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Sir McGiven

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Everything posted by Sir McGiven

  1. Haha, it is awesome. Good idea to let imagination and drawing skills flow.
  2. What I was trying to say more like no such system can avoid corruption, no matter how strong they look theoretically, instead of comparing the US to the UK on this. I have limited knowledge of both systems so cannot make a valid argument here on these specific systems. I live in Turkey. For me, both systems are better than our corrupted system. So...
  3. I don't know if anyone here were collecting stickers for Panini albums. I used to do that when I was a little boy, it is digitalized now, lol. I am just leaving the link below here for who may enjoy. https://paninistickeralbum.fifa.com/game/
  4. selfish, careless, undisciplined, his career so far reminds me a bit of Ricardo Quaresma. even if he is cheap, huge risk.
  5. I am not so familiar with the US or UK system like you guys at all but the only thing I know, democracy is a huge lie and I do agree with Steve on that, no system can protect us against autocratic bullies completely. Modern, educated people are in the population control cycle (many either not having kids or only one) while illiterate and blind believers, hard-core religious people are on mass production. (I do not single out any specific religion here. I am a total atheist.) Maybe we won't see it but in the next 2 generations probably, genetically -not enough- people will be in control all-around the world. It has started already. They will do many stupid things, they'll be in charge... Big data, mass media, many other features have been provided lately... We all use it, we enjoy it. This website is an example. It is not evil, 20 years ago I wouldn't think about that I can communicate with good people from miles away behind a screen. It is the PR part of this technology though. We, common folk, don't see its evil face every day. Ah, technophobia strikes back late at night. It's better for me to go and sleep. Summary: World needs another system, a new one, what we have so far are not working... Many say it will be the globalization while others say we will see the fall of the nations and people will unite under one flag. I am not sure. The world is overpopulated to do it though, one day someone will decide to decrease it to the normal amount. Until that day, I am off
  6. Well, with those legs he can only play in Qatar or U.A.E. but you know, modern country, a good contract can be offered as well. That's why. LA's sunny days maybe
  7. I think he can be tempted by a US club but don't think he'll see himself in China. Well, his experience priceless for Everton and he can inspire another generation at the club. I do think it is a good idea to keep him as a sub too.
  8. He is young, there is still a lot for him to learn. Goalkeepers' golden age starts around the age of 27-28 until the point they decide to retire. So, it is still early to judge him by his weaknesses. As long as he continues his development, he'll be there as a good goalkeeper, maybe even better. Even now he is good enough GK for Everton. I think he is a good one and a hot prospect for the future. Communication is vital of course, he is not that bad but still can get better. Thinking about best goalkeepers of 80's and 90's. What comes to my mind first Schmeichel and Kahn. Both known for their organization of defence (according to their teammates, they were even so rude in the game...). Well, our Turkish goalkeeper Rustu was a good one back then. He is known for similar attitudes. No matter how young you are, you need to let your defensive players know that you are the boss on the pitch. So they can listen to you... It is important. Rushing out, shot stopping, aerial control ability he is OK. My opinion is, he needs to work hard on these.
  9. I don't think he will be settling for the bench, do you? As long as he is ok with it, it is a good choice to keep him IMO.
  10. Not enough for Everton normally but in this circumstances, one of the best for Everton. He looks good because rest is shit and yes, he can play for top 6 teams. Anyone can play for top 6 teams but in his position, to play for a top 6 side he is a very simple DM. His chance to play for a top 6 team depends on the tactic. Only thing I know, I wouldn't go for Gana if I am able to go for Kante if I were a manager. It is a basic video, even in this one, there are a lot of differences between Gana and Kante. You can see what's Gana is missing. Again, I don't think he is good enough for top 6 or for Everton. He is a so one-sided CDM. In modern football, every position has defensive and attacking duties and Gana is really bad on the attack. But he'll do good unless Everton purchases a better one.
  11. Got it, my bad, didn't think about the common meaning because of difference. Sorry about it.
  12. This Sven Ulreich guy is a huge dumb. I don't even know how Bayern Munich couldn't find a better substitute GK than his error-prone Ulreich.
  13. 3-0 with Sam's mentality is pretty optimistic, isn'tt it? I mean, I would love to see a goal galore but just can't imagine
  14. It's just perfect. The beautiful side of football and the beautiful idea of using football's uniting power on social awareness. Damn ninjas cutting onions again...
  15. I don't think he'll ever be a top striker in EPL. It just requires some other skills but he is a decent finisher. But as long as he gets proper service, not "top", with just proper service he can easily bang 20 in a season. He just couldn't make the impact I was expecting because of obvious reasons but since he signed by Everton, I am watching every single Everton game. Shaping my calendar according to Everton's weekly schedule, so far what I see, he is not bad on and off the ball. We all agree on his lack of pace and I don't think it is possible to improve at his age but he is able to cover it with his other skills. Trying to look at the things from his point of view in the past. In Besiktas, he used to play along with both wings (Ryan Babel and Ricardo Quaresma/Gokhan Tore) as well as one person who can estimate his off the ball runs (it was Oguzhan Ozyakup most of the time). He scored enough for Besiktas and we enjoyed it but I enjoyed his off the ball movements more than his goals because it brings variety to your attacking movements and makes it harder to defend. He used to swap positions with Ryan Babel time by time to get opposition CBs out of position and make space to drill in for midfielders and Babel/Quaresma. He used to do diagonal runs while CM has the ball, to create a gap in the middle. This goal against Porto is a good example of his position swap play. Here, he swapped with either Babel or Talisca (one of them were playing at left-wing that moment, not sure) and created the goal. He eliminated the first opposition and started to run into the box with 3 defenders focused on him. Allowed Talisca to run freely from the middle (well, nr. 13 of Porto is an idiot here. He couldn't even react but still...) and with a good assist from Cenk, Talisca was able to score the easiest goal of his life. He is not that good at outside of the box playsets but time by time he can score long-distance goals. A sight will be enough for him to try. Of course, I know what he is capable of as I was watching him playing for my team for many years but that's what scouts or DoF's for, right? I know he is credited Sam for his move to Everton instead Walsh or any other scouts. So Sam was monitoring him for a while, he knows what he does, what he is good at, what he is capable to do... He was watching his matches as we did and most likely knows more than me about him. My question here is, why did you sign him if you were going to play hoof ball play FFS? He looks like a championship striker ended up in an EPL side somehow. He needs link-up plays to be more productive. He can easily do it with Walcott and Siggy. If he starts performing and find himself as a starter, with Klassen as well. I am afraid he won't be able to give what Everton's fans expect as long as this meaningless hoof ball tactic continues. It will be a disappointment both for him and the fans but under a manager with some attacking sets in his box, he can easily score 15-20 in a season plus 7+ assists. I can bet on it.
  16. I remember him as a promising defender while he was playing for Manu, u18 level. Sad to see he evolved to this... He is not that bad but I was expecting more to be honest. If I were Everton's manager, he would be the first player that I would love to replace with a better player as soon as sort left wing and central midfield.
  17. Stats give you only on the ball information. Successful tackle, pass, shoot on target, dribble etc... Off the ball movement is part of the game and actually an important part of the game. Stats are not showing it. I am not saying stats are rubbish or something like that but to see all aspects of a player or a game, you need to see off the ball movements as well.
  18. Looks like I have triggered another Gana discussion unintentionally In general, I don't think he is a fine player for a side like Everton. He can be an useful substitute for his energy and tackles in the second half, like Niasse. It's my opinion, he is a one-sided player but in the modern football and the league where Everton aiming for at least EL, it is not enough. Here, I underline, the Everton I used to know. As that Everton is not recognizable right now and there are many other positions needs urgent additions, Gana is not the biggest problem in the squad. Winning the ball from the opponent is a thing for his position but delivering the ball accurately right after is what makes the difference IMO. I don't think the problem with Gana is about tactics. It can be said for Cenk (can't play as a lone striker, needs service from sides and mid) or Walcott but not for Gana. It is more about fundamentals. He is better than Morgan in any way.
  19. I have voted for Cenk as for the game changer goal, that's all, not a bright performance but surprised about comments after Gana's performance yesterday. Maybe I missed something but he was ok/good defensively, terrible offensively. I know the offence is not his first duty but some basic passes in the critical part of the field were inaccurate which could have caused serious dangers against better sides. Additionally, he was out of position many times. His tackles were spot on though.
  20. Shame on you Evertonians. *Cough* attention whore alert *Cough*
  21. The commentator said it is because of the head injury from the last game.
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