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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. If they had fight and passion to put everything on the line like Hibbert did I’d take a two left footed Hibbert in more than one position
  2. The only victims of Digne’s shit show are the club and it’s supporters he’s no victim he’s still picking up 100% of his wages for very little return, I would say the best LB I’ve seen this season is Godfrey hardly anything got past him when he played there.
  3. The DofF thing isn’t working for us at least Walsh had an excuse owner and chairman interference, I really don’t think he’s doing a good job at sourcing players, his success to failure rate is very poor imo.
  4. There’s no need to get yourself readmitted mate we love you to much to want to see that happen, but a severe telling off and warning wouldn’t go amiss
  5. Aren’t Besic Bolasie and Gylfi’s contracts up at the end of the season so that should save 200 plus grand a week, then he needs to sell some of the players he’s responsible for bringing into the club Delph Iwobi Bernard Mina and possibly Gomes Richarlison and Digne if he can get the right money, because they may talk a good game and how they love the club and supporters but all 3 have been expensive passengers this season, and if they carry on in this vein they won’t be missed, so I expect him to shift 3-4 players this summer on top of the players who’s contracts will expire. Like anyone in any job you are responsible for cleaning up your own mess no excuses.
  6. Can he change it I fucking hope so, he knows what he wants he knows what is required. If he has the funds available to get 3 or 4 players in the summer transfer they will all have to be quality and be able to adapt quickly to the PL, because there are at least 4 in the team that I would not want to have to see wearing the shirt again. He needs to get us a striker with pure ability in all area's in and around the box, a midfielder who can run and turn at speed with the ball at his feet, and a right winger who has proven experience in that role, and right back even if it’s just as a back up until he’s ready to take over from Coleman. At this moment in time I’m happy with Ancelotti I’m pissed off with the squad we have after years of spending big accumulated a bunch of below average players, you can’t make a silk purse out of a sows ear even if you’re Ancelotti, what I would say is I hope Brands keeps away from Barcelona rejects, even if he believes he has a special relationship with Barca there’s normally a good reason when a player doesn’t make the squad for the team he’s at THEIR NOT FUCKING GOOD ENOUGH.
  7. If Ancelotti is here next season I think he will definitely be looking for a clinical finisher, and DCL may find himself as second fiddle in the strikers department. He has the pace the strength and the work rate in abundance he just isn’t a natural finisher and struggles to hit the target from 8 yards out, for me that’s a huge problem that will and has impacted on the team, very difficult to have to say because I want him to do so much better for us and himself.
  8. That’s a shame we could do with a bit more whinging around here we don’t seem to get nearly enough of it
  9. Don’t go on the Brexit site and you should be safe.
  10. I would love to finish 6th or 7th but if we finished 8th I wouldn’t be unhappy, to go up 4 places from last season for me would be classed as a significant improvement, the following season I would expect a minimum finish of 6th, then 22/23 season 4th or better, and wouldn’t that be a great start to life in the new stadium playing CL football. We all have dreams and great expectations but these targets aren’t unrealistic and are very achievable.
  11. Congratulations mate that’s great news, we shall all have to lookout in a few years for a little girl at games wearing a scarf that is 50% Everton and 50% Porto.
  12. A great example of how to run a team from owners to players, you don’t need hundreds of millions and you can sell some of your best players and still win trophies and challenge at the top of the league. To think Walsh was a big part of the success at Leicester yet he wouldn’t be given the time of day at Everton, how reputations can be broken when you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time, could it be true when Walsh said that Moshiri and Kenwright blocked players who he wanted to bring in who later proved to be successful at other clubs, and got him to sign players against his judgment. I guess we will never really know but what can’t be denied is that he helped Leicester build a PL winning team that has been able to hold it’s own in the seasons that followed. Great achievement by everyone involved today, hopefully our time isn’t that far away from being realised.
  13. Everton 2-0 Sheffield Richarlison
  14. Without the supporters in the grounds his concentration as been more focused on the game and not the banter with the fans, I hope when the fans return he puts them to the back of his mind and doesn’t get involved with verbals and wind ups, he should realise now he needs to just focus on the game and forget the bullshit.
  15. It didn’t realise that some of the the most patriotic people from the county of Cornwall don’t even live in Cornwall, they choose to leave this part of England for a life elsewhere. Like the Irish you always seem to get the most patriotic Irish living abroad. I always find this scenario very confusing and there will be a multitude of reasons why people leave what they believe is the best place in the world to live, from wars famine poverty love and many more I’m sure. Now this is the bit that confuses me why don’t we see these people trying to get back to these great places of their heritage, I wish sometimes people would walk the walk instead of just talk the talk, by that I mean I have a couple of Irish brothers who work for me from Waterford, they have been in this country for the best part of 40 years, yet they still go on and on about how Irish they are and how great Ireland is, yet the ironic thing is they could go back to this greatest country in the world, there’s nothing to stop them they talk about it enough but they don’t. I would say to anyone who keeps banging on about where they come from if it’s safe to go back there then just do it, because if you carry on just talking about it you start to become very boring.
  16. Very true, but wouldn’t that be devastating if we won the other 3 and lost that one, even thinking it is to painful
  17. I always thought where possible it was presented to the winner's at their last home game. I’m happy if I’m wrong.
  18. The City game concerns me they won’t need the win, but they will be presented the trophy in front of their fans and will want a win to add to the party atmosphere.
  19. His finishing is definitely improving he was at least 9 yards out for that one
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