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Everything posted by Hafnia

  1. Vaughan is a good impact player IMO, against a tiring defense a more than useful option
  2. Hafnia

    Arsenal (Away)

    Arteta is doing ok, Billy is just holding onto it and losing it
  3. Hafnia

    Arsenal (Away)

    Let's rile them! Expect one of theirs to get an early bath!
  4. Hafnia

    Arsenal (Away)

    Nope it came off their man
  5. Hafnia

    Arsenal (Away)

    Fabregas needs a reducer after that, dirty git
  6. We will be called Ebayton soon enough
  7. JADED: The end result of having a steady flow of negative experiences, disappointment, and unfulfillment fed into a person where they get to the point where their anger circuits just sort of burn out and they accept disillusionment. How true...
  8. Your right, why imagine stuff? The transparency we are so fortunate to be privvy to makes imagination and assumptions redundant. Sensible points- Or points you are more likely to be more receptive to?
  9. Point I was making is that another club feel that they can grab our captain for 1.5m!? Regardless of a sale, the offer is a complete joke and should be treated with the contempt that they show us. The vultures are circling an injured lion, Harry has already nibbled a piece and got away with it, he clearly fancies more. We are operating like a league one outfit, unable to bring in anyone on loan whilst three of our strikers have gone out on loan in recent weeks. Ah yes, we've just signed a Greek seamus Coleman, more like moyes has used his last quid to buy another lucky dip...
  10. Let the firesale begin. I said a while ago it will be a matter of time before other clubs realise they can pay less than the going rate for our players. Maybe Mr Pienaar has informed his new boss of the hand we are playing - we are skint!!!. Get this board out!
  11. Reminds me of John cravens newsround
  12. http://translate.google.com/# Bit of creative fun....
  13. I think we are going to sign dulce mierda todos Spanish.
  14. Tony hibbert, I love his clinical finishing he's a fox in the right handside of the box.
  15. http://www.toffeeweb.com/season/10-11/comment/mailbag/17036.html Some interesting points
  16. Hafnia


    Anyone aware of whether the protest took place in the park end before the match?
  17. I think many fans are starting to feel apathetic, the cause of it is that despite nearing the sort of quality we require to compete again we have been let down. To constantly have optimism and passion doused by zilch net spending, players leaving the club and empty promises, it can drive the most loyal of fan to despair. Apathy is a defence mechanism, created more often than not by the sub conscious to ward off further pain.
  18. Still not sure about this "where you at the game" mentality, which is required to justify opinion... Fair play for spending the money etc, but it adds no more weight to an opinion unless you were there to scout a player. For me Saha was ok, just needed support of another striker, he held up the ball very well IMO.
  19. Coleman and Baines are in the same team?
  20. Hafnia


    Proud of the lads there, apart from the hoof ball every now and then (Neville....)I thought we played some really good stuff. Felli > Baines > Coleman for me. Arteta looked ok, on the right path but nowhere near his standard as yet. Felli is like a gun dog, the second the ball gets into a cul de sac, he is there ready to take it off the player and switch or move it to a man in space. They should play tapes of him to kids who feel the need to run around like headless chickens, he picks the space, controls it, looks after it and passes, simple as that. Would not surprise me to see some European big hitters sniff around him if he continues, which is why we need new owners (that's another story) Coleman getting up Coles nose was a treat, i'm sure I seen Cole giving him some verbals, 1 minute later Coleman is flying through his back to get the header where he nearly scored. Great attitude.
  21. Hafnia


    Don't believe that,
  22. Hafnia


    Felli running it, want Billy to start having a dig at goal
  23. Success for me is winning something to add to our honours list, in 1995 we won the FA Cup (16 years ago), that was the last success we had and it was under Joe Royle. I believe what you are referring to is performing above expectations - that is not success. Our expectations are set by the dire financial situation we find ourselves year after year - so really yes he has exceeded. In the "present" climate - Moyes is being paid more money than any other manager relative to turnover - he is about the 6th highest paid manager in the league. The point is, this thread should not be about Moyes, it is the people who should be arming him with the money to challenge his peers. Moyes is very well reimbursed for what he does, which is Top 6 wages for "having a go on a shoe string" - having a go on a shoe string is not enough, the expectation needs to rise, and that comes with the responsibility of managing a war chest not a piggy bank. Managing a war chest is not going to happen under current ownership - therefore owners out.
  24. £60k a week says Moyes does need Everton. I don't think the current status is about Moyes and Everton, it is about the Board and Everton. Moyes is paid top 6 wages but is operating on a lower half budget - there is a discrepancy there in itself - pay a manager more for needing to operate on less? Moyes wages are almost like protection Money for the board, the press need to get away from the "David Moyes is poorly done to" routine - he is being paid vast sums for operating a bring and buy outfit. The answer is that the board need Moyes and Moyes has managed to use that to get a good salary on lesser expectations than similar paid managers.
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