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Everything posted by johnh

  1. Does the 'only carbon based life forms' include RS suppoters?
  2. Congrats Mike. I've only got four. You're going to be busy at Christmas!
  3. Cats don't take a lot of looking after and you don't have to take them for 'walkies'. Big commitment taking on a dog and the bigger the dog, the bigger the commitment. Oh, and cats wash themselves.
  4. Deli Ali was an absolute waste of a shirt. Surprised he didn't get subbed before half-time.
  5. Mike, the European elections have never attracted large turnouts. Less than 40% this time and some areas considerably less. The EU referendum was the highest turnout in voting history. How many remain voters who voted in the EU referendum voted in the European elections? Why is that if everyone is still firmly against it? Both the Brexit party and the Lib Dems got a mass of protest votes at the expense of the two main parties. At the end of the day, I don't think you can read a lot into it, protest votes tend to be a 'one-off'.
  6. Steve, I thought this started off as a 'cost' issue. 'Forget sending the leaflet to everyone' - it cost £10m quid of taxpayers money. That means everyone who voted leave contributed to a Remain propaganda leaflet. Don't know how you can get more disreputable than that.
  7. Steve, slightly confused by your comment that Leave propaganda was a whole lot more than a leaflet. That leaflet went to EVERY SINGLE HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY!
  8. Eh? Leave didn't get anything like the £10m that the government spent on the remain propaganda leaflet.
  9. Oops! Matt, missed the above post. No need for apologies, we are all together on the most important thing on here.
  10. David Cameron next for using taxpayers money for Remain propaganda.
  11. Matt, the fact that you used the analogy of a Liverpool fan is interesting. I had also, previously, thought about using this analogy for Remainers but immediately rejected it as to use it on an Everton website was 'beyond the pale'. However, since you have raised it I will make the comparison. Remainers, like Liverpool fans are convinced they should have won. Remainers, like Liverpool fans, came second.
  12. Mike, its only taken about three years for you to appreciate that the number of votes counts.
  13. Matt, Leave got more votes in spite of the government propaganda leaflet which alone cost more that the leave budget. You say no one on the leave side knows what it means/meant? You mean like the Remain voters know what the EU is up to behind closed doors (do you ever see an EU manifesto)? Like denying that there is going to be a EU Army for two or three years before announcing it. I haven't completely ignored what democracy actually means - it means whoever gets the most votes wins. A pity you don't seem to understand it. Having said that, the EU are notorious for not accepting referendum results which go against them. 'Vote till you get it right' is standard EU 'democracy' so I can see where you get it from.
  14. Matt. 1. The government of the day said the referendum would be 'binding'. 2. Leave won 3. At the subsequent GE both main parties said that they would deliver Brexit, (it was in their manifesto's) 17m+ voters in the referendum voted to leave the EU. Everyone who voted Conservative and Labour in the last election voted for parties committed to Brexit. Seems fairly democratic to me. Also seems to be fairly undemocratic to be trying to usurp the decision.
  15. What are you trying to say Matt, that democracy is what Remainers want it to be?
  16. Er, dangerous logic that Mike. overrule a referendum that was promised to be binding because campaign promises have been previously broken. Two, or more, wrongs don't make a right. In answer to your question on who my choice would be, I'm afraid I haven't a clue. The quality of people (in all parties) has never been so low. Johnson is a buffoon, the rest are lightweight. Corbyn has been in politics and the Labour party for most of his adult life. Not one previous Labour leader saw any qualities in him. They can't all be wrong. Lib Dem's are run by a pensioner because there is no one else. Where is the Monster Raving Loonie Party when you need it?
  17. Well its democratic because its in line with our political system. Gordon Brown wasn't elected either. With fixed term parliaments, PM's may change and are voted in by the incumbent party. I happen to have the same opinions on Johnson, I see him as a Donald Trump. My view is that he won't get in. He has his supporters in the party but not so much with MP's.
  18. Mike, democracy has been the keystone of this country for centuries. I don't think Remainers have thought through the implications of usurping a democratic vote. If the Brexit vote is reversed then politics will never be the same again and certainly not for the better.
  19. Mike, you mean how Remainers have respected the views of the people?
  20. Well, yes and no rubes. DCL may continue to improve as a footballer but scoring goals is more a natural gift than something you can train for. When the ball is pinging around the penalty area and suddenly falls to your feet, you have maybe half a second to react. A Jimmy Greaves will have it in the back of the net. DCL will look up, look around and wonder why his shot is blocked. Having said that, I don't see many games and quite often only see the highlights, but he does squander a lot of chances. The most worrying misses are those that go straight at the goalie, headers and shots. It indicates that he doesn't even know where the goalie is - something every decent striker should be aware of at all times. Even worse, it may indicate that he does know where the goalie is but isn'tt capable of finding the space where the goalie isn'tt. I really hope the lad makes good but I do have my reservations.
  21. Not sure about him given his injury record but he's better than what we have. DCL is a better footballer but he just can't score goals.
  22. Brilliant news Mike, am raising my glass of red in your honour.
  23. I was 12th from top but 13th from bottom, so in the 'top-half'. Many thanks Steve for all your hard work and congratulations on an impressive win.
  24. If Spurs beat Liverpool, that means that Liverpool won't win anything. How did they do in the Liverpool Senior Cup?
  25. ManU finished 32 (thirty two) points behind Man City.
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