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Everything posted by StevO

  1. i like williams doing funny voices, childish but always makes me laugh. ive no idea if emo is alive but i really hope so, he was as original as can be. dodd is just the perfect comedian, he looks funny, he tells funny jokes, his timing is unrivalled, the man is untouchable. and he can appeal to people of all ages, and he can do all this with out swearing once. one i missed out, i love russell brand, his stand up is so funny to me (plenty wont like him im sure) put on my tin hat first is that the one about how old black men treat old white men? i like his "i love black people, but i hate n******" check this link ....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZtQUEY1IU8 edit; also see chris rock in jay and silent bob strike back, playing himself but extra racist
  2. has supposed replacement Danni is playing, im sure they said he cost £25m!!!!! EDIT and Danni just scored a fucking cracker!!!
  3. jamie, you been on here a lot, i only got one question for you, what shirt number will he wear? and saha for that matter too?
  4. young - yes quality - debatable
  5. i think its a good signing, id be suprised if its more than £2m. i honestly think if he is fit moyes will play him. a lot of the united players were saying if he was fit they recon they would have won the league a lot earlier. the young lads are always saying how much they learn from pip, maybe the young forwards will learn a bit from saha
  6. whats with people thinking Turner is no good? and that Ruddy is better? crazy! and vic, sorry son, give him another three years here, cant see him lasting much longer than that
  7. been to see al murray twice, going for a third in feb. he was great. i think lee evans is funny as fuck, the first time, but had no new material for about 5 years. used to see ken dodd every xmas with my dear old grandma, he is a living legend. cant beat eddie murphys early stuff, robin williams is a great stand up but doesnt do it anymore i dont think. emo phillips is one of the funniest stand ups ever to live, any of his stuff from his early years makes me piss myself
  8. seems moyes is really after the goals this season. id be happy if we got him
  9. this is the one thats getting me excited.
  10. just seen the interview on evertontv. he may only be 5"11', but he is a scary lookin fella
  11. i have many reasons and problems with kenwights running of the club, most of them a put down to wyness but kenwright has to fall on his own sword for wyness problems the same as he has been praised for bringing in moyes. i have my views on johnson, some will agree and most will disgree, but if anyone looks at the problems johnson was hounded out for, we have them same problems now, only we have better players and we are doing better, im very happy about the success on the pitch, but as ive said, football is more than just on the pitch nowdays. i can only hope im not put down as fickle for not being a fan of bk as i have been against the man for as long as i can remember (i was probably too young to care about the business when he took over) i refuse to praise bk for the work moyes has done at the club becasue david himself deserves all of that. as ive said i dont know how many times, its the lies that have done it for me. and we've had pretty much one major lie a year in the last few, from the kirkby being free lies, to the fsf money ready to go into the bank, to we wont sell rooney for £50m. if the guy would just stay away from the cameras im sure he'd get less stick, or if he has to get infront of them, just tell us the story about dave hickson, i like that one, because its the only one i believe from him anymore. as you said earlier carl, agree to disagree. its the toffeetalk way.
  12. its not rumour that the price of the stadium increased by £78m , and its not rumours that kirkby will be a no park zone, its not rumour that the train station cant handle the extra traffic. but you seem not to believe it unless its on the OS. accept it, we were lied to. finch farm was worthless - now state of the art. assets on the pitch and none off the pitch is dangerous for a business, do you not see that the only assets left to sell are Goodison park and the players? and you dont see this as an issue. i know we have a very good manager, i know we have very good players, but football in this day and age isnt just played on the pitch. of the field we are losing the game, badly. your saying that £26m debt isnt bad, because we just got in £15m, and we can wipe this out by selling arteta and lescott, how is this even remotely acceptable. if ive lost the plot with kenwright then im in a group of many. it seems to me the people who admit to not knowing the ins and outs of his failings are the ones who support him. but believe me, the majority of blues have already had enough of it.
  13. carl, the problem is that our only assets are on the field. so when people start wanting money back, the only way to get that back wil then be to sell the4 players. with the massive boost to premiership money why have we had to go down the route of increasing debt and selling assets at the same time? and i see you didnt answer the question regarding the kirkby lies??? most of bk's fans dont tend to talk about that apart from slagging keioc. but im genuinely interested in peoples opinions of saviour bill after this sambles
  14. where are you from? i assumed you were from liverpool. i like it, think its refreshing twist on age old fuck off
  15. Get to fuck, an offensive relpy, take along the lines of fuck off.
  16. jim - kenwright has always been honest about this, he has always said he doesnt have the money to invest. he said from the off he doesnt have money to put into the club. the club accounts have never suggested kenwright has put any of his own money in. im not having a go at him for this, as he has no lied about this at all. but people assume he has used his own cash for things, he hasnt, and he has been honest about this since day one. he had underwritten loans against season ticket sales and club assets, again, he has been open and honest about this. once again, not having a go at him for this. i wont get on bks back for anything he has been honest about. only the like of fortress sports fund, the lies about the kirkby deal, i'll jump on his back for any of the lies he has told, and i often do, which im not alone on my thoughts on bk. just to reitterate, the clubs accounts do not suggest he has put his own money in, neither has his mouth. erm, £15m??? and the rest!!! the club has lost money year on year, and then borrowed to balance the books. if the training ground is worthless then why did we sell it? we have the option to buy it back, Louis knows the figure, im not sure so i wont quote. but finch farm is worth more than Goodison park. and the idea of our biggest assets being on the pitch is worrying to me, as they are the only assets left to sell. i'm wasting my breath as some people seem to have blue tinted glasses on, are happy to accept the lies of the board on the grounds that bk is blue or has made more profit in his life than any of us so he must know what hes doing. the lies are out on the table, the fortress sports fund never existed, why do we accept that lie and move on? there were numerous lies before the vote for kirkby, they were all put out in the open when the planning application was put it, are people not bothered about this? i'll finish on this question, and id really like a bk supporter to answer this, and honestly. are you not mad about the lies that were told to the fans regarding the kirkby move? (thats if any of the bk supporters are actually aware of these lies)
  17. id be happy with this one to be honest. big talent, just have to wait and see.
  18. im with you mark, just shows we have no money (or we're gunna blow the lot on moutinho) proven premiership player.
  19. if bk went public that the club was up for sale then im pretty sure someone will come forward. none of this i'll sell if the right investor comes along, buyers dont want to invest, they want to own. just like blue bill does
  20. i'll happily remind anybody of the state we were in with johnson, as right now we are in a worse position than he left us in. read the info published by the club year on year since he left, as we have got deeper and deeper each year gone by. and were not just having a bad preseason, bk has run his course. he is at the limit if his borrowing capability, after selling everything we can. he has hit his limit. the only things left to sell are the players and Goodison park. and for the record, saying johnson didnt put a penny in, neither has bk.
  21. the money couldnt have gone to paying off the debts, as this money would have come from another loan, or overdraft, hence; more debt. he does love everton, that is not in question. what is his idea of the right investor? another blue? who has plenty of money available? and others within his group willing to invest? possibly involved in the building industry (help with a stadium)? his name was david mclean. a millionaire blue, owns mclean the builders, had a group also interested in investing with him. kenwright did not return the numerous calls left with his secretary, this was three years ago now.
  22. johnson could afford to pay off any debts he created. bk hasnt got yak and aj out of his own pocket, but he has increased the clubs debt by bringing them in, im not against that completely, but dont for one minute think that came out of his own pocket. the basics around wyness; he was brought in to run the club, not just the stadium, though the stadium was his primary role in the last 18 months. but i'll list a few things from the top of my head. first up, he increased the debt of the club, which most clubs have done, but at the same time he also sold off most of the clubs assets. he sold finch farm before it was comleted, he sold off the old academy (which was donated to efc by granchester i believe, for the youth teams, so a bit of funny ground on that one) tried to sell of bellefield but hit problems with the planning issues. we can add into this the jjb deal, which on paper we got a lump sum for outsourcing our merchandising, but jjb have worked up a reputation of letting down our customers. they also hold the rights to our kits, so they get the say on the kits supplied to efc. they sold the clubs catering to a company called sudexo; this one is the killer of poor business to me. WE PAY THEM 377,000 per season, to do our catering, we then split the profits with them. so we pay them and deliver 36,000 customers to them, good work mr wyness. i agree 100% kenwright has to go. he knows hes not a business man, so he cant run a football club, he hired a joke of a businessman to run it for him. the pair of them are two of the most incompetant people ive had the misfortune of meeting, luckily enough a welcoming handshake was as far as it went. busy men.
  23. im sure his worst nightmare would be a fans revolt and protesting him out of the club, but im sure he isnt a million miles away from that now. i put a lot of the blame at wyness' door, but kenwright hired him. so in my eyes, he takes praise for hiring david moyes, he takes the blame for hiring keith wyness. but im sure he'll say sorry when the debt collectors turn up wanting their millions. administration, that would never happen to us, would it?
  24. damn, you just got the place shut down!!! gutted!!! only kidding, i'll have to give it a try sometime.
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