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Romey 1878

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Everything posted by Romey 1878

  1. I'm sick to death of feeling this way after derby's, it's happening far too frequently. We bottled it yesterday; manager and players. Another game that demonstrates that Moyes will never be a top 4 manager; top teams want a manager who goes out to win games rather than be more concerned about not losing. Liverpool were there for the taking from the off, nevermind once they were down to 10 men. He should go back to management school and learn some tactics, or rather some new tactics instead of the one dimensional crap he continually serves up. He seemingly does not know how to set up his side to beat the top sides. Sure, he's had the odd victory but nothing that makes you think we could compete with them on a regular basis. The long ball doesn't work ffs! We don't even have the players to make it fucking work! How many times is he going to have to witness that before it penetrates his thick skull? But no, we keep on with it in the hope that Saha will maybe start winning these aimless high balls. It's embarrassing. Then there's the players themselves. I don't think I've witnessed a set of players show so little fight or determination in a derby . It's left me totally dejected. It wasn't all of them but far too many of them. On top of that, there was no penetration or creativity to be seen, far too slow in even trying to make anything happen. We played small time. That all being said, before we lost Felli things looked OK. While we weren't dominating the game we were very comfortable, but once he was gone we totally lost our way. For me, Moyes made the wrong decision by bringing Arteta on for Felli, it wasn't the game to bring Arteta into because the onus fell on him to make something happen and right now he's just not ready for it. It was a move of desperation by Moyes. A better move would have been to push Nevilel into the DM role and bring Coleman on at RB. That way we'd have had a proper DM in there and an attacking outlet down the right. Is Moyes scared to attack? It looks that way. Howard - He's simply not a top keeper. The top keepers make that crucial save etc when they haven't been called into action all game until then. Howard failed to do this. Neville - Shocking defending for their goal and was piss poor all game really. Heitinga - Solid but even he aimlessly hoofed the ball into Reina's arms. He got my MOTM vote though because he showed fight and actually tried to play for the most part. Distin - He is a fucking donkey, but the bitch down. Baines - Set pieces much improved which is a relief and generally had a good game, especially when looking to move the play forward. Donovan - A bit hit and miss IMO. He showed some good pieces of play and then you wouldn't see him at all for a while. Fellaini - Was looking like he was going to dominate the shite's midfield so it's a shame he got injured. He's our most important player based on yesterday so I hope he's not going to miss any games. Osman - Started off ok but then disappeared. Another big game and another game of hide and seek for Ossie IMO. Pienaar - Very disappointed with him yesterday. He just didn't seem up for it whatsoever, and we needed him to step up and make things happen. Fail. Cahill - Worked tirelessly and he was having to do the work of two players with the effort Saha was putting in. He's one of very few players who can hold their heads up high. Saha - What a waste of space he was, he needs a massive kick up the arse. He just sulked his way through the game. You'd think a new contract and a pay rise would make you play well or at least try. I know he had very little service but it's not much of an excuse when Yak managed to do more with the same service in a shorter period of time.
  2. Dashboard Confessional - Belle of the Boulevard (acoustic)
  3. I'm more worried that we have a midfield of bottlers without Fellaini tbh. You don't need to be steely if you can keep hold of the ball and not shirk your responsibilities after all.
  4. http://www.imscouting.com/global-news-article/Manchester-United-prepare-summer-swoop-for-Everton-starlet-Jack-Rodwell/5600/
  5. Tbf, we don't know that he was greedy, it may have simply been paper talk.
  6. Playing Fellaini and Rodwell creates the exact same problem as having Neville there, two defensive midfielders is not the way to go! In fact, playing Rodwell is probably worse than having Neville there because Rodwell doesn't have the positional sense or discipline to be in the right at the right time. I'm no fan of Osman but he looks better in the middle, there's no reason to change things.
  7. If we play Neville in midfield with Fellaini it's been shown that we will have very little in the way of attacking play, and for this game we do have to attack the shite because they're vulnerable. I want Coleman playing as much as anyone but not at the expense of us playing football.
  8. He might not get a chance because he's rumoured to be a doubt for the game.
  9. Full deserved. January was a vital month for us with the February we have, and the playerw and manager certainly stepped up to the plate.
  10. Isn't it the CEO who negotiates with buying and selling clubs the fees we receive and pay anyway? I'm genuinely asking because I don't know, not to try and take anything away from BK if that is indeed his job.
  11. Tbh, I'd be more fearful of Kuyt than Gerrard atm.
  12. This. Everton are playing with fire and I hope we don't get burned by it.
  13. Reina Carra The Greek Agger Insua Lucas Mascherano Maxi Kuyt Gerrard N'gog Apparently, that's their starting 11 tomorrow.
  14. It's clear cut there as well for me. Would you honestly even consider playing Rodwell ahead of either Fellaini or Arteta? I wouldn't. And Peanuts staying or going shouldn't affect it either; Rodwell will never play on the wing and Arteta should never play there again. So if Peanuts goes we need to bring someone new in.
  15. Ledley has just had an op on BOTH hips, and he already had fuck all pace. I'd steer clear from him.
  16. You've opened a can of worms yankee, I hope everyone's got their tin hats at the ready .
  17. No idea Mike, but he gets rave reviews all the time and I think he's playing ahead of his own age group for England. Expect big things from him.
  18. Barkley's the star of our youth side.
  19. Lets not get carried away. I was full of optimism the past two summers only for our summer to go pear shaped to say the least. Things do look good though, fingers crossed.
  20. Good news, hopefully Peanuts will be next.
  21. You should count yourself lucky there was even an article spidey.
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