical and fucking deluded - will next year be 'your year?'


Edit: I reply because I know you're the type of person who if they don't get replied to would think they are right. Plus with each post you find something new to talk shit about so it's kinda' funny to reply and put you back in your place.



So why say your not going to reply then and your not gonna argue if you know that you are gonna reply and you are gonna argue.


Truth us you reply coz I'm pushing your buttons, your wound up to fuck but you don't know what to do for best. If you continue to reply then I can tell I'm winding you up but you think if you don't reply I will think I've won and you can't have that either.


In short you don't know what to do so you put in a pretence of saying your finding it funny when in truth I'm well under your skin soft lad!

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So why say your not going to reply then and your not gonna argue if you know that you are gonna reply and you are gonna argue.


Truth us you reply coz I'm pushing your buttons, your wound up to fuck but you don't know what to do for best. If you continue to reply then I can tell I'm winding you up but you think if you don't reply I will think I've won and you can't have that either.


In short you don't know what to do so you put in a pretence of saying your finding it funny when in truth I'm well under your skin soft lad!


In short, your out of things to think liverpool are better than everton so your trying to stir shit about how Zoo wont reply to you. I, on the other hand would love to see what you have to come back against what i said... :)

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:lol: yeah Liverpool with that massive club mentality... Going for the league cup! Sorry mate, forgot you had to beat the worlds elite in that comp.

when has anyone taken the league cup seriously? The only reason your bragging about it, is because you think it gives you some high ground over us, when really nobody could give two tenths of a fuck.


I'm not bragging, it's a small trophy I know that. However I'd still rather win something than nothing and while leaving Istanbul with a European cup is a far greater feeling than winning the league cup, both are still better than not having seen my side lift as much as a tea cup in 18 years. But then again I shouldn't be surprised you can't get that as winning things is not something your used to!

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Il leave you toss pots to discuss how you feel your a big enough club to write off one if the two trophies you ever have a chance if winning while hiding behind your pathetic people's club tag when in truth your the worst shower if shit fans who boo your team and best player for one bad game. Bye ladies!

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