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Question About God


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Well surely it depend on who s/he made the immovable object immovable too?


And surely, if 'God' created it then s/he can surely destroy?


My view on religion..biggest con in the world. Like the old style of gangsters "give us money and we'll protect ur homes", but the religion version is much much more clever..."give us money or your going to burn for eternity in hell". I think we all know which one worked the best...

Edited by TrueBlue
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Well surely it depend on who s/he made the immovable object immovable too?


And surely, if 'God' created it then s/he can surely destroy?

My view on religion..biggest con in the world. Like the old style of gangsters "give us money and we'll protect ur homes", but the religion version is much much more clever..."give us money or your going to burn for eternity in hell". I think we all know which one worked the best...


Biggest gang in the world especially the catholic church (no offence ment).


I'll leave the bible statement out :huh:


The 'old style' you talk of TB is probs more likely to reflect the path of religion than al capone!

Edited by GoldfishMemory
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I'm very glad to see most people here have the good sense to realize religion is a load of garbage. If you believe so be it, just dont try and impose it on others (not saying anyone is here mind).


AND to any religious types, answer me this. If The Devil is the "great deceiver" how do you know that the person you pray to and worship isnt the Devil and he's just been conning everyone for centuries?. Given that religion has been the cause of so many wars and bloodshed it sort of makes sense that the Devil is running the show. Dont you think.


Didnt the Holy Roman Church start around the same time as the Roman Empire collapsed? Coincidence? I think not. Its just another business full of bullies designed to keep the masses under control by instilling fear into them (about hell and such).


I think I'll stop now.

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Yeah, I would.


You say at one point, "If you believe so be it, just dont try and impose it on others (not saying anyone is here mind)."


And then you go on to question the faith some people have. Hypocrite.



Don't get me wrong, I don't go to church. I just think most people couldn't discuss religion sensibly if they were handed the script personally.

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I'm very glad to see most people here have the good sense to realize religion is a load of garbage. If you believe so be it, just dont try and impose it on others (not saying anyone is here mind).


AND to any religious types, answer me this. If The Devil is the "great deceiver" how do you know that the person you pray to and worship isnt the Devil and he's just been conning everyone for centuries?. Given that religion has been the cause of so many wars and bloodshed it sort of makes sense that the Devil is running the show. Dont you think.


Didnt the Holy Roman Church start around the same time as the Roman Empire collapsed? Coincidence? I think not. Its just another business full of bullies designed to keep the masses under control by instilling fear into them (about hell and such).


I think I'll stop now.


fuck off

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im a catholic, but i only go to church when someone dies, i never pray, and pretty much dont believe.


translation; when i was born my family decided i was to be catholic, i grew up to decide its bollocks.


but i have learnt a few things in life, one of them is do not discus religion! only leads to problems! (war?)


interesting question thou mike, ill have to ask my fellow none believers coz answers like marks make my chuckle


I find that statement funny.


I know SO MANY people who say they are either Protestant or Catholic yet dont believe in God.

Mekes you wonder how many of the 37% of people in England who say they are Christian actually believe in God. Probably down to about 25-30%.


To carry on the interesting religious facts. DID YOU KNOW that once upon a time Priests were allowed to get married but in the 12th Century the Church banned this because they found priests were leaving their property to their wives and children, Property the Church wanted. So they invented a rule which saw the church get richer.


And I also read somewhere that in the bible it says the world is flat.

Then theres all the violence CONDONED by God, including rape. Terrible book, not one you'd want to run your life by. At least most people know its fictitious. Sadly some believe it to be true and they are the worrying ones.


One example in the bible - God becomes angry with David, and has David's wives publicly raped by David's son Absalom. God later has David's other son rape David's daughter.


Thank god (or whoever) for google.

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I tried to read the bible after an old and very religious family friend bought me one an suggested I "give it a go".


I got roughly 1/4 down the seccond page, marched down to my mum and burned her head out asking how Adam & Eves 2 sons Kane & Able could possibly have had families of their own. I then put aside my questions and read on and before the end of the page they all went to market and that was it for me I'd had enough.


2 people have 2 sons meaning their is only 4 people on the planet so the 2 sons must have made babies with their mother and the market must have been run by the animals. Any book that starts like that aint getting past my bullshit radar!

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I tried to read the bible after an old and very religious family friend bought me one an suggested I "give it a go".


I got roughly 1/4 down the seccond page, marched down to my mum and burned her head out asking how Adam & Eves 2 sons Kane & Able could possibly have had families of their own. I then put aside my questions and read on and before the end of the page they all went to market and that was it for me I'd had enough.


2 people have 2 sons meaning their is only 4 people on the planet so the 2 sons must have made babies with their mother and the market must have been run by the animals. Any book that starts like that aint getting past my bullshit radar!


Nice one!

I cant say I've read it either. Every now and then in a hotel room I have flicked through bits, shook my head in disbelief then gone about the task of living my life.

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this has fast become one of the most entertaining threads in TT history.


Just mention the word "religion" and then sit back and enjoy the show! Actually, some of my best memories of college were Saturday nights spent arguing religion. We had a crazy group of us rooming together: a liberal Catholic (me), a conservative evangelical, an agnostic, and a Wiccan. Now THOSE were some epic arguments! :D We could go for two hours or more, and then say "good argument" and go out together for pizza and beer together when we were done.

Edited by JD in DC
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...a liberal Catholic (me), a conservative evangelical, an agnostic, and a Wiccan.


Sounds good JD, though imo probably best if you gag the evangelical; there's no arguing with them in my experience (and they have hugely too much power and influence in your country I think.....scary people :unsure: ).

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Thats un-Christian of you.

So whats your philosophy? Love thy neighbour as thyself unless they disagree with you, in which case tell them to fuck off.


Naughty boy! Thats one step close to hell for you. Remember, God is watching.


a twit will be a twit, the fact that my beliefs are to be a good person can't detract from that mate.

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"An impoverished surfer has drawn up a new theory of the universe, seen by some as the Holy Grail of physics, which has received rave reviews from scientists."


This is it....(here is a LINK if you want to read more about it).




Just a thought....if God exists he must have a hell of a spirograph :o !


And a piece of advice....if you live in Sudan don't name your teddy Mohammed.

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