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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. Firstly I’m saying that we needed to get someone, it was clear as day that we never had an option to replace an injured or off the boil DCL or Richarlison, once the goals dried up we were going backwards. Why you are asking me who they should have got is beyond me, I’m not the one paid millions a year to find the right person, what are we paying Ancelotti and Brands to do if not to bring the right players in when something needs fixing, they new there was a problem hence the arrival of King, but I believe they underestimated the impact on the team if DCL and Richarlison went through prolonged patches of inconsistency which they did, and the biggest problem they went through it at the same time. For me they didn’t do there homework in that area they gambled and the gamble didn’t pay off, when you don’t have goals in the team you don’t win games it’s as simple as that, and they never properly addressed that, King wasn’t the answer they didn’t even play him when the others were injured or clearly not performing. So that’s why I say my biggest problem this season was that we didn’t address our problem properly in January and we paid the price, we were crying out for someone who could come into the team upfront and score goals and we didn’t have it.
  2. The biggest problem I had this season with Ancelotti and Brand’s was before the January transfer window opened, our goals were drying up and it was costing us games and points, and it was obvious we needed another striker on board with a proven goal scoring record, instead we got King who couldn’t get into a championship team, that lack of ambition and trying to do it on the cheap imo cost us dearly.
  3. I get what you’re saying, but we have changed we are pretty much as a team and business unrecognisable from 4-5 years ago. We have a billionaire owner who’s spending on players has as more than quadrupled on the years before he arrived. We have supposedly got one of the best directors of football in the game. We have supposedly one of the best coaches in the game. What other changes can we make yet as you rightly say changes are required, considering the changes we have made, what’s left is the changes to our mentality whether players or supporters we have to stop feeling sorry for ourselves and believe we can do better, otherwise the other option is to say that the changes that have been made are the wrong ones.
  4. Well done Rom you managed to get away with your missed predictions, and thanks Steve for running this again I know and appreciate it takes up so much of your time.
  5. Let Moshiri and Usmanov throw a few hundred million in each and buy Leicester City it would work out a lot cheaper in the long run.
  6. For me it’s not an issue just as long as they have set up on going physio treatment agreed with the club at there destinations, these two players have spent more time not playing because of injuries than playing. Personally I wouldn’t be allowing them to go anywhere I’d have them completing intensive physio programs to make sure there was no excuse with next season, especially James with his reoccurring injury also Delph and Mina would be in that bracket. As Paddy McGuiness would say no playie no going awayie.
  7. Fuck all wrong with that mate I only wish I had the will power to put the cork back in the bottle and do the same sometimes.
  8. If that happens I’ll be joining him
  9. Just opened a bottle CABERNET SAUVIGNON 2017 by HAWKSTONE NAPA VALLEY, don’t drink much New World wines but must say sitting in the sun with a BBQ Ribeye and all the trimmings this is very quaffable, hats off to California great bottle of wine for not silly money
  10. Mate how positive are we for next season, and the fact that we actually agree on something for a long time I hope doesn’t mean we are doomed
  11. If they were looking at him a couple of seasons ago it would have been as a gamble that they could have improved him, a bit like Rodwell really and he had more going for himself as that age than Holgate, don’t get me wrong he still is a young man and has the potential but he’s not anywhere near Keane’s level of ability whether that be good average or poor, he’s made a couple of standout howlers recently that have really hurt the team at a crucial time of the season, I know mistakes happen but when they are so obviously avoidable you have to question his ability, which I believe at this moment in time makes him our worst CB out of the 4 in the squad. But it is interesting that you see him quite differently and it won’t just be because City might have been interested him, you obviously have a host of other reasons why you rate him over the others, strange how in somethings we have the same opinions and in others completely different.
  12. Pete you forgot the imogi to let us know you were having a giraffe you nutter
  13. The team have missed the fans and the opposition are pleased we are not there.
  14. He is a prick, but it’s also a sad indictment on how football is becoming a business for greedy bastards with no passion or loyalty for the job they are doing.
  15. I’m happy to, we may not of finished as high as we would have liked but we were always in the mix and points wise not a million miles away. Onwards and upwards into the 21/22 season.
  16. Ok fair enough I’m sure if you look hard enough you’ll find Accrington Stanley were going to sign him for a crate of milk
  17. I would say that is paramount we have the worst scoring record of any team in the top 11.
  18. Well he stated that’s what happened and I haven’t seen anyone from the club deny it, for him to go as far as to say that he had Haarland and his father at the club to sign and for Moshiri and Kenwright to block it, you would have thought if not true it would have been denied by all parties concerned. Just to had it’s all water under the bridge now and possibly or possibly not missed opportunities, but my main point is Walsh gets slaughtered for his mistakes and Brands gets applauded, it can’t be one rule for one and a different rule for others.
  19. What we should also remember when he joined us was the players that Moshiri and Kenwright pulled the plug on, he had agreed 20 million for Robertson and McGuire, he lined up Jonny Evans before he went to Leicester and had Haaland sat ready to sign for 4.5 million. As you said mate he did well for Leicester he also got Vardy there.
  20. I do acknowledge that they talk about future acquisitions, but I hope Ancelotti is saying this is who I want or need now and Brands is saying okay and I’m also looking at bringing in xyz who will be with the right coaching ready in 12-18 months to join the 1st team. Which isn’t meant as a pop at Brands but more how I think roles should be played out in the club.
  21. To be fair that’s my problem with all D of F they should be allowed to source and buy players for the future, as Walsh did with DCL and Brands with Godfrey and Niels, but players who are brought in for the first team should be the sole domain of the manager, mainly for the reason you mentioned they don’t have a plan or knowledge on how to balance a team, 11 good players on paper don’t make a team.
  22. We also need some better quality around him if we don’t I don’t think we will ever see what he is truly capable of.
  23. In Gbamins case that may be true, but the same cannot be said for Delph and Mina who have a history of injuries before arriving here, what was the thought process on buying them I wonder because what ever it was it hasn’t worked. Sometimes you wouldn’t be wrong when you watch us to think you’re watching Casualty or 24hrs in A&E
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