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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. Souness is getting very excited we need to smash Scotland and stick him back in his box.
  2. I haven’t seen Shukes post for a while I wonder if he’s been having interviews for the job
  3. Another VAR balls up ruining the game.
  4. We have to get rid of the Tories, as a committed Labour supporter I don’t care who takes the seats of the Tories I just want them gone, give me a LibDem, Green Party or Monster raving lunatic Party government just don’t give me another Tory government.
  5. Everyone knows that Allan and James only joined Everton because they wanted to play for Ancelotti, if they both haven’t made an official statement yet since Ancelotti left wouldn’t you have expected them to reassure the supporters that they are committed to the club, for me the silence says the opposite.
  6. Brands was reported as saying we have to look at all options there is no rush, maybe it is true that Moshiri wants Benitez, and maybe he hasn’t been appointed because Brands is still looking at other options, if Moshiri goes against his DoF then the future looks very bleak, surely Moshiri won’t go against Brands advice on who gets the job would he?
  7. I do feel for the board ( or Moshiri) in having to make a decision, just by the reactions of us here they will be damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Some will look for the positives and some will look for the negatives, for the supporters it is an emotional event where we let our hearts rule our heads in many ways, for the club it’s got to be a business decision, unless of course you are Bill who’s a huge fan then it’s Moyes for emotional reasons mainly, and in business you can’t dwell on the negatives if you thought every decision you were about to make had a negative you wouldn’t be able to move your business forward, they have to find a manager with the most positives and not dwell on the negatives, the he said this and he done that doesn’t matter in business if he’s the right candidate and has the attributes to move your business on what was said or done in the past was then and not now. So if the decision is Benitez or Martinez and you have faith in Moshiri and Brand’s like nearly all of you do then you need to embrace it and put your vendettas behind you, and start maybe letting your heads rule your blue hearts now and then. For me a slightly different scenario as I have very little faith in Brand’s or Moshiri ever getting this right, but I will back the next manager whether over the moon with them or not.
  8. That first year was something to behold nobody for a long time before him or after him has come close to what we witnessed, the game we beat Arsenal 4-0 was possibly the best I’ve seen an Everton team play in my life time, I get goose bumps thinking about it still. Could he replicate that season again I very much doubt it would I like to see him have that opportunity, why not he wouldn’t be any worse than some of the managers in the picture.
  9. I’m hoping we get a decision soon if just to stop this post taking up so much of my valuable time I understand the club will say there’s no rush with players on international duty or holiday, but the suspense is killing me and some of the names mentioned are scary as fuck.
  10. I never new Martinez did that, I’m impressed by such a simple idea which keeps the players on the bench switched on to what’s happening in the game. Obviously paid dividends for Naismith who often than not could come on and change the game. After hearing that piece of information as anyone considered Bobby as our next manager
  11. I’m not saying anything accept I think everyone knows how I feel about the leadership of this club, so if true it wouldn’t surprise me in the least it would be what I would expect
  12. I wish him well in his new career, a born fighter with a big heart his goals against Chelsea will always remain as a undying memory of what he meant to Everton, then when he returned to the Old Lady and scored for Norwich I wasn’t upset or surprised I remember thinking fair play to him he just showed us what we were missing. Love the guy even if he is a sweaty sock
  13. No more managers who haven’t been mentioned please, my missus is looking at me strangely because I’m lol.
  14. Is there still a manager left out there that hasn’t been mentioned
  15. My darkest days being an Evertonian were the days of Mike Walker, obviously the majority of you won’t remember them but for those who had to live through them days having Benitez here doesn’t phase me one bit or the return of Bobby, they are both decent managers, my only concern with Benitez is will he still be a draw for the better players to want to come here, I fear not so, so for that reason we should give him a miss.
  16. Benitez is looking like he’s going to get it. There was a war of words between clubs and managers that’s part and parcel of the game, I wouldn’t not want a top manager because he said we were a small club, when he was a rivals manager.
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