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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. As hard as it is I’m trying not to dwell on Anceforgotti I believed and trusted him completely, he caught a lot of us out he’s now history consigned to room 101. Another exciting chapter in a never ending Everton saga awaits us, I do love being an Evertonian there’s never a dull moment.
  2. Compo from last of the summer wine, we need a young dynamic manager not some old has been looking for a big payday for his retirement fund, even the tinker man Ranyairi has been linked ( spelt his name wrong but don’t give a flying fuck, because he won’t be here anyway) let’s hope we get a manager for the future not the past.
  3. I think we are already seeing a split between owner chairman and DoF all wanting to have a say, with Moshiri wanting Nuno Kenwright wanting Moyes and Brands not wanting to rush into any decision until all possible candidates have been evaluated. I really fear we will get some sort of compromise based on who Moshiri says we can have, for all his lack of knowledge and total incompetence when it comes to all things football, Moshiri seems incapable of letting go of the reins on the most important decisions revolving around the team. I am truly worried that Moshiri will be looking for a designer name that he’s heard of and he feels is a big enough draw for his empire, and not looking at the technical vision and emotional fit because he doesn’t understand that side of the game. God help us and all who support us we are still in for some turbulent times
  4. I think the jokes were Koeman Allardyce and Silva.
  5. Seriously he gave a lot of the young players a shot at Chelsea and they are still in the team playing for Tuchel he also bought players in that are still playing for Tuchel, admittedly Tuchel maybe getting more out of them but Lampard had the vision to progress them or buy them, and for a young and relatively in experienced manager he didn’t do at all bad, he just needs a team grow and he could quite easily become a very good manager.
  6. If we were looking at getting a young up and coming manager, I don’t think we would go to wrong giving Lampard a shot.
  7. Sorry mate just seen my post password should have been passport, do you need a passport if you’re American to get into Canada or do they accept any other from of I.D.
  8. Ricky Tomlinson as applied as Mike Basset former England manager, by all accounts Moshiri and Kenwright are giving it some serious consideration.
  9. Do you need a password to cross into Canada.
  10. Whether you actually agree or not you have just highlighted most of the attributes that Moyes has. Moyes knows how to find the up and coming players and turn them into the finished article, he also knows how to build a team that respect and work for him. Look at the players he brought to the club using one of the smallest budgets of any PL club nearly every year he was here.
  11. It’s strange how something happens that completely messes with your mind, I think you need to go back mate the cliff reference scares the fuck out of me just thinking about you stood there is panicking me.
  12. I remember going up the tower in Seattle which from memory was constructed for the expo trade or something along them lines, anyway when you got to the top there was class floor leading into a cafe come restaurant, it freaked me out.
  13. I’m over him now and looking forward to a new and more prosperous season, with hopefully someone who has the honesty and convictions to carry out what they say.
  14. And Dom’s back pass straight to their midfielder in injury time which resulted in their last attempt at goal, if that had gone in that would have summed our last 24 hours up perfectly.
  15. Returning managers or talk of seems to be the theme for 21/22 season, Carlo going back to Madrid talk of Poch going back to Spurs and Moyes coming back here, didn’t do olly to bad for his second stint at Utd. At least we could sing the return of the Moyes to the tune return of the Mac. And his second stint at WHU isn’t going to bad.
  16. Poetry to my ears Bill I love big Dunc and all he stands for and believes in, it’s convincing Moshiri of the same and I honestly don’t think he will listen.
  17. Your spot on there, it wouldn’t surprise in the least if Bill hasn’t already contacted Moyes.
  18. I don’t know I think having the Belgium job has opened up eyes to the importance of a balanced team. Yes he still probably advocates a more attack minded style of football, which would be great because isn’t that what we all thought was missing from Ancelotti’s play, and he was meant to of been addressing that this window.
  19. I really don’t think they will sanction Ancelotti taking him back my
  20. Exactly he’s history, I’m just concerned now we don’t get the future right.
  21. Ancelotti does have a habit of raiding players from clubs he has managed, could he make a play for DCL Richarlison Godfrey or Digne, I wouldn’t put it past him to test the waters.
  22. You could have asked Yogi bear to take over when you were in the woods, after all he’s smarter than the average bear, which is smarter than most managers we’ve had here in the last 5 years.
  23. I would have him back, but think he would flatly turn us down if asked.
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