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Everything posted by SpartyBlue

  1. This is always so strange to me. Why do we think new players equal improvement year after year? If this were true then the level of football in the Premier League would rise year on year and teams would be far better than they were 5 or 10 years ago. It’s a mentality that doesn’t exist to nearly the same degree in other sports. The Chicago Bulls changed very little when they were winning their six titles, as one example. Having a team that is used to playing together that improves as a unit can be just as valuable or more so than new signings. I’ve seen no evidence that you simply get passed by all your competition if you don’t match them in signings.
  2. It doesn’t have to be ego. Rafa is trying to change the mentality and bring in players who will all work together in the system he thinks is best. Having a player in there that is unwilling or unable to work in that way is a problem, despite his talent. I’m sure we will see James in there but I would suggest it’s his ego, not Rafa’s, that create situations where managers find it tricky to incorporate him.
  3. Seems to be that it is the second season after a major injury that a player gets his form back ( if they get it back at all). Let’s hope.
  4. Not a big deal to miss two games. Our “cover” last year was Josh King who barely played.
  5. You’re right we’ve had an easy schedule but I’m more concerned with beating the teams we are supposed to beat than how we do against Champion’s league sides. We did fantastically well against the top of the league last season and finished 10th.
  6. I fully expect us to get a RB on loan (at a minimum) in January. Kenny is OK but I think he’s a fringe premier league player at best. Need to be able to spell Seamus with decent quality this season and find the heir apparent. We got ridiculously lucky with Digne who replaced Baines without missing a beat.
  7. He objectively did. He had 12 goals and 7 assists in one season with Newcastle under Rafa but he was there on loan. Rafa will have now managed him on 3 different teams so he clearly thinks he can do a job.
  8. He’s not really from the Chinese League though given he’s performed well in England and our manager is very familiar with him.
  9. I think it’s a sign of us taking a different approach (partly out of necessity) and not forking out the extra money and putting ourselves in a tricky financial situation. We balance the books this window and then next summer we can hopefully reap the benefits of being prudent. I expect next big window will be dominated by “what does Richarlison go for and what do we do with the money?”
  10. Yea I mean it’s not “bad” if we have James out there even as a part time contributor. I really expected him to go so it’s a little like a new signing for me.
  11. Iwobi now a central midfielder, I think. Townsend in. James probably not leaving.Could potentially play JPG and Allan together w/ Doucoure in the more forward role. I think the plan was always to let Gomes go but then the Siggy stuff happened. Makes me think we know for sure James isn’t leaving this window.
  12. Particularly with Gray starting so well. Though I think we will probably lose Richie next summer so this would be proactive in that regard.
  13. I do think he’s putting players in a position to have success. That said, we started well and against better competition last term so we shall see. I don’t love our chances against the top sides if we are going to cede 75% of the possession which seems possible. We aren’t good enough at the back to absorb that kind of pressure game after game.
  14. Yeah I like James in a free role in the hole there. I guess rotating him and Iwobi would work. Let’s be honest James wouldn’t play or finish every game.
  15. How would you set up our current attackers with James in the team? Seems like Richie, DCL and Gray have to play at the moment. Does he just share the spot with Iwobi? Do we go 3 at the back to accommodate them both? Genuinely curious how people see our lineup with James in the 11.
  16. Just telling you what some of the players have said. Rare for a player to put in max effort for the shirt and also have that level talent. Rarer still for a non “elite” club to have and keep a player like that. I would say Richarlison, despite his occasional petulance, is the closest we have to that type of player.
  17. I mean Niels is poor defensively at this point. He’s not cover if he can’t cover. Best for his longterm development to get regular games.
  18. I’d like to see a deep dive exploring Pickford performances for each hair style. I feel his game has improved ever since he’s gone to that Gordon Gecko look and need confirmation.
  19. There are interviews where Gylfi, for instance, is pointed to as the hardest working player on the team. Ability and effort are different. James is a far better player than those you mention but that doesn’t mean he’s putting in the work for the team. James is tolerated because his talent masks his weaknesses.
  20. There is something to be said for bringing in hungry players with something to prove. Gray is a good example of that. Of course we all want top end talent but in the interim I like how we seem to be going about our business given the restrictions. What it will also mean is that bringing in 3/4 cheap guys will give us more room to operate when we do go for the next Richarlison type.
  21. He’s all smiles all the time. He’s a good looking millionaire footballer with a huge worldwide following that doesn’t get asked to defend..what’s not to be happy about? He came for Carlo and Carlo is gone. Can’t see him staying by choice though I wouldn’t expect him to rock the boat if a deal doesn’t come off. More likely he makes 17 appearances, sometimes as a sub and has lots of little “injuries”.
  22. Yep. Man City’s bench would probably make Europe as another example. Just how it is when you outspend the rest of the world for a couple decades.
  23. In fairness Chelsea has much better players and bench than most squads. Lukaku was once third string there, for example.
  24. Was just gonna say this. He is almost like a defensive James in that he looks all-world when the system suits him but if he’s asked to do more than he’s comfortable with he can be a liability. Good on Rafa for putting him, Docoure, Gray, Iwobi etc.. in positions to be successful so far.
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