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Everything posted by SpartyBlue

  1. Such small margins. If we had made Europe and/or Carlo had stayed I doubt we are having this conversation or anything like it.
  2. It’s a shame because he has the talent but seemingly not the heart. If he’s playing for Bayern or Real Madrid with world class players who can hide his weaknesses he can be tremendous but if he’s asked to do more he gets exposed. The commitment issue reminds me of Kean. They believe, rightly or wrongly, they should be at an elite club. If they find themselves elsewhere their commitment and their attitude suffers.
  3. You’re bending over backwards to support your view here. The evidence is against you. We can ignore his us vs we quotes and he still comes off badly. Not knowing who we play isn’t a mistranslation. Being on an airplane before the season is over isn’t a cultural difference. Consistently terrible defensive effort is there for everyone to see. Not ability, mind you, effort. Can you imagine Seamus or DCL ever doing anything like that? Rafa isn’t going to question his commitment if he was a “team player”. I expect the club knew for a long time that James didn’t want to be here and that explains his disinterest. If he ever cared about being at Everton that left with Carlo.
  4. For me it’s more about his willingness to play when he’s not at 100%, to show more effort defensively, to put the team above himself and his personal success. He sits because he’s tired, he doesn’t know who we play, he refers to Everton, his club at the time, as “they” etc.. To be a team player your ultimate goal has to be the success of your club. Do you think that was the case with James? Does anyone?
  5. He was an emergency option. Full stop. As an aside not many teams in the world could handle dropping 4 of the first names off their team sheet without a significant effect.
  6. James didnt want to be at Everton. His comments and actions both showed that. Any speculation on what the club or Benitez want is ultimately irrelevant because the player has absolutely checked out once Carlo left. Nobody is bigger than the club.
  7. I’d like to see Gordon at some point if we need a little creativity. Pacier than some people think as well.
  8. Yea, in fairness Richarlison probably shouldn’t have even been playing until the first international break.
  9. This is just pure bias. In any objective evaluation Rafa is far more accomplished.
  10. Did it last year at times. I imagine Seamus and Digne will have a lot of freedom when we are in possession.
  11. I disagree. He. Didn’t. Know. Who. We. Played. I can’t think of a more obvious sign of disinterest.
  12. I don’t personally think James is world class at this point. He’s super talented on the ball but he’s slow and he can’t be bothered to put a foot in. Is he walking into Liverpool or Man City or PSG etc..? If not then he’s not world class. It’s nonsense to believe Rafa wouldn’t play the team he thinks is best capable of getting the points. If James isn’t out there it’s because he doesn’t think he gives us the best chance. Whatever anyone thinks of our manager he’s not an idiot.
  13. Of course it’s an assumption. Rarely in sports do we get an athlete or manager bluntly stating how they feel about things. This is a place for speculation. We don’t need Seamus to say “I love Everton and I’ll give everything for the shirt” to infer that he does and he will. We don’t need Moise Kean to say “I’m not happy, sell me” to know that’s it true. No, we cannot know 100% how James feels about the club but we can make a very good guess based on his words and actions. I don’t feel a need to repeat myself in here. His lack of connection to the club has been obvious. Rafa said he needs to show his commitment and desire. It’s not a leap to believe this means he’s not currently showing either. Is it reasonable to believe that if a player of his talent was showing those characteristics Rafa would be looking for “certain games” he could fit him in and challenging him in that way? It’s not about vitriol. I don’t hate James or believe he’s a bad guy. I just think he’s been a global superstar and just spent 1 season on a 10th place Everton in front of no fans because of a manager who is no longer here. Unsurprising that he didn’t fall in love with us. To believe there is no fire despite all the smoke is, in my opinion, to be obtuse.
  14. Or option 3, he plays on occassion because his talent can help us in certain moments regardless of his attitude.
  15. It’s an assumption but it’s not ridiculous. He came for Carlo. We know that. Carlo is gone. It’s not “ridiculous” to do the math there, as a start. Beyond that he got out of town last season before we were even done. He’s made several (not just one) comments that give an impression of a player who isn’t particularly interested in the club. Rafa’s recent comments on James aren’t difficult to interpret. It’s unlikely James will ever say “I don’t want to play for Everton. I want to play elsewhere” but the club and Rafa will know this. If you need it spelled out for you then I guess you’ll never be convinced until he’s out the door. Turning down a pay cut to play in Turkey isn’t exactly an indication of his commitment to our club.
  16. Perhaps, but when several managers pass you over like he has been I think it’s unlikely to be a coincidence. Happy to be proven wrong.
  17. For me it’s his previous comments that remove the benefit of the doubt. Not knowing who we played is just ridiculous. I don’t think he’s a bad guy or anything, just a mercenary who feels no particular attachment to the club. I saw a good point made elsewhere that he’s never played in front of a crowd here and that might contribute to a lack of connection.
  18. Why would we say this? It’s clear he wanted to leave. By trying to move him on we were doing what he wished. It’s not a stretch to ask him to show some professionalism. Again, he didn’t even know who we played next. He doesn’t care at all about the club. Publicly making that known, as he has, is an unnecessary distraction. While you’re here you are an Everton player. Behave as such.
  19. It was very clear he didn’t want to be here without Carlo. One assumes the club and Rafa were aware of this. We tried to unload him but couldn’t find a deal that was agreeable to all parties. Why would Rafa waste one second on a player who doesn’t want to be here who we are trying to move on? Now that we are stuck with each other Rafa has said he needs to show some commitment to the club and get his fitness up in order to see the field. James own comments separate him from the club. Not exactly the commitment Rafa was talking about. I assume he will see some minutes in specific games/situations and will be moved on as quickly as we can find a deal that works for us, likely in January.
  20. He plays for Everton. He doesn’t know who our opponents are. He refers to his club as “they” etc.. Seems pretty clear he considers himself separate from the group. It’s not a good look. Rafa’s comments alluded to the difficulty of including James under those circumstances. I think he’s just gonna be a sub we bring on in certain situations. Whether he can be more than that will depend on adjusting his attitude towards the club. I would be surprised if he lasts past the next window.
  21. The way he speaks about us does give away what he really thinks. “Everton play on Monday”. “I’m ready if they need me”. Never “we”, never “us”. It’s good that he’s fit and available but there is no buy in from him, no connection to the club.
  22. It’s what you want to hear I suppose. I don’t think James particularly cares about Everton but he’s not a “rock the boat” type. Even if it’s only out of self interest for his future in the game I expect he will stay in shape and want to be out there.
  23. I get the inclination to give Kenny a chance but he just hasn’t ever showed glimpses he can be that guy in my opinion. He’s not “bad” but he’s bland. I can’t think of any stand out attribute. Decent squad depth maybe but I don’t think he’s the answer there.
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