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Everything posted by johnh

  1. Liverpool got another two extra points courtesy of a goalkeeping error. Premiership goalkeepers must all have had a bet on Liverpool winning the league. Along with our Jordan, there have been a couple of other goalkeeping howlers that have given Liverpool all three points.
  2. Mike, if the cash is in your pocket, I hope they didn't pay you in coins.
  3. An excellent win. I know this sounds greedy but with 17 attempts on goal and 9 on target, there should have been a better return than 2 goals.
  4. A default 'no deal' looks a strong possibility. Certainly favoured by Macron. I might even put him on my Christmas card list.
  5. There have been several member states who have had multiple referendums which, eventually, end up with a vote in favour of the EU. It is somewhat naive to think that the EU have no influence.
  6. BBC eh Mike. The graph on the in/out vote looks an identical reversal of the referendum vote. If the 'proper' referendum was undemocratic, why would a second one be democratic? Typical EU 'democracy', keep voting until the EU wins.
  7. Way to go. Got to get over 17 million. (Plus they have to eliminate all the bogus signatures.)
  8. According to the Telegraph its the expiry of the three months the EU have given Switzerland to comply with their demands.
  9. Well I suppose we will know in June.
  10. Like Merkel, Macron is on borrowed time.
  11. I seldom have more than a small dram of whisky, or a single glass of wine, or one pint of beer. Never drink sufficient that I can't drive the car. I think I am a bit of a control freak and getting drunk means you lose control.
  12. Thanks Steve. We'll have to start a club (few members I would guess)
  13. The headline in the Telegraph Business said 'Switzerland holding out against EU ultimatum'. The article states: Switzerland is facing an excruciating squeeze. Its old bilateral accords with the EU are no longer deemed acceptable. Brussels wants to shut down the idiosyncratic 'Swiss model' once and for all. The country has until the end of June to submit to the EU's new framework agreement, or see its trading and financial access progressively cut off. "They were given a six-month ultimatum in December said Peter Cleppe (who he?) from Open Europe in Brussels. If the EU carries out its threat, Switzerland will see its market access revoked" The Swiss must accept the sweeping jurisdiction of the ECJ and 'dynamic alignment' of EU legislation over migration, social security rules, and other key areas of policy. All sounds very democratic to me. Incidentally Matt, I remember reading some time ago about the multiple times the Swiss have rejected joining the EU in referendums. Can't remember how many, 5 or 6 from memory. The EU never get the message, do they.
  14. Matt, I see the dictatorial jackboot of the EU is on the throat of Switzerland.
  15. Must be boring Palfy! I have never been drunk in my life, don't want to break the habit of a lifetime.
  16. Thanks Matt. Son-in-law (also Matt) sorted out some Computer issues for me. Had super lunch with my two daughters and their families (oh, and her indoors!) Got a lovely bottle of single malt and a couple of bottles of red. All topped off with a nice win for the lads.
  17. Thanks Palfy. Had a really great day in spite of managing to stay sober! A win for the boys as well.
  18. DCL has proved time and again that he isn'tt a natural finisher.
  19. Got a birthday card from my brother (tomorrow St Paddys day) It says 'For a Footy Fan, inside this card are 3 words every footy-fan wants to hear' Inside the card it says: MANCHESTER UTD NIL.
  20. Top four team though Mike. Ref's always give them the benefit.
  21. No Haf, Jimmy Harris was just after my time. I moved from Liverpool in 1951 and lost touch a bit as I couldn't get to games. The only name I can remember which made an impression on me after we moved was Dave Hickson. Often wished he'd played when I went to Goodison.
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