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Everything posted by SpartyBlue

  1. One thing to keep in mind is that he came up through the youth ranks for Arsenal. Could very much be a "fresh start"type opportunity for him to stretch his legs and grow.
  2. Trump’s administration has been a sieve for stuff like this coming out so it seems plausible to me. It also corroborates quotes attributed to people who worked closely with him at one time or another. Just this week it’s been reported that the administration limited information on domestic terrorism within its assessments because “it would set off the boss”. Everything I’ve read paints the picture of a group of people who feel they need to walk on eggshells around Trump on issues that anger him (Russia, the darker corners of his base etc..). Beyond that, some administration officials have been directly quoted as saying they feel the need to protect the country from his worst impulses. Consider the Mueller Report where there are multiple instances of his subordinates simply ignoring his demands because they felt they were crazy or potentially illegal. The historic turnover in his administration further makes the case that it’s a chaotic, difficult environment to work in (even for the west wing). I wonder who will play him in the eventual Disney+ series about his time in the White House. Perhaps Daniel Day Lewis would be willing to come out of retirement and portray a second famous Republican President.
  3. I suppose I don’t know enough about Iwobi to say whether he can do a job in the press. I worry about Bernard size’s resulting in getting worn down over a long season so, at worst, Iwobi should give us another option there if and when that happens.
  4. We all do. I think of a winger as something of a luxury for us so if he adds anything that’ll be a bonus. Plus it allows Bernard to probably play more of a super sub role where I think he will thrive.
  5. Oh man, maybe he will be the polarizing figure we lack with the departure of Gana. Great job by Brands to get someone in for that vital role immediately.
  6. Arsenal opinions seem pretty divided. I think they all recognize his talent but he apparently lacks some end product. Quite a few think he could be a good #10. He definitely will add creative flair. This will come down to whether that will ultimately result in production. Not there yet but at 25 or 26 who knows.
  7. I think everyone should be happy with this. Stuck to our guns. Good Window minus the CB but we must think Gbamin can do in a pinch until January so I'm not gonna ding them too bad.
  8. This. Should be alright until January barring some bad injury luck
  9. This seems to prove what I'm speculating about. Obviously, he's had a falling out with the higher ups at the club. We simply don't know the details of that relationship or who is in the wrong. I'll agree that if he refuses to play for them now it would be unprofessional but until that happens I'll give the benefit of the doubt to him as he's given a lot to that club.
  10. I don't put too much stock into reports like this as we don't know what went on behind the scenes. Perhaps he was promised that they would accept any reasonable offer and then management didn't follow through. It will be interesting to see if we go back in for him in January.
  11. For the prices quoted I’d prob rather take a shot on 23 year old Iwobi who is talented and may develop further and use that extra money in the future. Will be interesting to see if that move happens or we just stand pat until the next window. Winger seemed like a slight luxury position for us so I’m not too concerned if we don’t bring one in.
  12. I don’t want to make this completely about Trump but I suppose some mention is unavoidable. Of all the things I find alarming about him one of the most disturbing for me is that he simply doesn’t like to read. It’s been confirmed on many occasions that intelligence reports have to be boiled down to a single page in many cases with lots of visuals and he still gets bored and often doesn’t pay attention.
  13. I can never decide how the Premier League compares to American sports in terms of compensation. Salaries are significantly lower in most cases. For instance in baseball a decent pitcher is gonna be $10m-$15m and that can rise to over $30m for the top guys. Basketball is similarly absurd where avg starters command $100m contracts. That being said we don’t have transfer fees which is obviously where a lot of the funds go in football.
  14. Ha. I’d like to believe that but it would not surprise me if many people explain it away to the point where it doesn’t significantly effect his legacy. I mean sure a lot of the founding fathers owned slaves but it was just a sign of the times, man..
  15. You're not wrong. The job is being able to process information from (presumably) expert sources and making the best decisions you can. Of course that system breaks down if you ignore their information and their advice and decide to just wing it.
  16. There was a small amount of sarcasm there.
  17. Fair point. Luckily we have a system where any presidential candidates are thoroughly vetted by their competitors and by the media. If they are found to be unqualified for the job of president they have no chance at all to win an election.
  18. Even better for me as I only have to wait until noon here in the states
  19. I'll believe that when they win something...anything. Georgia always seems to me the most likely one to knock Bama off their perch.
  20. it's amazing how little qualification you need for some locally elected positions. I was watching something on the problems we have with coroners/medical examiners in this country that was pretty disturbing. In one case the sheriff of a town was also the coroner and routinely didn't bother to do autopsies when a death involved an officer. Apparently, in most places you just have to be 18 with no felonies.
  21. Full disclosure first, I attended MSU. Harbaugh is definitely starting to feel some heat about his record vs his two main rivals but I can't imagine he's going anywhere. He's a legend there and has had success on both the college and NFL level. Who are they gonna get that's a better fit? Short of Saban deciding to head north again I think he's pretty entrenched. My boys are pretty hard to gauge. We were pretty decimated by injuries last season. We will be better no doubt and we have a lot coming back but it's hard to give a prediction. I learned years ago not to doubt Dantonio so it wouldn't surprise me if they surprised me. This is a great time of year for sports. The start of football and the start of futbol. Anyone in the SEC a threat to the big dogs?
  22. That's very interesting. I believe the ERA is still open for ratification and if I'm not mistaken i think they are up to 37 states and need only 1 more. Looking at you, Alabama. Haha, I kid.
  23. Looks good as an attacker/crosser from what I've seen. Not sure on his defense but French International so can't be too bad.
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