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League Discuss Scrapping Draws

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No its an utter load of nonsense. We could end up like american football when the specialist kicker only comes on the field to kick the goals, be good to see five specialist penalty takers on the bench waiting for the final whistle. Ha ha what another brilliant idea of the football authorities to ruin this wonderfull game even more.


If they feel they must do something to make the game more entertaining, i suggest a bonus point for every three clear goals. Instead of Closing the games down and sitting on a lead, It would make it more exciting if teams went for extra goals.


If a team wins by three clear goals.....3-0 4-1 5-2 etc it wins a bonus point, in the case of a 6-0 7-1 and more, it wins 2 bonus points, one for every 3 clear goals


More emphasis on attacking play should be rewarded, and would be a much more attractive spectacle than the Dull, uninspiring rubbish thats churned out these days. (just my opinion).

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i dont like the idea of more points for more goals. it will make matters harder for teasm lower down in the league.

IMO it would create a larger gap between the top 4- who can afford world class strikers and the rest of the league. even the top 4 maybe even more split.

Man utd would have a far greater lead in the prem for one thing this year.

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i dont like the idea of more points for more goals. it will make matters harder for teasm lower down in the league.

IMO it would create a larger gap between the top 4- who can afford world class strikers and the rest of the league. even the top 4 maybe even more split.

Man utd would have a far greater lead in the prem for one thing this year.



Try and answer your points jamie as i see them.......


It will be no harder than than it is now for the bottom teams, only diff is they might get beat 4-1 instead of 2-0, it may also give them more of a chance cos it will be a more open game with teams going for more goals.



The Gap is already there, even now the rest are only fighting for 5th place anyway.



Why shouldnt they if they have been more attractive to watch, scored more goals, and won more games than anybody else. ?



My other alternative would be 1 point for a Draw, 2 points Home win, 3 points for an Away win only.

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Utter B*llocks that proposel, this is football not some idiotic american sport. It will be quater halves next <_<




Seen a piece from Ridsdale I think it was. He said teams are just going to turn up backs against the wall, grab a draw then possibly win in a game of chance on penalties. Totally agree, how will that be an exciting spectacle for the fans!!!


How do these people get employed <_<

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Try and answer your points jamie as i see them.......


It will be no harder than than it is now for the bottom teams, only diff is they might get beat 4-1 instead of 2-0, it may also give them more of a chance cos it will be a more open game with teams going for more goals.

The Gap is already there, even now the rest are only fighting for 5th place anyway.

Why shouldnt they if they have been more attractive to watch, scored more goals, and won more games than anybody else. ?



My other alternative would be 1 point for a Draw, 2 points Home win, 3 points for an Away win only.

good idea about the more points for away wins, but im still unsure about more points for more goals.


My point is that a team that has just been promoted will find it very difficult to saty in the prem becuase they simply may not the resources to a) score more goals to try and gain more points and B ) defend against teams that are going all out attack to try and get as many points as possible.

I know that tis isn;t going to happen and were just discusing it, but it could never work- it would be near impossible for teams to establish themsleves in the prem and most seasons the three teams that go up would almost undoubtably go down.


I agree that their is a big gap between the top 4 and the rest of the league- but more points for more goals would make the gap bigger. IMO football isn't and shouldn;t be just about goals- adding more points for more goals would be like americanising the game for me- looking for big scores to satisfy the punters.

also it would take away the satisfaction of a cheeky 1-0 win, you;d be thinking well we could have got more points.


i would not like this to ever come into the game, though that is just my opinion and everyone is entitled to disagree

Edited by jamiemaher85
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Or as ive said on many occasions Ian, do away with the offside rule altogether, its 11 against 11 and if a striker wants to hang about in the penalty area its up to a defender to come back and mark him, this would also open up the game instead of all 20 players being pushed up into the Centre circle.

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Or as ive said on many occasions Ian, do away with the offside rule altogether, its 11 against 11 and if a striker wants to hang about in the penalty area its up to a defender to come back and mark him, this would also open up the game instead of all 20 players being pushed up into the Centre circle.


Good point Bill, I think that could be a possibility but until that could be proven to be effective/non effective then I think it should go back to if your in an offside position when the ball is played then your offside, they will be part of play cos there on the pitch!


Points where made on goals on sunday, Peter Read and co, where saying they could push up and it was up to the striker to bust a gut to get back on side. Now they can just stand around stay offside right up until they touch the ball. Just go back to simpliciety or if not, like you said, get rid.

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About time someone sensible gave his opinion... so here's Ian Holloways take on it:


What an absolute crock of doughnuts. Has an American taken over the Football League or something? They don't like draws in their soccer matches either do they? In my opinion, that's just mad.

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About time someone sensible gave his opinion... so here's Ian Holloways take on it:


What an absolute crock of doughnuts. Has an American taken over the Football League or something? They don't like draws in their soccer matches either do they? In my opinion, that's just mad.



That quote should be sent to these idiots who are even thinking of implementing it

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my take on the situation.


penalty shootouts are a very dramatic climax to big competitions (FA cup, CL, world cup etc.) they are very nerve racking and very dramtic.


but if there done all the time it will lose the effect they have. shouldnt be done and kept only in the big competitions

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I think they are also talking about having no replays in Cup Comps cos they reckon english clubs play too many games. :o


What a load of utter bollox, if they complain about playing too many games, the solution is easy.....................................



And how Biased is that against the lower league clubs, imagine Dagenham and Redbridge, Barnet, or Southport for instance, Playing out of their skin and battling like fook to earn a draw at Arsenal, and not being able to a replay at their own ground, Fookin disgraceful if you ask me.

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Yeah, plus most of the England squad will be playing this weekend, and also tuesday or wednesday before Englands match next weekend. But thats the FA all over isnt it, bending over backwards to pacify the TOP FOUR.


They're not bothered about all the other clubs in the Football League, just want to lick arses at the top. BASTARDS. :angry:

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I was talking to Mark earlier on MSN, and told him about a theory I have on this "draw" bollocks, but didn't want to hold myself up for ridicule........fuck it.


In ALL sports of a USA origin there is no such thing as a draw, in case you hadn't noticed, and over the last 2 years there has been an increase in the amount of American investors in the Prem, significant money here folks.


Remember USA 94, you should do, we didn't qualify, there were many changes instigated then which continue to plague our game, is this an attempt by "Yanks" to increase the excitement factor in Soccer, because in theory it is a non-contact sport (tell Joey Barton that).


I feel the Glaiser crap at Manure has given Americans too much of a foothold in OUR national sport.


I have bared my arse, please feel free to kick the shit out of it.





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however mac i do think that football can benefit from some rules in rugby. video refs only called to dispute trys (could be used for disputing goals). only the captains can talk to the refs if there is a contraversial decision. if a foul is committed and a player argues he moves the free kick forward a bit more

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In the last couple of seasons managers have complained of teams simply playing for a draw. BUT if this penalties thing comes in then SURELY, smaller teams, and teams facing relegation would become MORE DEFENSIVE in the hope of nicking the game on penalties.

If this idea is thought out then it will never get any backing. And I believe decisions like this need the backing of the English FA and Scottish FA before they are implemented (is that correct??). Anyway, its all talk and I really dont think it will happen (fuckin hope not).

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Next Americanism on the Agenda ? QUARTERS.


They wanted 4 Quarter football for that aforementioned World cup we didnt participate in as to suit , ADVERTISERS, Tv & to accomodate their Dumbed down audience's attention span.


No shot @ The American people, but the sooner they realise they are watching a tailored experience in the sense of sport, well the better.


Drink beer, watch football, buy our advertisers product, Drink beer, watch football, buy our advertisers product,Drink beer, watch football, buy our advertisers product,Drink beer, watch football, buy our advertisers product,Drink beer, watch football, buy our advertisers product,Drink beer, watch football, buy our advertisers product.


Subliminaly it is working a treat for them.

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