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Sir McGiven

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Everything posted by Sir McGiven

  1. My only hope about this match is the post-match interview with Sam. I hope he will announce that he won't be the manager next year. I agree but it is not only Gana. Gana + 3 central defenders. It is funny the team is playing with 3 central midfielders + 2 defensive midfielders in the middle and West Ham found the gap in the middle then scored. It is like half of the team covering middle and still conceded a goal...
  2. Lol, drowsey Keane. Where were you looking at mate?
  3. Just let Niasse collide with Cenk and merge them into one proper striker. Pacey, enthusiastic, finisher striker.
  4. I am not sure if I am doing a favour but... Here you go. (if you mean this of course, maybe "link" has another meaning, not sure lol)
  5. The team is sitting so deep on def. Disgusting and painful.
  6. To be honest this guy is making me nervous. Latest tensions in the Middle East because of his actions. Of course, there is always a tension in the Middle East, beside his existence, but he looks like he is up to pull the trigger. I don't know if he is right about thinking about his nation's benefit, I don't even know if it is going to be a benefit, or he is just running around like a headless chicken... Whatever the USA does, affecting the whole world... So, it really scares me. So many mass destruction weapons stored under the grounds, it all awaits for a madman to turn the key.
  7. Haha, it is clever actually. Turkish people good and very creative at this kind of useless things. There is no limit what we can do for the things we love but the things we love is stupid most of the time.
  8. Well, you can set new records by adding "apart" and ruling out every defeat then.
  9. I think it is not "He was never wanted here but needed" but more like "He was never wanted here but no other reasonable human being was available at the exact moment and you know the rest of the story". There are a lot of managers like him around the world who manages all mid or bottom table teams in their career constantly. They are always well-known public figures, well-connected in the business so they can get any job when the opportunity arises, might have some cup or play-off successes somehow. In my country, there are some names exactly like this. Sam is one of them, English version of them. Correct me if I am wrong, he has no significant success in his career, his name was mentioned in 3 investigations and one caused his National Manager post. His football style, his tactical approach is designed over "save the day" mentality, is old-fashioned AF. I'll give him that, he is good at promotion/relegation battles or good at keeping mid-table teams around mid-table but the point is Everton, not a relegation team. They have struggled, they have been guideless but the core inside the club is not about "relegation". He helped the team to climb up on the table, good for him. But his post and after match statements, his treatments of players and the fans were always like he is managing Bolton again, Notts County or any other team. I'll admit that again, he is a good handler but not the kind of manager you'll want to see around more than one year. You can not build a team according to his plan. His plans are all about sucking your life energy with a party pooper attitude. He is not dumb tho, he knows fans hate him, he knows his days are limited at Everton and he trolls everyone. I mean look at this tactics, look at this squad selection. You are safe at 8th place and after a silent half, converting your tactic to 5 men defend + 2 defensive midfielders? Wtf does that mean? What are you trying to achieve? I'll tell you what, let's watch the games under his reign together again, see the gaps between midfield and forward, calculate it together and invent a game together: "Let's guess how much will it cost us if we take a cab between the sides of the gap of midfield and forward". Like Besiktas alone was not enough in my life, I support another carcinogenic club now lol. Proud of myself. I'll die young.
  10. "Yes, it is correct. You achieved what was expected. Thanks, bye." It is not hard to say.
  11. The person who made me love this game. I hope he recovers well. According to the latest updates, the operation was successful. https://twitter.com/ManUtd/status/992846759645925376
  12. Pickford was faultless today but my vote goes to Niasse. He brought energy to the team, it did not last long but he kept trying. Pickford and Niasse, rest of the team was an example of shame.
  13. I feel really sorry for Soton and their fans. They were the better side, the result is pretty unfair. They have their own fight, they fought well as opposed to big fat chicken Sam... They were disappointed big time... I really feel for them. Shame on you Sam.
  14. Thank God I am not Moshiri. I would have sacked Sam right now, during the match. I would have shown him the exit gate... 5 Def. against a relegation side? You fucking dumb. P.S. Sorry to use the same "r" word again... I'll change my keyboard settings to change it something else if i mistakenly type it again.
  15. Take Bolasie off, Niasse On. Davy for Vlasic. Pickford Coleman - Keane - Jags - Baines Gana - Davies -Morgan Davy Niasse - Cenk
  16. 3 starter midfielders cannot send a single, basic accurate pass. 2 wingers - 1 is a total fail and another one is a ghost. You don't have any other winger on the bench to replace. Sam Allardyce is winning Everton supporters' hearts again. What a lovely fat fella.
  17. Gosh, the ball is bouncing and he is not even moving... He watched the ball go out slowly. Bolasie, you are terrible...
  18. So after these results, Stoke officially relegated, right?
  19. Oh, I totally forgot about this beautiful song but I like its newer version with new lyrics and title or as some say "follow-up version". This;
  20. It would be great. More pray more miles, convert your Economy to Business Class
  21. In my dream earlier today, which was a very weird dream anyway, I was arguing with someone in a café and saw the score on TV. It was 3-1 with a hat-trick from Tosun. I don't think it is going to happen, but I will be watching the game for a possible hat-trick from Cenk today. Ha!
  22. AS Roma invested a lot of money for Cengiz by considering him Salah's successor, he is still young and promising, performing better than the expectations on his first year, I don't see them let him leave cheaply.
  23. Another skills & assists & bla bla video collage from this year: And a bonus:
  24. i'll leave it here for now, my top one but gonna add some more later
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