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Everything posted by Louis

  1. Orignal version: Stabilised version: And the rear view from the guy flying lower:
  2. I saw Warcraft and absolutely loved it. I've never even played the games and yet I found myself grinning while watching.
  3. Apparently Togo's FA have been trying to convince his Togolese mother to convince him to play for them.
  4. Montpellier's Malian international has been linked with a £2m move. http://www.africatopsports.com/2016/05/25/montpellier-bryan-dabo-piste-everton-swansea/
  5. Boufal has been linked according to the Daily Mirror. http://www.hitc.com/en-gb/2016/05/31/report-lille-willing-to-sell-everton-and-spurs-linked-sofiane-bo/ The report claims that both Tottenham Hotspur and Everton are keen on signing the Morocco international this summer and as such Lille have already begun to look for potential replacements.
  6. That's how I feel about most racing on tv. I remember the Olympics in 2012, there was near 3 hours of buildup for a 12 second race.
  7. If I lived in Seville, I wouldn't move to the North West.
  8. I would watch it but don't know where it's shown, Lowensda.
  9. What have I missed re: Moshiri ? I don't think he's ever said anything and I see people are talking about Moshiri's millions and how he's going to spend big in the transfer market and buy a new stadium. I understand he has the capability to act as guarantor for financing but I don't think he's going to be paying with money from his own pockets. About that Liverpool Echo article, one factor not mentioned is the rumour that Robert Elstone was taken out of negotiations with the City Council and replaced with Denise Barrett Baxendale. I'm still surprised that he was made a director.
  10. Stonebridge Cross: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.4580305,-2.9049167,832m/data=!3m1!1e3 Waterfront: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.4183807,-3.0011851,832m/data=!3m1!1e3 Where's that figure from ? I've only seen the plan for 250 seats.
  11. Build it in Birkenhead, I could save on tunnel fares then.
  12. Even proper football, a few days ago a Jamaican international with 5 goals in 6 games was sacked for kicking an opponent during a game.
  13. So Radiohead have had a new album out for over 24 hours and Matt hasn't posted about it?
  14. Did you see the first episode of the second Hollow Crown series Mike?
  15. There was a girl that I half-knew that one it a few years back. I used to play football with her dad and two brothers.
  16. Which platform will you be using? Back in the day I'd wander up to Hoylake Community Centre and play against people over a LAN network. They had about 8 PCs set up for network games. I didn't have an internet connection at home so would download things to floppy disks, if they didn't work, I'd have to wait a week to go back to try again.
  17. I don't understand those people who say they'll not vote because their favoured person is no longer in the running. The way I see it is you're voting for the party and it's the party selects important positions such as Supreme Court judges. Ideally, you want those judges to be of a similar outlook as yourself and the best way to have them put in position is to vote for the party that is likely to put them in that position.
  18. The provisional teams were named yesterday. http://www.concacaf.com/article/provisional-rosters-announced-for-copa-america-centenario-2016 All will be reduced from 40 players to 23 in two weeks. Unfortunately, I don't think this is being shown in the UK because we have the Euros in July and the Olympics in August. I think it's possible somewhere like Premier Sports buys the rights like they did last year.
  19. Feeney is Everton's sole representative at the UEFA Under 17 Championship that begins today. England fixtures are: 6 May vs. Sweden 5pm 9 May vs. France 6pm 12 May vs. Denmark 5pm The matches are on Eurosport 2 as far as I know.
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