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Cornish Steve

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Posts posted by Cornish Steve

  1. Thanks lads, you really need to learn the calendar.

    Jan, feb, match, April, may, June, Juliet, August, sept, Optimus prime, November, Derek.


    I just assumed he's from Boston. There, they pahk the kah in Match.


    Friends from overseas always get confused about months, because Sept means 7, Oct means 8, Nov means 9, and Dec means 10 - so why not with months? While it lacks character, I like the Chinese approach: 1-month, 2-month, 3-month, ... 11-month, 12-month.

  2. An interesting observation made at the BBC website after today's bore draw between ManU and Chelsea: "It is United's first goalless draw at home in the league since 16 May 2009, a run of 76 matches with a goal comes to an end - at David Moyes's first attempt." Coincident, or a change in strategy/style when playing the 'big' teams?

  3. In the long-term, adapt or fail. Either players learn how to adapt to the new passing style, or they will find themselves on the bench or shipped out. Yes, RM will be cautious initially so as not to upset the fan base, but, in the end, he needs the players to match his philosophy. Many of the existing players are adapting, and some are thriving, but others may not be able to adapt. Time will tell. Everyone needs to be given the opportunity - and to be allowed to fail sometimes.

  4. There's no way Baines will play in this one - or several other starters.


    Stones Jags Distin Oviedo
    ------Heitinga -- Osman------
    ------Naismith Anichebe Vellios-----

  5. It's always the fucking same. Each saturday evening, sundays and mondays. The favored teams and big names against lesser sides that may be up for a beating or simply an excuse to strut around like overweening fucking peacocks, while the armchair brigade just sit back on their asses with their sodas and popcorn. I've noticed this for a long time now so a bit late in brining this to light but you can't dispute it.


    I don't like the way some get special treatment, and not only that, it's goddamn boring if not predictable. Sadly the days of soccer at three PM on a saturday afternoon and all in together is a thing of the past, but what can you do. I concur that it's a regrettable situation.


    The quote someone posted weeks ago about referees being told to go easy on the big name players ties into this narrative, too. It's ruining football as we've always known it. It's now just big business, especially for the betting companies (and it's a scandal that they are among the biggest sponsors).

  6. Increasingly, it seems, the FA has scheduled games for the 'eilte' teams on Sundays and Mondays whereas the hoi polloi must play on Saturdays. It may be subtle, but it creates the impression that only the elite teams matter - which feeds the arrogance of their managers. I must say that I was delighted today that Cardiff beat ManC to prove the pundits wrong. We'll to the same with Chelsea.

  7. Personally, I think that RM is being too cautious. He said upfront that he would build carefully on the foundations that Moyes built, which explains the Moyes-like line-up and keeping players too deep when they should have been in the West Brom box. Forget that, Roberto, trust your instincts. I'd rather win on 4-3 and lose one 5-4 than draw two 0-0.


    Just listening to Merson now saying that Fellaini was better playing off the striker and that we arent playing the Fellaini way. Jesus Christ these people are frustrating.


    The commentator on the stream I was watching (alongside Trevor Francis, I think) said at one point that Fellaini needs to be freed of his shackles. I hate it when the press buy into the Moyes narrative on this. The sooner we can get these transfers done, the better. They are such a distraction.

  9. Fellaini is quite impressive today. Barkley is trying too hard to repeat last week's performance. Coleman and Baines are adding width to the attack. Osman poor. Defence too slow to shut things down. Jelavic is missing in action. Let's see how RM changes tactics at half-time. I get the feeling that if we score one, we'll score two or three. Has Howard even touched the ball?

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