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Everything posted by SpartyBlue

  1. This idea that guns are inanimate objects and as such they are not a relevant factor in shootings is just so inherently flawed. By this childish logic biological weapons also don't kill people and so should be accessible to the public. The U.S. constitution is an insightful document but men who lived 250 years ago can only be expected to see so far. Those who fanatically cling to it's words without considering a modern context are missing one of the main principles of the document. You're supposed to be able to amend it as we have done many, many times. Were this not the case, 75% of adults wouldn't be able to vote, as one example. The second amendment was intended to ensure a well regulated militia so that the population could overthrow a tyrannical government if necessary. Does anyone think this is remotely plausible today? The founding fathers could not conceive of a world with planes much less tanks and nuclear weapons. While the intent of the amendment made a lot of sense at the time it's been outdated for more than 100 years and it's modern interpretation has directly led to the mess we have today. I'm not naive enough to think we are going to get rid of guns in America but common sense restrictions and regulations (which are supported by a significant portion of the voting population) is the bare minimum we should be doing. The position of those who are against gun restrictions would be more coherent if they were also for allowing citizens to own bazookas and nuclear submarines. At least then it would be consistent with the intentions of the founders and not so intellectually dishonest.
  2. We will find out in 3 short days :).
  3. It’s certainly a thought that if they were going to sell at all it would involve players coming back given their lack of time in finding replacements.
  4. It just seems suicidal that they would let him go with no time to replace but I suppose crazier things have happened (not much crazier, mind you).
  5. Yea that’s perfect. Even if he’s decent we could decide to go after a long term Coleman replacement.
  6. Reagan has had a bad week so I'm not sure he's the one I'd prefer at the moment. Jean-Phillipe Roosevelt maybe. He's a big fella who would look at home on a bull moose.
  7. This could be a factor. A good, solid RB addresses our immediate concerns while still allowing for Kenny to develop or a big future signing. It seems very sensible to me.
  8. Ignoring the age thing for a moment, I think the immediate financial considerations are getting lost here. We have spent a good bit already and have some players on the squad whose wages we may or may not be able to get off the books. Beyond that we've been attached to some large bids on wingers in this window and will want to bring in a CB most likely. I really doubt we'd have the ability to bring in a 23 year old RB who could come relegate a still very solid Coleman to the bench without spending a ton of money. Assuming that we can't just launch endless 40m bids on players, it makes a lot of sense to me to get a good RB for relatively cheap and address the future of the position in a couple of years when we will presumably have more available funds.
  9. We are, apparently, by signing a good RB with international experience for the World Champs who is nearly 4 years younger than our current guy at a time when Coleman still has something left.
  10. I'm anticipating the moaning when our team looks almost exactly the same as last year for Palace with the exception of MS (probably) for Gana if Delph isn't healthy.
  11. He's also been training with better strikers than Costa at Juventus.
  12. He looked fine towards the end of last year and his been good this preseason. Whether it's one year or three it makes sense to get a solid RB in place now and look for the next big thing when that time comes.
  13. Agreed. Not every move is going to be (or should be) earth shattering. If this happens it strikes me as a good, sensible piece of business. If Coleman starts to slip in a couple years then we can start looking for "the future".
  14. Coleman is still at a level where it's probably not easy to buy a player who is a definite upgrade without spending big. We are spending a lot this window so I think it makes a lot of sense to bring in someone of a similar level without breaking the bank. No reason to do everything all at once. He seems like he could, at the least, push Seamus and sometime in the next 2-3 years we can find that long term replacement without feeling any panic. He obviously will no Digne as well which is a positive.
  15. Not all ( or even mostly) about age and sell on ability. Even so, he's close to 4 years younger than Coleman as his birthday was last week. Would give us some quality in the position for at least 2-3 years by which time Seamus is likely to be going the way of Baines. When that time comes we can look for "the future". We have quite a young squad now, I wouldn't want everyone we bring in to be 22.
  16. How do you know the reasons they all signed? It’s fine to speculate (that’s half the posts on any forum) but at least qualify it with “I think” because none of us really knows unless something is stated by the players themselves.
  17. He’s not a CB based on what? What information do you have that suggests he’s incapable of playing that position? He’s clearly been brought in primarily as a DM but I wouldn’t be so quick to rule other positions out before he even trains with the club.
  18. Much better for us. I imagine Juve would love a fixed buy-back clause.
  19. If we decide to sell Kean than Juve has the ability to match whatever offer we’ve received. It would still require Kean agreeing to the move. From our end it matters very little. From their end they at least get a chance to match the price and bring back a talented player who came through their academy.
  20. . Always gonna be question marks with his and relative inexperience at the top level but he certainly has all the tools. Strong, fast, good technically, good finisher, good positional sense. The aspect of his game that gives me the most confidence is his physicality. He uses his body very well to shield the ball and hold off defenders or burst between them. That’s something that should translate well. He deserves time to adjust to the league and develop at his own pace but what an exciting signing.
  21. I read that as well. I like to read the other forums when we are linked to a player and while some of their fans concede that selling him was a necessity given his contract situation and desire to play 1st team football consistently they are all in consensus that he has huge (100m+) potential and are disappointed to see him go. There are a large % that are absolutely livid at his departure/the fee. Make of that what you will.
  22. Not an unreasonable thing to worry about but with that thought in mind the only players you’d feel good about are proven premier league strikers and that is a very short list.
  23. We need someone as depth/competition but I don’t think it’s a vital position given that no matter who comes in Mina is gonna get his shot.
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