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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. we will be a 3rd world country soon so don’t leave it to long
  2. Arteta has once again emerged as a favourite, I’m beginning to lose the plot with the amount of managers we are supposedly interested in.
  3. Now the years of uncertainty begins, begging and being held to ransom would seem to be the future for Britain, being dictated to by the EU were we have no choice but to accept there demands, and now the USA as well who will be trying to flood us with substandard food and overly expensive drugs. The next few years will be the years that crush the Tories as there lies start to come to the fore over Brexit.
  4. That is going to hurt, we are running out of options to get a team out, maybe good opportunity to get some youngsters on the bench.
  5. That’s not going to change my mind on what I think him, he’s a prick.
  6. Can’t stand the man, if you can call him a man.
  7. Sorry mate miss understanding I see where you’re coming from And I wish I was over the pond with you guys chilling
  8. You have both made good points, but I’m inclined to agree that this maybe a step to far for him, because of the rebuilding involved he usually takes over teams that are nearly complete and gets them playing better.
  9. Try arsenic fascist it will be more to your taste.
  10. You never said that the evidence is there for all to see, and then after it was pointed out to you that there has been wars after WW2 involving people with nuclear weapons and how could I forget Vietnam, so they obviously didn’t prove a deterrent to the countries involved, you can’t except you were wrong, you add another post saying I said this after the first post, I’m surprised you never reverted back to type and changed it, by using your last excuse of I always recheck my posts for spelling errors, what an appalling liar you are, on top of a far right facist pompous bigot, and now as shown in your last posts as an egotistical hypocrite. And on your point of the election, yes I am disappointed but not for myself but for my children and grandchildren, but I’m so ecstatic you had nothing to do with it, because you would be gloating, oh you already have how childish and you’re not even a voter.
  11. Yes you did when you started back tracking on your first post, which was shown to be in factual, that’s why so many don’t like debating with you on here, you can never admit when you’re wrong, you would rather lie or try and move the goalposts. Honestly you’re such a fucking dick mate it’s embarrassing to watch you squirm your way around to try and prove you are never wrong.
  12. Revisit your first comment which you clearly stated, that since WW2, we have not had a war because of our nuclear deterrent, wrong. Now I’m going to disenfranchise you and not discuss with you further.
  13. No don’t do that look at what disenfranchised means.
  14. The law may have changed but that still doesn’t make you disenfranchised, you need to check what it means to be disenfranchised.
  15. Korea, Falklands, Iraqi were they not wars that we were involved in, and you could say maybe the Panama Canal conflict.
  16. You have not been disenfranchised at all, you decided to leave the country of your own free will some twenty odd years ago, which by doing so means you voluntarily gave up your right to a vote which would be the same for anyone who chose your course.
  17. Brands can still strengthen the team especially if it’s true he already has a manager lined up, there would be nothing that could stop communication between them behind the scenes.
  18. Fuck off Mark you had no idea you didn’t even know he was at Derby
  19. Exactly, a result against Utd should prove we are in safe hands until Brands gets the man he wants, and not the man Moshiri wants.
  20. Rooney league stats D.C. United.com Ibrahimivic fctables.com last season in the league 27 games 22 goals. But what ever there both not good enough anymore for the PL or Everton, he’s 38 years old for fuck sake without a club, and Moshiri is thinking I’ll give him a contract so he can keep us up, I’m sure Brands must be thinking what sort of idiot have I got myself involved with if Ibrah rocks up here.
  21. Rooney played a total of 48 games in two seasons and scored 45
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